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WWE Monday Night Raw Results - February 3, 2025

Posted By: Patrick A Ganczewski on Feb 03, 2025

WWE Monday Night Raw Results - February 3, 2025

Tonight on RAW, CM Punk takes on Sami Zayn in a Qualifying Match for The Elimination Chamber, Iyo Sky locks up with Liv Morgan in a Qualifying Match for The Elimination Chamber, The winners of the 2025 Men and Women's Royal Match - Jey Uso and Charlotte Flair will be on RAW and more!

Live Results at 8/7 C.

RAW opens with clips of Sami Zayn, CM Punk, The Judgement Day, Iyo Sky, and Charlotte Flair walking backstage and arriving to the arena. Clips from the Royal Rumble are shown as well.

Jey Uso makes his way to the ring, YEETING. Uso gets on the mic and holds it for like five minutes and says nothing. He finally thanks everyone and says he doesn't know what to say and says he's been in the WWE for 15 years with his brother, and then talks about The Bloodline and says these are cool chapters in his career. He talks about how he had to build confidence and he now has all the confidence. He says he's worked really hard to get to this spot and thanks everyone that helped him get here and because of everyone he's the 2025 Royal Rumble Winner and now he'll main event Wrestlemania. Gunther makes his way out and says he's disappointed because facing Jey doesn't appeal to him. He tells Uso that he can't even lace Gunther's boots - he says he's always in control and he refuses to do this with Uso again. He says Uso has no idea what it means to hold the title. He says beating Uso won't add to his legacy - but beating Cena or Punk would add to his legacy. He says Uso has everything to gain and he has everything to lose. He tells Uso if Uso chooses to face him at Wrestlemania every week will be hell for Uso until they get to Wrestlemania. He'll put Uso down like a diseased dog. He advises Uso to look at his other options, drops the mic and starts leaving and Uso asks him to hold up. Uso says he's tired of people telling him what he can do and can't do. Uso says regardless of who he chooses he will walk out as Main Event Uso and he will be the champ.

Clips of The Royal Rumble Post Show with Cena are shown.

Match 1: Ludwig Kaiser -vs- Penta

The bell rings, Kaiser gets Penta in the corner and kicks him down and stomps on him. Penta clocks Kaiser with a kick and hits a hurricanrana. Kaiser kicks Penta in the ribs and chokes him on the ropes. Penta throws Kaiser out of the ring and then kicks him on the apron. Penta goes to the air and Kaiser stops him with a punch. Kaiser hits a death valley driver on the apron and get a commercial break.

Back from break, Kaiser has Penta in a headlock on the mat and Penta fights his way to his feet and punches Kaiser. Penta chops Kaiser and Kaiser counters a headscissors and hits Penta on the back of his head and then unleashes a series of punches on Penta. Kaiser clotheslines Penta and covers for a two count. Kaiser kicks Penta in the chest and Penta asks for more so Kaiser kicks him again. Penta chops Kaiser over and over again. Penta hits a backstabber and covers for a near fall. Penta kicks Kaiser in the corner and then hits a handstand gut kick and covers for a near fall. Kaiser punches Penta and Penta returns the favour and both men trade chops and punches. Kaiser kicks Penta and elbows the back of his neck. Penta throws Kaiser over the ropes and flips out of the ring onto Kaiser. Kaiser gets back in the ring and Penta goes on the top rope and hits a cross body and covers for a near fall again. They go back to chopping each other and Penta kicks Kaiser in the head twice and Kaiser hits Penta with the Kaiser Roll and covers for two. Kaiser rolls up Penta and Penta counters and puts Kaiser in "The Sacrifice". Penta hits the Penta Driver for the win.
Winner: Penta

After the match, Jackie Redmond talks to Penta and asks what WWE should expect next. Before Penta can tell us, Pete Dunne comes out and Kaiser attacks Penta from behind. Kaiser slams Penta's head to the mat and leaves the ring. Pete Dunne stares down Kaiser as he leaves.

The Judgement Day is backstage and Finn Balor is scolding Dominik Mysterio. Liv Morgan comes to Dom's aid and says things are coming back in order for Judgement Day. She tells Balor that Dom got Balor in the qualifier match.

Charlotte Flair comes out to the ring, and we cut to a commercial break.

