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Thanks to our live coverage partner Rajah.com for the results.
The show starts with clips and highlights from New Years Evil.
At ringside, we see Oba Femi struts his way to the ring. Femi says he has arrived and now it's time for him to take his rightful place on the throne. He says normally you'd have the champ come out and say "I never believed I could do it", but he always knew he could do it because he's backed by destiny. Femi says he's going to rule how he sees fit. He gives Trick Williams his props but says Williams had a ceiling and he doesn't have a ceiling. He discusses Eddy Thorpe and compares him to a cockroach. He issues Thorpe a warning and tells him to annoy someone else in the locker room. This brings out Tony D'Angelo - The Don congratulates Femi and tells Femi that it's The Don - 2, Femi -1 and he needs to remember that D'Angelo is the one man that beat him. He says when he challenges Femi and wins, he will be the double title Don. Femi tells D'Angelo to focus on his North American Title which now brings out Ridge Holland who has a framed picture of him dressed as Santa Claus beating up D'Angelo. D'Angelo jumps out of the ring and attacks Holland and while this happens, Eddy Thorpe runs in and attacks Femi from behind and lays out Femi. Thorpe poses with the title.
Ethan Page is backstage name dropping The Rock and saying he had a moment with him. He tells Dante Chen that he can smell the jealousy off of him. Chen is choked about what Page did to Je'Von Evans. He tells Page he's gonna settle this in the ring and he'll go talk to Ava.
Jakara Jackson and Lash Legend are show arriving to the arena earlier today. We also see Roxanne Perez and The Unholy Union walking backstage.
The women exchange body holds off the bell and Shotzi gets Vaquer on the mat and in an wrist lock. Vaquer flips out of the hold but Shotzi gets her back in the hold. The women flip around putting each other in holds and then break to pound fists as a sign of respect. Vaquer flips Shotzi around and covers her for a near fall. Shotzi rolls up Vaquer for a near fall. Vaquer slaps on a submission hold but Shotzi counters out and gets Vaquer in a submission hold. Shotzi rolls up Vaquer for a two count. Shotzi uses the rope to choke out Vaquer and then gets on the top rope and hits a high cross body and covers but Vaquer kicks out. Shotzi kicks Vaquer in the face but Vaquer takes her down with a leg sweep. Vaquer then catches Shotzi between her legs and slams her head against the mat.
We come back from break and Shotzi hits a top rope hurricanrana on Vaquer. Shotzi follows this up with some knee strikes and covers for a near fall. Vaquer kicks Shotzi in the face and hits Eat Defeat on Shotzi. Vaquer misses a strike at the ring post and Shotzi runs at her and hits a rolling bomb onto Vaquer. Shotzi hits a suplex and almost gets a three count. Vaquer hip tosses Shotzi into the turnbuckle and then hits a meteora on Shotzi and she covers for two. Shotzi counters out of Vaquer's finisher and Jacy Jayne comes down to the ring and both Vaquer and Shotzi beat her up. Fallon Henley smokes Vaquer in the back with her belt letting Shotzi get the win.
Winner: Shotzi
Backstage several of the women's roster are talking backstage. Kelani Jordan is upset she lost her chance at being champ. Zaria tells Jordan to learn from this and Cora Jade comes in and tells Jordan that she'll be champ before Jordan is again. Jordan slaps Jade and we cut to commercial.
During the break, Stephanie Vaquer hunts for Fallon Henley. She crosses paths with Ethan Page motions for her to smile and we follow Page to ringside for his match.
Oba Femi runs to Ava and tells her he wants Eddy Thorpe. Ava says she isn't rewarding Thorpe. Robert Stone tells Femi that Thorpe is getting what he wants. Femi lifts Stone and slams him agains the wall. Ava agrees to the match next week.
Page attacks Chen before the bell. The bell rings and Chen attacks Page with solid right hands. Chen unleashes strikes and kicks on Page and gets him down on the mat. Page trips Chen sending him into the ropes and hits a neck/facebuster on Chen for the win.
