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WWE NXT Results (7/9/2024)

Posted By: Patrick A Ganczewski on Jul 09, 2024

WWE NXT Results (7/9/2024)

NXT Heatwave fallout show features Sol Ruca -vs Fallon Henley, Tony D'Angelo defending his Heritage Cup against Lexis King, Karmen Petrovic -vs- Arianna Grace, as well a segment with Wes Lee as he discusses loss at Heatwave, and more...

The show kicks off with a recap of Heatwave from Sunday. After the recap, Ethan Page makes his way to the ring as our new champ. Page comes out with a huge smile and the title to a lot of boos and is flanked by security. Inside the ring, Page let's everyone know he's the new champ as security surrounds the ring. Page says it only took him six weeks to take over the entire brand. Page says he knows everyone hates him it's why he brought out security with him. He says he doesn't have time for delinquents and Oro Mensah comes out and is stopped by security. Page thanks Ava for banning Mensah from Heatwave so he could win in Toronto. Page makes a promise, as our NXT champion, with every ounce of him he vows to make sure no outsiders will ruin what we have - which is special. He says he is NXT, and not we are NXT and we have entered the era of ego. Trick Williams comes out and says he's not in the mood. He says he's going to get even at his rematch, which he wants tonight. Page says William's is ruining his celebration and he thanks Williams for the Trickshot and says William's isn't the guy around here anymore and denies William's rematch. Shawn Spears comes out next, and says Page owes him a thank you as he stopped William's from breaking the count. Page says thank you but says he would have won anyone. Spears calls Williams a goof and he won't allow a rematch. Je'Von Evans is out now and he tells Spears and Page to shut the hell up. Evans says he almost became champ so he should get the next shot at the title. Page goes to attack Evans and Williams and Spears go at it. Spears and Page get sent out of the ring, with Williams and Evans standing tall.

We see a clip from Sunday where Ava makes a match between Karmen Petrovic and Arianna Grace and we head to commercial.

We are back from commercial break to see Lexis King cut a promo about his match, and a response from D'Angelo via X.

Match 1: Karmen Petrovic -vs- Arianna Grace

Petrovic makes her way to the ring, and Grace is already in the ring - both women snarl at each other and our match starts. Grace takes down Petrovic and then sends her into the ring. Grace keeps taunting Petrovic and Petrovic takes Grace down. Petrovic slaps Grace and delivers some kicks to her abdomen - two count for Petrovic. Jacy Jayne and Jazmyn Nyx come down to the ring. Petrovic has Grace in a submission, and Grace counters and gets on the ropes and comes back smoking Petrovic. Grace continues to take it Petrovic and the women exchange blows. Petrovic takes out Grace who fights back but is taken down. Petrovic with a spinning kick to Grace for the three count.
Winner: Karmen Petrovic

After the match, Fallon Henley shows up and beats down Karmen Petrovic. She backs up to where Jayne and Nyx are and says she's sick of these newbies.

Backstage we see a meeting with Brooks and Ava. He apologizes for his actions and says he's got a lot of pressure being a second generation superstar. Ava says Michaels and her wanted to release him but people have vouched for him so they're giving him a second chance. Ava says Brooks needs to realize he's a superstar 24/7 and should conduct himself as such and we go to commercial break.

We are back from commercial break for the Heritage Cup match.

Match 2: Tony D'Angelo(c) -vs- Lexis King

The D'Angelo family and King are already in the ring, and we see Eddie Thorpe in a DJ booth. The match starts and D'Angelo is in control but King rolls around and breaks the hold and kicks D'Angelo in the face. D'Angelo takes down King and then hits a spinebuster after King showboats for a bit. D'Angelo is sent into the corner and King delivers some right hands but D'Angelo counters with a back body drop. D'Angelo has King down in an arm hold and D'Angelo gets thrown into the ropes and is met with a drop kick. Chops to D'Angelo in the corner, and D'Angelo retaliates with a huge chop. D'Angelo tries a Boston crab but King gets out of it, and D'Angelo tries again and gets King into a Boston crab but is saved by the bell. King tries to get a cheap shot on D'Angelo and Thorpe gets the crowd going being a DJ.

