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Producer Brian Gewirtz on Why 'Who Killed WCW?' Will Stand Out from Previous Documentaries

Posted By: WrestlingNewsSource.com on May 20, 2024

Producer Brian Gewirtz on Why 'Who Killed WCW?' Will Stand Out from Previous Documentaries

The story of WCW's demise has been extensively documented, particularly in the WWE-produced documentary "The Rise and Fall of WCW." Consequently, some viewers might not expect Vice's upcoming series "Who Killed WCW?" to offer any new insights. However, producer Brian Gewirtz assures that this series will stand out from previous renditions.

In an interview on "The Masked Man Show," Gewirtz emphasized that Vice wouldn't have greenlit the series if it were just a rehash of old narratives. To differentiate this documentary, the creators interviewed individuals who were directly involved during WCW's decline.

"They're not buying it if it's the same old, same old... We interviewed top Turner executives and have them tell their story unfiltered. That's really, at the heart of the matter, the relationship between Turner broadcasting and WCW. We got Brad Siegel and top WCW and Turner executives. Ted Turner's son is interviewed. We got the big names. Bret [Hart], Kevin Nash, Goldberg, Booker T and Sharmell, [Eric] Bischoff, [Vince] Russo, DDP, Konnan, David Arquette, Madusa, and we have The Rock speaking on it from a 'This is what we were seeing on the WWE side.' But we truly wanted to tell the 'real story' of WCW from the people that were there and not the WWE version."

Gewirtz also mentioned that Guy Evans' extensively researched book "Nitro: The Incredible Rise and Inevitable Collapse of Ted Turner's WCW" inspired the series. Evans interviewed several top Turner executives for the book, many of whom haven't participated in any WWE documentaries, ensuring "Who Killed WCW?" will present a broader array of perspectives.

Additionally, Dwayne Johnson is producing "Who Killed WCW?" for Vice TV. The four-part docuseries is scheduled to premiere on June 4.

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— WrestlingNewsSource.com May 20, 2024 02:32PM

Tags: #wwe #wcw #who killed wcw #brian gewirtz

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