Winner: Ethan Page
After the match, Page attacks Chen. Page slams Chen's foot against the steel steps and officials come out to the rescue. Je'Von Evans comes out and starts beating on Page. Page punches Evans in the face and he drops holding his jaw. Page taunts Evans standing above him telling him to smile.
After the match, Page attacks Chen. Page slams Chen's foot against the steel steps and officials come out to the rescue. Je'Von Evans comes out and starts beating on Page. Page punches Evans in the face and he drops holding his jaw. Page taunts Evans standing above him telling him to smile.
Oba Femi walks backstage. Dion Lennox congratulates him and says one day he'll challenge him for the title. We see Shawn Spears talking to Adriana Rizzo. Izzy Dame comes by and tells Spears to screw off. We see Karmen Petrovic and Ashante "Thee" Adonis making up and making out.
A superstar profile for Giulia is shown.
Sarah Schreiber is backstage with DIY. They tell Schreiber that they're here to see what Fraxiom is capable of up close and personal. They assure us they're not here to cause any problems or shenanigans.
Jackson and Fyre start the bout and Fyre gets Jackson down with a wristlock and arm lock. Jackson uses the ropes to break the hold and Fyre chops Jackson. Jackson comes back with her own slap and the women slap each other. Jackson takes down Fyre and both Legend and Dawn are tagged in. Legend lifts Dawn with wrist lock and clubs Dawn in the face. Legend squishes Dawn in the corner and tags in Jackson who attacks Dawn as well after taunting Fyre. Jackson covers Dawn for a one count. Jackson takes down Dawn with a flying forearm and jumps on Dawn and covers. Dawn kicks oout and Legend is tagged in. Dawn is double teamed and Legend covers for a near fall. Dawn starts with punches on Legend, and Legend smokes her. Fyre cheap shots Legend and Fyre is tagged in and they double team Legend. Dawn is tagged back in and she pummels Legend in the corner. Fyre tags herself in and chokes Legend with foot to the throat. Legend knees Fyre and Dawn comes in and is slammed down. Jackson is tagged in and she gets on Legends shoulders but Fyre trips her up, sending Jackson into the turnbuckle. Fyre hits a headscissors on Legend sending her out of the ring. Fyre sentons onto both the Meta-Girls and we cut to commercial.
Dawn brings Jackson in the ring and chokes her. Fyre is tagged in and she goes to town on Jackson and keeps her from tagging out to Legend. Jackson rolls up Fyre for a two count and then is clotheslined down and covered by Fyre. Jackson is double teamed in the corner and Dawn is tagged in and she slams Jackson onto the mat and places her in a camel clutch. Jackson powers out but then ends up getting double teamed in the corner again. Jackson tries to tag out but is stopped. Fyre is tagged in and she stops Jackson from tagging. Jackson connects with a kick and tags Legend. Legend delivers a huge chop to Fyre and slams Dawn who tries to get a quick shot in on her. Legend flapjacks Fyre onto Dawn. Fyre is chokeslammed and Dawn breaks the pin. Legend gets her knees taken out by Fyre. Legend clotheslines Fyre and slams Dawn. Jackson is tagged in and she gets on Legend's shoulders and jumps off onto The Unholy Union. She covers Fyre for a near fall. Legend is taken out on the apron and Jackson is double teamed in the corner. Dawn hits a backstabber and Fyre hits a senton and covers but Legend breaks it up. Legend is taken out again, and Jackson hits an inverted XFactor on Dawn. Fyre is tagged in and Legend is blind tagged in. The Meta-Girls hit a blockbuster to get the win.
Winners: Jakara Jackson & Lash Legend
Backstage, Lexis King gets his plates put on his Heritage Cup and Ava congratulates him. Wren Sinclair and Charlie Dempsey come by, Demspey congratulates him and Sinclair talks about King running into Dempsey's crotch to get the win. Ava says they should have a rematch when commotion gets Ava's attention. She runs out and sees D'Angelo and Ridge Holland fighting.
Masha Slamovich - the TNA Knockouts Champion is in the crowd to watch this match.
