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AEW Rampage Results (August 2, 2024)

Posted By: Ben Jordan Kerin on Aug 03, 2024

AEW Rampage Results (August 2, 2024)

It is Friday and AEW Rampage was recorded after Dynamite on Wednesday at the Bon Secours Wellness Arena in Greensville, SC. Our commentary team is Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, and Matt Menard.

Wheeler Yuta w/Bryan Danielson vs The Butcher

Danielson moves to Commentary after walking Yuta to the ring.

They lock up and Yuta gets a front face lock to take down Butcher. They trade chops and strikes into the corner and Yuta fights his way out. Yuta gets the octopus hold and takes down Butcher for two and Butcher adds a stomp as they break. Yuta gets a few blows before Butcher hits a shoulder tackle. He then lays in chops on Yuta in the corner then a lariat for a one count. Yuta and Butcher trade blows and Butcher bites Yuta’s head.

Butcher gets a back body drop and then stomps Yuta. Yuta is able to get a rebound strike and then forces Butcher to the floor and dives onto him. Yuta runs Butcher into the barricade and then back into the ring. Yuta misses a dive off of the second rope and Butcher gets a backbreaker for two as we go to picture in picture.

When we return to full screen, Yuta has been put on top and Butcher joins him there, and Yuta hits headbutts. Butcher drops to the mat and Yuta hits a crossbody from the top. Yuta hits a series of running clotheslines that Butcher ignores until he leaps while hitting one. Yuta gets a Manhattan drop followed by an insigiri. Yuta keeps throwing attacks and hits a German suplex with a bridge for two. Yuta stomps on Butcher's arm and then locks on an arm bar with a wristlock.

Butcher works to his feet and gets a power bomb for two. Yuta hits Butcher with a slap and that makes Butcher angry and he lays in shots. Yuta gets a hammerlock and drives Butcher into the corner. Yuta gets a bite in before the hammer and anvil elbows, and then locks on cattle mutilation for the win.

Winner: Wheeler Yuta

We get a promo from the MxM Collection and they demand a ZOOM into their faces. They say they know Private Party like their shots, but they don’t drink or do drugs and their shots are glamor shots.

Brian Cage vs The Already In The Ring Manny Lo

Cage uses Weapon X to win after three moves.

Winner: Brian Cage

In the back Renee Paquette is with Kyle Fletcher and Don Callis. Kyle says the match with MJF is personal, and Don Callis interrupts him to say there are friends, but Family is more important. Brain Cage interrupts HIM and says he beat some scrub in 30 seconds, so they should be talking to him. Kyle says if Cage wants more TV time, he can have a warm-up with him tomorrow on Collision. Cage agrees and Callis explains to Kyle that it was a bad idea.

Nyla Rose vs Harley Cameron

Harley has a mic and says Saraya will not be wrestling out of protest because of how she’s been treated by AEW and the fans. She says that Rose is in a lot of trouble.

Harley hits Rose, which irritates her. Harley charges at Rose, and Rose drops her with a shoulder. Rose then charges into Harley and drops her again. Harley is whipped into the corner, and Harley dodges and gets a couple of kicks before Rose knocks her to the floor. Rose teases a dive, but instead rolls to the floor and picks up Harley. Harley escapes out the back and shoves Rose into the ringpost. She gets in a few blows and then rolls Rose into the ring for more kicks as we go to picture in picture.

When we return to full screen, Rose slams Harley and drops the leg. Rose gets a back elbow for two. Harley gets a jawbreaker and tries for a monkey flip, but Rose puts her on top. Harley tries for the cross body and Rose catches and slams her. Rose misses a cannonball, and Harley gets a pair of running kicks for two. Harley gets a tejaris and a charge in the corner. Harley then gets a bronco buster, but Rose grabs her and gets a running beast bomb for the pin and the win.

Winner: Nyla Rose

Glad Nyla got the win here, and another week where she got to show a little of the humor she shows in her social media. If they let her be who she is, she could be a much bigger star.

We then get Private Party and they say that they will not let the MxM collective take their drive and party. They then mock MxMs poses.

Bryan Keith vs The Already In The Ring Jackson Drake

We get Keith going after Drake’s eyes, outside interference and then the Diamond Dust for the pin and the win.

Winner: Bryan Keith

In the back, Renee Paquette is with Shibata. He says that Samoa Joe and Hook want revenge on Jericho. Since he is facing Bryan Keith, and the last time they fought, Keith injured his arm, so he will injure all of Keith.

Private Party (Quen and Zay) vs MxM Collection (Mansoor and Mason Madden)

Mansoor and Zay lock up and trade arm bars. Mansoor gets a takedown and poses. They lock up again and Mansoon gets another arm bar. After Zay does the “shots” dance, Mansoort yells that he needs to take this seriously. They run the ropes and Mansoor gets a shoulder tackle and poses. Zay hits him with a standing drop-kick.

Mason is tagged in and tosses Zay to the corner and lays in chops. He then clubs Zay down and whips Zay into the ropes. Mason poses, Zay does a silly string type maneuver and then poses next to Mason, mocking him. Zay lures Mason to chase him around the ring, and Quen gets a blind tag and a drop-kick. They double-team Mansoor as we go to picture in picture.

When we return to full screen, Zay has been the babyface in peril and Zay is able to leap over Mansoor for the tag to Quen and Quen runs wild. Zay is tagged back in and they hit a neckbreaker backdrop combo on two for Mason. They then hit high/low kicks. They try for a double suplex, but Mason reverses it. MxM hit a double team on Zay for two, broken up by Quen.

All four men are down and Mansoor and Zay are up first. Zay gets a springboard DDT off the second rope and Zay gets a dropkick on Mason, so both of MxM are knocked to the floor. Zay dives and Mason catches and slams him. Quen is able to get a swanton off the top onto Mason.

Quen helps Zay get into the ring and Zay tags in Quen. Quen gets a body slam on Mansoor, and when they go to the corner, Mansoor gets a thrust kick on Zay. Mason slams Quen from the top and tags in. MxM then hits Quen with the double slam for the pin and the win.

Winners: MxM Collection

Source: PWInsider
Tags: #aew #rampage #results

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