Round two starts and King gets distracted and D'Angelo nails King for the three count and we head to commercial break.

We come back and to see D'Angelo suplexing King. King fights back and starts on D'Angelo and hits a spinning neck breaker for the three count. Round 3 starts with King flying into D'Angelo with a dropkick and stomps into the corner. D'Angelo is down and King celebrates but is met with a clothesline. Both men are down and D'Angelo is up first and punches King a few times and takes him down and gives two belly to belly suplexes to King. King into the rope and counters a back body drop into a roll up for a two count. King comes flying off the rope with a flying DDT for ta two count. D'Angelo attempts a fisherman suplex but is rolled up for two again. D'Angelo hits a huge spinebuster on King for the three count.
Winner: Tony D'Angelo

Backstage, we see Je'Von Evans being beat up by Brooks Jensen and we head to commercial again.

We head back to the show and Chase U is talking and Thea Hail says she will beat Izzy Dame. Ridge Holland runs in and says he has ways to make things up for Chase U and talks about matches he booked for them. Chase U isn't too happy...

Match 3: Gallus -vs- Tyson Dupont and Tyreik Igwe

The match starts out as brawl and the men all fight outside the ring. Inside the ring, Coffey and Igwe go at. Double team by Gallus to Igwe. Dupont tags in and takes it to both members of Gallus. Coffey and Dupont are back in the ring and Gallus double teams to get the pin.
Winners: Gallus

Backstage Kelly Kincaid interviews Trick Williams - Williams says he may need to look for a tag partner since Evans was taken out by Jensen.

Wes Lee makes his way to the ring and we head to commercial.

Wes Lee comes out to the ring as we return from commercials. He comes out slightly somber and grabs a mic. Lee gets an ovation and the fans chant for him - he says hes had some rough couple of days. He says he was sure he'd beat Femi but Femi was the better man on Sunday. He says when he came back from his injury his goal was to beat the unbeatable - it's what pushed him through rehab. He says that didn't happen and he doesn't know where to go from here. He's been beaten before but this is different and he has had one hell of run in NXT but Lee says it's time for him start stepping away and he's interrupted by Trey Miguel and Zach Wentz. They say they've missed Lee and don't want to see him go. Lee says he's proud of them, Wentz and Miguel say that Lee is the best of the best and it's time they get MSK back together. They all hug and we cut to the back...

Shawn Spears and Ethan Page are getting ready for their match and they say they'll beat Williams again and discuss who is going to be his partner. Spears leaves and says there is lost soul who needs his guidance. Page kicks Sarah Schreiber out... and commercial.

Match 4: Thea Hail -vs- Izzy Dame

Chase U is in the ring with Hail and Izzy Dame makes her way to the ring. The match starts with Hail kicking Dame who counters and gets Hail in the corner. Hail heads to the outside and sunset flips back in and Dame rolls through. Dame and Hail go back and forth and Dame swings Hail into the ring and into the turnbuckle. Hail is down and Dame corners her into the turnbuckle and gets her with some kicks. Backbreaker to Hail for a two count and Dame applies a chokehold - Dame slides her back into the middle of the ring and reapplies the chokehold. Tatum Paxley is sitting on the barricade and Dame attacks her. Hail suicide dives onto Dam and sends her back into the ring. High cross body to Dame and Hail now has the upperhand and nails a swinging neck breaker. Hail applies a Kimura clutch and taps out Dame.
Winner: Thea Hail

Femi interrupts Chase U's celebration. Hudson says he can't wait to take Femi's title.

Wentz, Miguel and Lee are backstage and Gallus confronts them. Miguel, Wentz and Lee stand their confused.

OTM calls out Gallows and Anderson as they head to the ring.

We are back from commercial in time for our next match.

Ava is backstage yelling at Brooks Jensen for taking out Evans. She makes a match between the two next week. Briggs says he wants Spears. Stevie Turner suggests him as Williams' partner.