We get the bell and the women smack talk each other and then shove each other. Jordan connects with a drop kick and mounts Jade and punches her. Jade rolls out of the ring and Jordan runs after her. Jordan takes down Jade with an elbow and splashes her and covers for a one count. Jordan gets knocked off the top rope and Jade stomps on Jordan. Jade gets Jordan tied up in the ropes and chops her. Jade hits a drop kick and stomps on her back and covers for a near fall. Jordan gets choked on the ropes but counters and rolls her up for a two count. Jordan chops Jade and Jade runs at her with a knee and covers her for a two count. Jade throws Jordan in a chokehold and Jordan punches her way out of it and hits a back suplex on Jade. Jade and Jordan trade punches in the ring - Jade elbows Jordan and misses a kick allowing Jordan to take down Jade. Jordan hits an XFactor and covers for a near fall. Jordan stomps on Jade's stomach and then stomps on Jade in the corner. Jordan beats on Jade in the corner with punches and Jade eye gauges Jordan and hits a double underhook DDT on Jordan for the win.
Winner: Cora Jade
Backstage, Inamura and Briggs approach Fraxiom and say they're next for the titles. OTM pops by and say they should be asking them for a title shot as they'll be the new champs and they tell Inamura and Briggs they'll drag them through the mud. Fraxiom leaves and OTM and Briggs/Inamura start brawling.
Backstage, Inamura and Briggs approach Fraxiom and say they're next for the titles. OTM pops by and say they should be asking them for a title shot as they'll be the new champs and they tell Inamura and Briggs they'll drag them through the mud. Fraxiom leaves and OTM and Briggs/Inamura start brawling.
Axiom and Price start the match and Price gets chopped but it doesn't affect him at all. Frazer is tagged in and Price drops him and tags in Nima. Nima covers Frazer for a two count and we see DIY watching the match. Nima shoulder checks Frazer in the corner and Frazer tries to punch him out but to no avail. Nima comes off the top rope and steps on Frazer, and Price is tagged in and covers for a near fall. Frazer connects with a kick and tags in Axiom. Fraxiom takes out Nima and Axiom kicks Price. Price clotheslines Axiom and flips him and we get a commercial break.
Back from break, Price clobbers Axiom in the corner and Nima is tagged in. Nima gets Axiom in a chokehold and Axiom fights out of it and tries to take Nima out with a crossbody but Nima rolls out and Axiom counters and tags in Frazer. Price is tagged in too and Frazer punches out Price and takes out Nima too. Frazer hits a standing shooting starpress and coovers for two. Price tags out to Nima and Frazer is thrown around. Price is tagged back in and Frazer takes out Nima and Price. Axiom tags in and Price is double teamed and Price is covered for a near fall. Frazer takes out Nima and Axiom and Frazer throw OTM in submission holds but OTM powers out and Nima throws Frazer onto Axiom and all four men are laid out. Axiom chops Price. Frazer is tagged in and Price slams both Frazer and Axiom and covers for a two count. Nima is tagged in and they double team Frazer and covers him and Frazer kicks out. Price and Axiom battle outside the ring and Nima works on Frazer's arm inside the ring. Price takes apart the announce table and Price tries to slam Axiom but Axiom hits Price with a kick. In the ring, Axiom tags in and Frazer jumps onto Price on the announce table. In the ring, Axiom hits a Spanish Fly and Golden Ration on Nima for the win.
Winners and STILL NXT Tag Team Champions: Fraxiom
Roxanne Perez walks backstage to the ring, we also see a car pull up and someone get out of the car...
Roxanne Perez is in the ring and tells the NXT crowd that no one expected her to be the kind of champion she was. All she wanted to do was make the women's division special and a division people can be proud of and they've achieved that. She congratulates Giulia and she says it's what we wanted and that's sad but what's sadder is what the women's division will be without her being champ. She says without her the women's division will be lost and NXT doesn't deserve her. She says in the past we needed The Four Horsewomen and this time they only need her. Bayley interrupts Perez and tells Perez that she's on a crossroads right now. Perez tells Bayley she didn't ask her for her advice. Bayley tells Perez that the division will be fine without Perez and even tho her title run was amazing, NXT is bigger than that. Perez tells Bayley she used to look up to her and asks her why she's here. Bayley and Perez start fighting and the show goes off the air.