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It was announced during the pre-show festivities: Eddy Thorpe cannot compete and will be replaced. The Men's ISC will start our show and the replacement for Thorpe has not yet been announced. The Women's ISC will be our main event.
We get our "Then. Now. Forever. Together." followed by a quick rundown of tonight's card over a montage of shots as various Superstars are shown arriving and around the Twin Cities. We cut to our opening vignette package.
Iron Survivor Challenge Rules: This match has a 25 minute time limit with 5 Superstars fighting for the number one contendership. Two Superstars will start us off; every 5 minutes afterwards, another Superstar will enter. Falls can be won at any time via pinfall, submission or DQ. One point is awarded for each. When a Superstar loses a fall, they're put in a penalty box for 90 seconds. The Superstar with the most points when the clock hits 25 minutes will win the match. We get our introductions. We start with Wes Lee and Je'Von Evans and get our opening bell at 7:09pm EST.
Lee and Evans start off fast, with both Superstars looking for early pinfalls and points. Booker T discusses their entrance position on commentary, and reminds us that these two young talent will not be nearly as fresh as the fifth entrant into this match in roughly fifteen minutes. Wes Lee takes an early control over Evans and slows the pace, using strong strikes to weaken down Evans as the round goes on. (Is this a round? A period? Weigh in below.) Evans looks to mount a comeback with under a minute left, but Lee hangs on. Lee manages to use the ropes for leverage, cheating at 4:55 into the period and gets a point. Lee 1, everyone else 0. Nathan Frazer enters our match at 7:14pm. Je'Von Evans enters the penalty box.
Frazer hits the ring on fire, flying across the ring as he takes it to Lee. The two battle to the outside, brawling until Evans' 90-second penalty box stay is over. Evans takes it right to Lee, taking him out. Evans and Frazer take it into the ring and battle it out, with Evans nearly getting a point after a beautiful twisty spinny kick on Frazer. Lee makes the save, only to eat a serious of attacks from Evans. Evans covers Lee after a big improvised suplex slam, but fails to get the cover. Booker T criticizes Evans' use of big, stronger moves as they'll sap his endurance. Evans heads up top and knocks Lee to the outside. Frazer runs up the turnbuckles and engages Evans. The two engage in cat-and-mouse style tactics and kill a lot of time. Evans is sent outside and lands on Lee, but Lee uses his momentum to drive him into the floor. Frazer looks for a suicide dive on both men; his foot catches the rope but he mostly pulls off the move to a big "NXT! NXT! NXT!" chant from the Minneapolis crowd.
"All Ego" Ethan Page enters the chat at 7:19pm. He struts down to the ring, only to be almost-immediately rolled-up by Frazer for a quick pin! Lee & Frazer 1, everyone else 0. Page does not want to go into the penalty box but is sent in by Evans. FWIW: no 5th man has been announced yet. Evans, Lee and Frazer begin a three-way on the apron and in the ring, with each man assisting another at differing points in double-teaming the third. Frazer looks for a cover but no joy. Page is shown fuming in the penalty box. Frazer and Lee engage, with Frazer hitting a spinning cutter before ascending the ropes. Frazer hits a spinning splash off the top as Ethan Page is released from the box. Page quickly attacks the vulnerable Frazer, rolling him up to get a pin. Lee/Frazer/Page 1, Evans/Mystery Opponent 0. Frazer enters the penalty box as Evans and Page begin to battle.
Evans nearly picks up a pin on Page but fails to follow through after a blocked cutter. Frazer exits the cage and all four men clash, laying each other out. At 7:24pm Oba Femi enters the match! All four men are in shock as the camera finally pans off to show the fan favorite. Femi rushes the ring an begins to take on all four opponents, battering them around the ring. Frazer gets a boot up as Femi charges, and Page starts to brawl with Femi. Chaos ensues, leading to Oba Femi picking up a quick point on Wes Lee. All tied at 1. Wes Lee enters the penalty box and we're at the 20 minute overall mark. Lee eventually enters and all five men continue their brawl. Frazer, Lee and Evans begin to work together to tackle Oba Femi. At one point, two even hold his arms and all unload on him. Femi drops to a knee but the big man won't stay down. Femi endures the three-on-one assault for several moments, then begins to fire back.
