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Thanks to Mike Malkasian of Wrestling Headlines for the following results:
Live from the Liacouras Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania! Tony Schiavone is standing in a ring full of the good guys of the AEW locker room, as he welcomes Private Party to the ring. The chants of “you deserve it” ring out through the arena as Private Party waits their turn to speak. Private Party said they were going to be champs this year, and it took them a long time, but they did it. Quen says they want to thank the Young Bucks for making them earn it. What’s next for Private Party? Anyone and everyone, as Private Party calls out FTR to their faces and FTR responds in kind. However, the Outrunners are the voice of reason and quell the animosity.
Renee is in the back with The Acclaimed. Max looks a little… somber. Bowens congratulates Private Party. Caster says they’re not going to stop coming for the titles just because it’s Private Party and not The Young Bucks. Caster says the fans haven’t taken to Private Party like they have The Acclaimed, and Caster has the money to prove it. Caster also has MVP’s card, and Bowens wonders why. Hmm…
Arm drags by Thunder as Harley rolls to the outside and stands there… watching Thunder hit her with a baseball slide. Thunder hits Cameron with a tombstone and then goes old school on the guardrail, but Cameron crotches her. Cameron puts Thunder through a display at ringside and stays in control throughout the commercial. Double hair whip and both women are down. Thunder makes a table from two chairs and puts a sugar skull Styrofoam display across them. Cameron hits Thunder with a pinata and suplexes her through the Styrofoam (that’s a real sentence) for two. Cameron sets Thunder up on a chair and looks for a dropkick but Thunder moves and Cameron eats chair. Thunder blasts Cameron with a chair a few times and then puts a garbage can on her, before kicking it repeatedly. Thunder sets a table up in the middle of the ring and uses it to springboard off of, right into a tree of woe dropkick. One, two, three.
Winner: Thunder Rosa
Rating: *3/4. Sloppy from start to finish, the weapons looked awfully cheesy, but at least the final dropkick spot was cool.
Big boot by Fletcher to start. Fletcher uses his strength early and Komander tries to fire back with some overhand chops, and does. Komander looks for a double jump… something, but Fletcher pushes him off the top and to the floor. Fletcher rolls to the outside and powerbombs Komander on the apron! Fletcher is in control as we go to commercial break. Back from break and Komander comes off the middle rope with a big Sliced Bread! Komander follows up with a suicide dive but Fletcher catches him and shrugs him off. Fletcher then boots Alex Abrahantes in the face as Komander walks the ropes and moonsaults to the floor! Back in the ring, Spanish Fly by Komander gets a two count. Komander looks for a moonsault off the top but Fletcher hits him square in the face with a pair of boots! Last Ride into a Liger Bomb by Fletcher gets two. Tiger Driver attempt but Komander hurricanranas out for a two count. Springboard poisonrana attempt by Komander but Fletcher holds on, both guys go over the top rope, land with Fletcher on his feet and Komander on his shoulders… poisonrana on the floor! Solita del Sol on the apron by Komander! Moonsault back in the ring by Komander only nets a two count. Lariat by Fletcher and a running leg lariat in the corner. Komander escapes a buckle brainbuster and hits a double jump destroyer! Fletcher rolls to the outside and Komander walks from the far turnbuckle and comes off the top with a corkscrew plancha. Komander rolls Fletcher back in the ring and wants the rope walk Shooting Star Press, but Fletcher crotches him on the top rope. Sheerdrop brainbuster! Running leg lariat in the corner and the top rope buckle brainbuster finishes this one.
Winner: Kyle Fletcher
Rating: ****. Yep, overrating the heck out of this but Kyle Fletcher is a damn superstar. Komander held his own here and it was a heck of a performance, but Fletcher’s star is rising.
Fletcher grounds and pounds Komander after the bell, but Mark Davis (Dunkzilla) is here to make the save, as the former Aussie Open teammates eye each other down.
Jack Perry is trying to talk to the caera, but Daniel Garcia is here. Garcia says Perry has been handed everything his entire life, and he’s a pretentious piece of trash. Perry says that he’s already fought for what Garcia thinks he’s fighting for now.
Hammer throw by Archer and some avalanches in the corner to Keys. Short-arm clothesline. Smith gets the tag but runs into a Blackhole Slam. Deadlift superplex by Cage. Powerbomb choke slam combo to Smith and this one is over.
Winners: Brian Cage & Lance Archer
Rating: NR
After the bell, the blackout and the drillclaw in stereo are hit in stereo. Cage tries to do more but the Undiputed Kingdom make the save.