Back from break, Flair is in the ring and addresses the crowd. She says a year ago she would be upset getting boo'd but she missed the crowd. She says last year sucked and broke her mentally and physically. She says wrestling is life and will embrace the boos because she loves everyone. And the reason she loves everyone is because she's the greatest in history so boo her now. She fought everyday to get back in the ring because she loves wrestling and it's her passion. Rhea Ripley interrupts Flair and makes her way to the ring, Flair mouths "hello old friend" to Ripley and Ripley gets on the mic. Flair says she was trying to have a moment but, Hello Mami. Ripley says this is her show and now there is a possibility to go to war again and that she respects Flair and asks her to pick Ripley to face at Wrestlemania because last time they met at Wrestlemania Ripley beat Flair. Flair reminds Ripley she beat Ripley the first time they faced off at Wrestlemania. Ripley she was a kid back then and Flair says she'll go to NXT and see if she wants to face Giulia and she'll go to Smackdown to see if Stratton is who she wants to face. She says since Ripley came out and asked for the shot shows Flair that Ripley is still a kid. Ripley says that shows Flair doesn't respect Ripley so please pick Ripley so she can beat the respect into Flair.

Jackie Redmond talks to Sami Zayn about his match against Punk tonight. Redmond asks him about Kevin Owens and he stops the interview and approaches Jey Uso. Uso apologizes for throwing him out of the Rumble. Zayn says he's proud of Uso and to not apologize. Uso wishes him luck for his match and leaves. Karrion Kross asks Zayn why he doesn't work for himself but he is here to help everyone. Zayn says if Kross continues this there will be a problem. Kross says he isn't a problem but he can be.

Rhea Ripley walks backstage and comes across Iyo Sky. Sky says maybe she'll meet Ripley at Wrestlemania. As Sky walks away Liv Morgan attacks Sky and Ripley comes to her aid and Raquel Rodriguez attacks Ripley and leaves. Ripley and Sky tend to their injuries.

Match 2: The New Day (Kofi Kingston & Xavier Woods) -vs- The LWO (Rey Mysterio & Dragon Lee

Woods and Lee start the match. Kingston tags himself in and Lee is double teamed. Kingston and Lee fight in the corner and Lee hits a cross body off the top rope and then a standing hurricanrana. Lee kicks Kingston and covers for a one count. Mysterio is tagged in and Kingston is double team and kicked a few times and Kingston kicks out of a pin. Woods is tagged in and Mysterio is double teamed. Woods stands on Mysterio in the corner. Mysterio hits a poisonrana off the turnbuckles and then punches Woods in the corner. Lee is tagged in and kicks Woods and covers for a near fall. Woods tosses Lee and tags in Kingston. Kingston and Lee are perched on the top rope and Lee slinks under Kingston and kicks Kingston's chest while Kingston is caught in the corner. Logan Paul comes out and Lee and Mysterio get distracted and Woods and Kingston take them out and we get a commercial.

Back to the action, Paul is at the announce table, and Woods beats on Lee in the ring. Kingston is tagged in and Lee is double teamed. Kingston gets on the top rope and hammers down on Lee and covers for a two count. Kingston pounds on Lee and throws Lee on the apron and tags Woods who lands on Lee's back as he's laid out on the ropes. Lee is able to hit a sitout powebomb on Woods and both men are laid out. Mysterio and Kingston are tagged in and Mysterio throws Kingston around the ring. Kingston kicks Mysterio in the face and Mysterio sets Kingston up for the 6-1-9 and Woods pulls him out of the ring. Kingston is taken down by Mysterio and Logan Paul gets in Mysterio's face. Mysterio pushes Paul and Lee hits a hurricanrana on Woods. Paul hits Mysterio and throws him in the ring. Kingston hits Trouble in Paradise and gets the win.
Winners: The New Day

Cathy Kelley talks to CM Punk backstage. She talks about his match against Zayn to qualify for The Elimination Chamber. Punk says he'll win and he has to get changed for his match.

Match 3 - Elimination Chamber Qualifier Match: Iyo Sky -vs- Liv Morgan w/Raquel Rodriguez

Sky charges at Morgan at the bell and fight spills outside. Sky slams Morgan against the barricade and the ring and sends Morgan into the ring. Sky kicks and beats Morgan to the mat and covers for a quick one. Morgan kicks Sky down and covers for two. Morgan hammers down on Sky's back and splashes into her in the turnbuckle. Morgan hits a basement dropkick and covers Sky for a near fall. Morgan kicks Sky and Sky flips across the ring and dropkicks Morgan. Sky gets thrown out of the ring and runs into the ring and elbows Morgan. Sky punches Morgan out of the ring and then flies over the ropes onto Morgan and we cut to commercial.