Femi drops everyone, only to have Ethan Page roll him up from behind and steal a point! Page 2, everyone else 1. Oba Femi enters the penalty with 3.5 minutes left--he'll have at most two minutes to try to catch up. Je'Von Evans and Ethan Page attempt crucifix pins on each other, with Je'Von picking up the point! Evans & Page 2, everyone else 1. Page does NOT want to enter the penalty box with Oba Femi but the ref literally forces him into the doorway, where Femi yanks him inside! "Me and you," yells Femi, and Page begs the ref to let him out. Page attempts to climb out of the penalty box but Femi drags him back in! Femi begins to unload on Page in the penalty box. Femi exits the penalty box and the pace picks up. Multiple superstars look for quick pins. Femi begins to unleash hell on his opponents. Frazer and Lee work together to try to take out Femi, only to eat a double-chokeslam! Oba Femi covers both with an arm each and scores TWO points! Evans quickly throws an arm over them, too, but time expires! Femi 3, Page & Evans 2, Lee & Frazer 1>. Oba Femi wins at 7:34pm!
Your Winner and Iron Survivor, Oba Femi! (25 minutes)
We get the NXT Underground theme (yep, has its own theme) and a bunch of black-clad NIL/PC trainees surround the ring. The ropes have been removed for this match. We get a vignette hyping both competitors ahead of entrances. Lola Vice is out first, followed by Jaida Parker. We get our match start at 7:50pm. We're reminded of the rules: the ref is only there to check for a knockout, submission, or ref stoppage. There are no countouts and no pinfalls. As soon as the bell sounds, Vice charges Parker and takes her down to the ground, unloading a flurry of fists. Parker escapes eventually and tries to fight back, only to be sent to the floor. Vice dives off, taking the attack back to Parker and the duo crash into the commentary table. Parker fights back, taking it back into the ring. Parker uses a series of scoop slams, channeling her inner Hogan, to rock Vice. Parker with a powerbomb attempt but Vice holds on, picking the arm and converting it to a triangle hold! Parker throws rights in an effort to break the hold. Vice weakens the hold as she gets her left arm up to protect herself.
Parker hits a weak one-arm bomb to break the hold. Vice pops back up and starts unloading fists and kicks, dropping Parker to a knee. Vice continues to pummel Parker until Jaida catches Lola's leg, then stuns her with a big elbow. Parker pounds Vice on the ground. Parker finds herself in an ankle lock from Vice and begins to scream. The ref checks her but she won't tap. Vice keeps the hold locked in for the better part of a minute, with Parker screaming in pain as she crawls around the ring. Parker grabs one of the NIL talent and he asks her "what do you want me to do?"
Vice breaks the hold and unloads with more strikes on Parker, sending her from the ring. Vice charges Parker, but Parker side-steps and Vice smacks the ring post! Parker and Vice battle along the ringside apron area, with Parker focusing her strikes on Vice's hand. Parker wedges Vice's hand under the ring somehow and hits it with a big running attack. Vice takes it back into the ring, using elbow smashes to weaken up Vice. Parker again focuses on Vice's right hand, taking off the protective glove before stomping on it. Parker puts the glove on and continues to lay into Vice. Vice rises to her feet, only to continue to endure the assault from Parker. Parker retrieves Vice's pink belt (think: a really long black bet, but pink) and begins to use it to dominate Vice. Parker lashes one end of the strap around Vice's injured right hand, and wraps it around the ring post. Parker uses the belt to wrench Vice's hand until Vice pulls the belt, tug-o-war style, to force Parker's face into the ringpost.
Parker and Vice take it back into the ring. Vice starts her comeback sequence, using the pink belt to attack Parker. Parker rallies, hitting a back drop to shut down Vice's offense. Parker retrieves the steel steps and sets them aside. Parker pulls Vice across the steps and hits a big move off the top. Vice manages to rally, again attempting a comeback. Parker continues to dominate for a few more moments until Vice picks up the win after a fast finish at 8:02pm!
Your Winner, Lola Vice! (12 minutes)
The NQCC is represented by Myles Bourne & Tavion Heights. We get a lengthy video after a quick backstage promo, in which Frazer is shown battered and busted-up. It's clear Axiom will have to carry this match. The NQCC, with Charlie Dempsey, is out first. Our champs are out next, with Frazer clearly not even close to optimal condition. Axiom starts us off with Heights, and we begin a lengthy period in which Axiom has to battle both members of the challengers. Axiom looks for a tag at some point but Frazer "isn't quite ready" per commentary. Heights uses his size advantage and background to slow Axiom down repeatedly with working holds. At some point OTM make their way down, distracting both teams but mostly Frazer. Frazer enters the match but finds himself easily dominated. Bourne shows some potential with a few wicked moves and snap spots. Frazer's time in the ring proves he's a liability to his team, as he constantly finds himself on the business-end of working holds. Heights impresses throughout the match with big powerhouse-style moves. Frazer and Axiom rally late, and take control after Axiom counters a double-team attempt into a Canadian Destroyer, then quickly rolls up Myles Bourne to pick up the win at 8:29pm!
