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Cody Rhodes Retains WWE Title at Saturday Night’s Main Event, Wears Winged Eagle Belt

Posted By: Patrick A Ganczewski on Dec 14, 2024

Cody Rhodes Retains WWE Title at Saturday Night’s Main Event, Wears Winged Eagle Belt

Undisputed Championship Main Event Match: Cody Rhodes(c) vs Kevin Owens

We see Greg "the Hammer" Valentine and Koko B. WareJesse "the Body" Ventura! I think. He's sitting with them at the table right now, at least, as of 9:33pm. Finally after another vignette hyping their feud, Kevin Owens makes his way out at 9:37pm to a healthy amount of boos. At 9:43pm, Cody makes his entrance wearing the Winged Eagle championship belt! It was retired in 1998 by Steve Austin. WHOA-OH! Our main event--and program--should end about 10pm. We're reminded that Cody Rhodes was part of the last Saturday Night's Main Event back in 2008. We get the bell at 9:46pm and Owens immediately channels his inner Eighties Heel by rolling out of the ring to big boos. Cody finally pursues and a chase-and-pursuit engages, culminating with Cody Rhodes hitting a dive to the outside on Owens. He lands awkwardly on the ankle injured just last week on Raw, but manages to take the action back inside. Owens again flees to the outside and Cody again follows. Owens hits an Orton move on Rhodes, says "hi Randy" into the camera, and we go to a picture-in-picture break at 9:49pm!

Throughout the commercial break, Owens completely dominates the champion and focuses his attacks on Rhodes' injured ankle. He uses working holds to twist the ankle. Rhodes begins to battle back shortly prior to the end of the commercial, and winds up battling Owens on the turnbuckles as we return at 9:52pm. Owens sends Rhodes slightly to the side, causing the champ to crotch himself. Owens follows it up with a Swanton off the top and covers for a close two! Cody begins to battle back, hitting his Dusty combo of strikes to drop the challenger. Owens chases Rhodes into a corner and bounces back off of it, right into a snap Powerslam from Rhodes! Rhodes hits the Cody hits a Cody Cutter for a close cover of his own. Cody pounds the canvas and waits for KO to rise. Cody looks for another Cody Cutter but KO rolls out of the ring and Cody stops the move--possibly tweaking his knee or ankle in the process.

Owens takes it outside and clears the top of the commentary table. Owens takes Rhodes on top and Cody hits an RKO outta nowhere! RKO! RKO! Cody takes it into the ring and hits a Cody Cutter off the middle turnbuckle, covering for a 2.9! Owens just gets a shoulder up and Cody is not a happy camper. Cody takes Owens into the corner and they battle for a period on the turnbuckles. Owens hits a Fisherman's Buster off the middle ropes, covering the champ for a close cover of his own. Owens rises and waits for Rhodes the rise, then kicks him in the gut. Owens looks for the Stunner but Rhodes slips out and looks for the Cross Rhoads. Cody escapes but crashes into referee Charles Robinson! Owens covers for the three but there's no ref! The crowd loudly counts to at least eight before another ref makes it out. Eddie Durango replaces as ref and covers, but Rhodes kicks out. After a lengthy period, Cody hits a Superkick on Owens! Cody looks for a Cody Cutter but Owens dodges and he hits the ref! The second ref is down!
Owens heads outside and gets a steel chair. Owens takes it inside and swings--and misses! Cody counters with a Cody Cutter! Cody grabs Owens and hits a Cross Rhodes on the chair! Cody throws the chair out of the ring to hide the evidence! Charles Robinson is up, saw none of it, and counts the three! Cody picks up the win with some pseudo-heel tactics at 9:59pm! After the match, Ventura and commentary discuss this blatant use of heel tactics that will get face-washed by Monday.

Your Winner AND STILL Undisputed WWE Champion, Cody Rhodes! (13 minutes)

WWE Saturday Night's Main Event Results (December, 14, 2024)

Welcome to Saturday Night's Main Event! It's Saturday, you know what that means. Time to engage in some good ol' fashioned eighties-style [...]

— Patrick A Ganczewski Dec 15, 2024 01:30AM

Source: rajah.com
Tags: #wwe #saturday nights main event #nbc #results #cody rhodes #kevin owens

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