Pac grounds Andretti with a side chin lock. Handspring off the ropes by Andretti into a back elbow. Andretti ducks a pair of clotheslines and comes off the top with a missile dropkick. Pac retreats to the outside but a plancha has him thinking otherwise. Mounted punches in the corner by Andretti but Pac walks out in a powerbomb position, only for Andretti to land on his feet. Enziguiri by Andretti and a springboard Disaster Kick! Falcon Arrow by Andretti gets a two count. Andretti heads to the apron and Shafir trips up the leg of Andretti on the apron. Running pump kick by Pac and an avalanche brainbuster sets the table for the Brutalizer, which finishes this one!
Winner: Pac
Rating: **1/2. Big sprint here start to finish
Jon Moxley and the Deathriders beat up on Andretti, but here’s Orange Cassidy. Cassidy says “go birds” before reminding us that he and Yuta both got his start right here. Cassidy remembers the old Wheeler Yuta, who would have never let them wrap a chair around their mentors neck. Moxley doesn’t care about Yuta and he’s being used, so Cassidy will show us how fake Moxley is in two weeks. Yuta charges Cassidy in the crowd, and he eats a Superman Punch!
Moxley and crew are furious but Cassidy is long gone, celebrating among his people.
A video package for this Wednesday’s Alistair Black vs. Adam Cole is shown.
Double jump hurricanrana by Rush to start. Rush is angry and beats Daivari down in the corner, forcing the ref to make the break and allowing Daivari to come out of the corner with a lariat. Rush escapes a fireman’s carry and uses his speed for misdirections and gets a two count. Falling reverse DDT by Daivari gets a two count. Rush ducks a clothesline and hits one of his own, followed by a Falcon Arrow for two. Daivari rolls to the outside and Rush follows up with a suicide dive on Woods, then one on Sterling. Rebound head scissors under the bottom rope by Rush on Daivari. Quick DDT by Daivari gets a two count. Pepsi Twist by Daivari but Rush ducks. Bottom rope assisted Stunner by Rush and the frog splash gets the win.
Winner: Lio Rush
Rating: **1/2. Another very quick sprint here and Rush gets his win back. Nice win for Rush but we haven’t seen Daivari on TV in… forever.
Lexy Nair is with MxM Collection and Johnny TV. TV says he’s seen it all, and MxM have “it” and if they eve want to collab… slide into his DMs.
Taylor using his strength early and a headbutt sends Strong to the apron. Taylor looks for a leg drop but Strong moves and Taylor lands hard. Baseball slide sends Taylor flying to the floor and as Strong follows up with a divin shoulder block off the apron. Back in the ring, more shoulder blocks and running elbows by Strong before a clothesline finally takes Taylor off his feet. Strong looks for an Olympic Slam but he can’t get Taylor up. Running single leg drop kick and NOW Strong gets Taylor up for the Olympic Slam! Two count. Taylor ducks a running knee and drops Strong with a big right hand. Arm trapped right into a deadlift Uranage. Big splash by Taylor! Two count. Left hand by Taylor and he wants the package piledriver but Strong fights out and catches him with a knee to the face! One, two, th-…three? Three. Taylor’s arm never came up but the referee looked like he counted 2.999.. but we’re going with the 3.
Winner: Roderick Strong
Rating: **3/4. The second half of this match, after the break, was awesome. All action with Roderick Strong reminding us that he’s an absolute animal, and Taylor, who’s one of the best ROH TV champions ever… doing the same.
Four-way contender series announced for Full Gear, with the winners taking on Private Party for the AEW World Tag Team Championship.
Back suplex into the buckle by May to start. May locks Jay into a full nelson around the ropes until the referee calls for the break. Missile dropkick to the back by May as she locks in a chin lock as we go to commercial. Jay fires some right elbows back in and a flying forearm off the ropes takes May down. Shotgun dropkick by Jay and a jackknife cover gets two. Backstabber by Jay. Two count. Running spinning leg lariat in the corner by Jay. Jay looks for an Iconoclasm but May rear naked chokes her from the top rope and follows up with a shotgun dropkick. Saito suplex by May gets two. Headbutt by May and the Regal Knee only gets a two count. Neckbreaker through the ropes by Jay and she comes off the middle rope with a Blockbuster. Two count! Queenslayer is locked in now but May somehow fights her way to the referee, and uses the momentum to cover Jay for the three.
Winner and STILL AEW Women’s World Champion: Mariah May
Rating: **3/4. Would have loved more time for the main event here, as it really didn’t quite reach that next level. Jay was a formidable opponent but it never felt like May was in danger of losing her belt.
Final Thoughts: It’s good to be back here for Collision, that’s for sure. The build for Full Gear is really in full swing and the card is starting to take shape. Orange Cassidy is emerging as the hero we didn’t know we needed while the Young Bucks absence makes way for some other tag teams to see the spotlight. Not enough good things can be said about Kyle Fletcher, as that man will be main eventing sooner rather than later. Good main event from the women as well, if not a bit underwhelming due to time constraints. 7.75/10.