Your Winners AND STILL NXT Tag Team Champions, Fraxiom! (15 minutes)
After a lengthy vignette for both CM Punk's return a year ago at Survivor Series, and one for this match, we get our entrances. Ridge is out first to a chorus of boos. The champ is out next and welcomed warmly. We get our bell at 8:47pm! Ridge and Trick clash, with Ridge almost immediately going for his finisher, only for Williams to escape. The champ battles the challenger into the corner and back out. Ridge takes the champ down, only momentarily. For the opening several minutes, neither man takes a firm control. The action spills to the outside, and commentary repeatedly mention a "shift" in Trick--with Booker T even stating Williams is in a "fight for his life." Williams begins to take a stretch in control as soon as I type the above, hitting a Stinger splash on the challenger. Williams goes to the well one time too many and Holland catches him in the corner, slamming the champ into the mat. Holland begins to stomp away at Williams' neck and back as the crowd boos.
Williams gets a brief respite as Holland slows the pace and taunts him. It doesn't last, however, as Holland hits a quick suplex to ground the champ, dropping him on the back of his neck again. Williams holds his neck as the ref checks on him. The ref has to issue a couple of warnings as Holland uses the ropes for leverage to apply pressure to Williams' neck. Holland takes a lengthy stretch in control, focusing his assault on Tricks' neck. A beautiful neckbreaker leads to a two-count for the challenger. Holland positions Williams on the turnbuckles in a Tree of Woe, then stomps him in the gut. Holland slides outside, grabs Williams' neck from behind, and begins to wrench it backwards as the ref counts a warning. Holland heads back inside and hits a diving shoulder block to the champ, still stuck in the Tree of Woe. The ref issues a warning to Holland, and he stops just shy of the five-count warning.
Holland gives the champ space, then closes in and continues to torture him in the Tree of Woe position (suspended upside down in the corner). Eventually Williams falls out of the Tree position. Holland resumes working on Williams' neck, hitting another neckbreaker and again following it up with a pin attempt. Holland taunts the crowd and continues to work over the champ at 8:57pm. And just as soon as I type those god-damned words, Trick begins his comeback sequence. The champ is on fire, dropping Ridge with move after move after move. Williams with a big Urinage to Holland! Williams covers but Ridge powers up a shoulder. Ridge rallies, planting the champ with a huge Jackknife-style driver. Holland follows it up with a second slam, covering the champ for two.
As commentary question what Trick has left in the tank, Holland begins to climb the turnbuckles. Holland heads all the way up top and dives off for a splash. Williams rolls out the way at 8:59pm! Trick with a spinning kick for a close cover! Ridge again powers out, barely. Both men post up in opposite corners and decide to charge each other, looking for a running high kick at the same time. Williams' kick connects and he covers for a two. The action spills outside. Holland gets the upper hand and begins to demolish the commentary table. Holland pulls Williams up onto the commentary table, but the champ shuts that shit down with a back body drop to the ringside floor! Williams takes it inside but Holland attacks, causing Williams' head to get stuck between the middle and third ropes guillotine-ish! He struggles for a few moments, with the ref assisting him, until he escapes. Holland and Williams clash again in the center. Holland shoots and misses; Williams counters with a Trick Kick and the Trick Shot to pick up the win at 9:02pm!