Morgan kicks Sky as we come back from break. Morgan then does the Three Amigos on Sky. Morgan misses a kick and Sky takes advantage of it and kicks Morgan to the mat. Sky clotheslines and dropkicks on Morgan. Sky goes up top and hits a missile dropkick on Morgan and rolls Morgan on the ground and stomps on her stomach and then covers for two. Morgan hits a backstabber on Sky and Sky slaps Morgan in a cross face and then kicks Morgan to the mat. Sky goes for a moonsault and Rodriguez distracts Sky allowing Morgan to beat on Sky. Morgan and Sky are outside the ring and Sky German Suplexes Morgan outside the ring. Sky hits a springboard moonsault outside the ring onto Morgan and the both go back in the ring. Sky climbs the ropes and she jumps into a codebreaker. Morgan covers Sky for a two count. Morgan gets kicked on the top rope and Sky hits a top rope Hurricanrana on Morgan. Rodriguez distracts Sky again allowing Morgan to get out of the way. Sky hits a German Suplex on Morgan and Rhea Ripley comes out and beats up Rodriguez. Morgan attacks Ripley and Ripley punches Morgan disqualifying Sky.
Winner by DQ: Liv Morgan

After the match, Sky yells at Ripley.

The War Raiders are being interviewed backstage and American Made comes up to them and tells The War Raiders that The Creed Brothers will challenge them. Gable says he has to leave and go on a mission and when he comes back they better all be champions.

Seth Rollins comes out to the ring and welcomes us to Monday Night Rollins. He says he has a lot to talk about and we will love some of what he wants to talk about and some of it we will hate. He says he's happy and proud of Jey Uso. He talks about Punk losing the Rumble. He then talks about Reigns losing at the Rumble and that he may not make it to Wrestlemania at all. He says Reigns is hurt, he says Reigns has only ever hurt people and would have done the same to Rollins. Rollins says he did Reigns a favour. He then talks about himself. He says he lost the Rumble and it hurts his heart but luckily for him that's in the past and there are many paths to Wrestlemania and that road will go through the Elimination Chamber. He talks about Sami Zayn and calls him out. Zayn comes out and Rollins tells him that he knows they've had a rough couple months but his future has Punk in front him. He tells Zayn that Punk thinks he's not on his level. He tells Zayn he's levels above CM Punk and that Zayn deserves to be in the chamber. Punk comes out and Rollins tries to attack then but they get broken up.

Match 4 - Elimination Chamber Qualifier Match: Sami Zayn -vs- CM Punk

The bell rings and the men lock up. Punk takes down Zayn with a shoulder check and covers for a one count. Zayn throws Punk in a head lock and takes Punk down with a shoulder check. He covers Punk for a two count. The men trade takedowns and roll on the mat for a bit. They trade slaps and fight against the ropes. Punk chops Zayn and Zayn turns it around and chops Punk. Punk attacks Zayn's arm and shoulder and slams his body into Zayn's shoulder. Zayn is knocked down onto the mat and Punk then chops Zayn. Zayn comes back and punches Punk and chops him. Zayn takes down Punk with a clotheslines. Punk is chopped in the corner and Zayn punches Punk. Punk then punches Zayn and hits a swinging neck breaker on Zayn. Punk gets in the top rope and Zayn meets him and hits a superplex on Punk.

Back from break Punk works on Zayn's arm some more. Zayn hits a tornado DDT and then tries to suplex him and Punk punches out of it. Punk goes for Go to Sleep, Zayn counters and tries for Blue Thunder Bomb. Punk goes for a bulldog and Zayn hits a Blue Thunder Bomb and gets a near fall. Punk hits DDT and Punk runs into the ring post. Zayn goes for the Helluva Kick but Punk rolls him for a two count. Punk throws Zayn in a submission hold in the middle of the ring and Zayn is trying to fight out of it. Punk stomps on Zayn after Zayn breaks the hold. Punk kicks Zayn against the turnbuckle and kicks him again. Zayn attempts an Helluva Kick and Punk moves out of the way. Punk tries for Go to Sleep and Zayn counters and rolls up Punk and the ref counts two when it was three but ok. Punk punches Zayn and Zayn comes back and punches Punk. Punk gots for GTS and Zayn counters again and hits an exploder into the corner. Zayn goes for the Helluva kick and runs right into a GTS and Punk covers and wins.
Winner: CM Punk

After the match Punk and Zayn shake hands and as Punk is leaving Kevin Owens runs in and beats on Zayn and hits the Package Piledriver on Sami Zayn as the show fades to black.

Source: rajah.com
Tags: #wwe #raw #results #netflix

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