Your Winner AND STILL NXT Champion, Trick Williams! (15 minutes)
At 9:14pm, we get our rules breakdown and the entrances begin. The previous twelve minutes were nothing but vignettes. Giulia is out first, followed by No Quarter Catch Crew's Wren Sinclair. We get our bell at 9:17pm. The first five minutes were a waste of my life; you're welcome, I ate that bullet for ya. Both women do moves, and things, but it's a very slow pace with little action. Multiple working holds are interspersed with a few back-and-forth pin attempts that net nothing. Overall, I guess Giulia dominated that period. Wren did an inside cradle, that was cool I guess. At 9:22pm, Sol Ruca enters the match and begins kicking ass. Ruca easily overpowers everyone, taking down both easily to a huge pop. Sinclair eventually gets Ruca down and hits one of the most impressive-looking improvised arm submissions I've seen at 9:23-9:24pm. Giulia hops up and slaps a submission on Sinclair at the same time and the trio break. All three hook up for yet another three-way move, ending in simultaneous jawbreakers. Sinclair gets Ruca down and again locks on another arm submission, wrenching the arm back incredibly far. Giulia drops Sinclair and slaps on a knee bar. Ruca hits Giulia off and slaps on her own submission on Sinclair!
Giulia quickly rolls up Wren Sinclair at 9:27pm and picks up the pin. Giulia 1, everyone else 0. Seconds later, Zaria enters the match. Zaria quickly rolls over Ruca and Giulia, powering them over briefly. Ruca quickly hits a double running bulldog on Zaria an Giulia but they both roll out of the ring before she can cover! Wren Sinclair exits the penalty box, rolls in the ring, eats a Sol Crasher and heads right to the penalty box at 9:29pm! Sol Ruca & Giulia 1, others 0. Ruca and Zaria begin to battle it out while Wren resumes her night in the penalty box. Ruca and Giulia begin to battle Zaria to the outside, then work together to powerbomb Zaria through the commentary table! Ruca and Giulia take each other other out just as Wren Sinclair exits the penalty box. Sinclair realizes her opportunity is at hand and tries to pick up Zaria to get her in the ring but can't. She unfortunately can't get Ruca or Giulia in, either, and fails to capitalize on it!
Chaos ensues as Ruca and Giulia battle with Sinclair. Ruca takes out both, then takes Sinclair into the ring and attempts a cover. Sinclair kicks out and sends Ruca to the apron. Ruca hits an inverse Tarantula lock but Giulia breaks it up. Giulia with a cover on Ruca to no avail. Stephanie Vaquer enters to a huge pop at 9:33pm. Vaquer quickly takes down Ruca, Zaria and Sinclair. As Vaquer attempts a cover but Giulia makes the save. Both women square off and the crowd comes alive, but boo loudly as Zaria breaks up the moment. Zaria cleans house, using her power to drop everyone. Giulia hops up on Zaria's back at the 17 minute mark, looking for a sleeper, and Steph jumps up on Giulia's back! Giulia shrugs off Steph, dropping her in the corner. Zaria ultimately shakes Giulia off, sending her crashing into Vaquer. At 9:35pm, Zaria pins Giulia. Giulia/Ruca/Zaria 1, Wren/SV 0.
Sol Ruca gets a chance dominating the match, dropping everyone. Sol pulls up Sinclair but Zaria wipes them both out with a moonsault off the corner! Zaria covers but can't pick up a cover. Giulia is shown exiting the penalty box and all five go at it. Giulia with a headscissor takedown on Zaria, then sends a charging Ruca into her. Giulia quickly dodges and counterattacks on Wren. Giulia heads up top and we're at our five minute warning. Giulia with a missile dropkick/double senton combination, dropping Ruca and Wren with a missile dropkick and splashing back onto Sinclair with a senton. She covers but gets nada. Giulia stays on fire, driving Sinclair into the mat and covering for another two. Steph makes the save, so to speak. Steph clears house, leaving just herself and Giulia. They grab each other's hair and begin headbutting each other, paying homage to the legendary Chris Benoit. Vaquer takes control, grabbing Giulia's head between her knees and slamming it repeatedly into the canvas! We're at two and a half minutes left in this match (9:39pm) and all hell breaks loose. Multiple superstars hit the ring, taking out each other. Steph pins Wren Sinclair at 9:40pm! Sinclair 0, everyone else 1.
Giulia and Vaquer begin working together to double-team Sol Ruca, but she fires back and takes them both down with a double diving clothesline! Ruca fails to cover, however. We're at one minute left and Sinclair finally exits the box with 50 seconds left. Sinclair charges Ruca, who looks for her finisher. Sinclair rolls Ruca up and steals a point at 9:41pm! Five-way tie, 30 seconds left! It gets insanely chaotic; Giulia rolls up Zaria for a pin. Steph begins rolling Giulia up but time expires before she can get the three! Giulia 2, everyone else 1.
Your Winner and Iron Survivor, Giulia! (25 minutes)
Thanks to our live coverage partner RAJAH.com.