Match 5: OTM -vs- OC

The OC makes their way out with OTM already in the ring. Nima and Gallows start the match with some power strikes at each other. Gallows takes down Nima but Nima comes back with a suplex on Gallows. Gallows with some kicks to Nima and tags in Anderson. OTM starts double teaming Anderson who kicks out at two. Anderson gives Price some right hands but Price slams Anderson to the mat. Price clothesline Anderson in the turnbuckle and Nima is tagged in... two count on Anderson and Nima tags Price back in. Shots to the abdomen by Price, Anderson breaks free and tags Gallows. Gallows takes out both OTM members and gets Price down and tags in Anderson. Double team on Price and Nima breaks it. Nima and Gallows trade blows. Michin makes her way to the ring from the crowd and Jaida Parker wants some Michin but they're broken up. Inside, OTM drops Anderson for the three count.

Winners: OTM

We see Sol Ruca watching Fallon Henley on a social media post. Kelly Kincaid interviews Ruca and Ruca says she may be newer but she's putting in the work and that it's pretty obvious what Fallon is about and Ruca makes her way to the ring and we go to commercial break.

Myles Borne and entourage stuff someone in a trunk of a car and Wren Sinclair sees it and runs away.

Match 6: Sol Ruca -vs- Fallon Henley

Roca is in the ring and Henley comes out with attitude. The bell rings and Henley starts with working on Ruca's arm. Ruca gets Henley in a headlock and Henley comes out of it and Ruca counters with some cartwheels. Ruca into the rops and counters an armdrag and turns it into a facebuster. Leap frogs by both women and Ruca starts walking on her hands, Henley kicks her in the gut. Henley throws Ruca into the turnbuckle and then sets up for an armdrag. Two count on Ruca. Henley is rolled up for a two and Ruca is taken down with a kick. Henley with a kick to the face on Ruca for a two count. Henley has Ruca in a submission hold and Ruca powers out. Ruca flips out and gets a two count on Henley. Ruca throws herself off the ropes onto Henley and tries a high risk move off the ropes but Henley breaks it. She gets a two count on Ruca. The women go back and forth and both ladies look exhausted. Henley goes for a clothesline but Ruca counters with a Sol Snatcher and before the pin Nyx and Jayne make their way out and lay out Ruca.

Winner: Sol Ruca (DQ)

Tatum Paxley is seen backstage talking to herself. She thinks Izzy Dame is a cool girl who doesn't talk to girls like her. She rips the head off a barbie and says shes coming for Izzy Dame. Wendy Choo is seen picking up the beheaded barbie.

We are back from commercial as Ava and Stevie come out of the office with Cedric Alexander from the main roster. Robert Stone is on the phone and has a surprise for Ava, and brings in Ashanti Adonis. Alexander says he's now part of NXT before he leaves. Ava takes Adonis into her office and we are now up for our main event.

Match 7: Ethan Page and Shawn Spears -vs- Trick Williams and ??

Page makes his way to the ring, with Spears already in the ring and waiting. Williams is out next and he heads into the ring and we wait for his partner. Joe Hendry comes out as Williams' partner. Hendry poses for a bit and the match starts with Page and Williams. Williams goes at Page and takes him down and then brings Spears in the ring and beats them both down. Page is able to get Williams down who counters and sends him into the corner and then tags in Hendry. Double team on Page and Spears comes in and Hendry takes him down. Page is sent outside and Williams is tagged in and does a cross body on both Page and Williams. Williams and Hendry celebrate in the ring and we get another commercial break.

Back in the ring, with Hendry beating up Page. Page with a solid kick to Hendry's face. Spears is tagged in and he gets on top of Hendry and delivers some punches. Hendry is in the opposing corner getting tag teamed. Page comes in and chops Hendry who gives some love back to Page. Page has Hendry down but Hendry powers back - but Page throws on a submission move in the middle of the ring. Hendry suplexes Page out of the submission move and tags in Williams. Both Spears and Page are in the ring and Williams momentum is stopped by Page hitting slam on Williams. Spears is in the ring with Williams and gets a two count. Spears talks trash to Hendry and stomps on Williams. Page tagged in and a double suplex on Williams. Two count and Page picks up Williams and puts him in a headlock. Williams in the opposing corner getting double teamed. Spears is tagged in who delivers some solid chops to Williams. Williams fights and hits a neckbreaker on Spears. Mensah comes running in and chases Page away. Spears is now by himself and Hendry is tagged in. Hendry takes it to Spears and hits a DDT and a fallaway slam on Spears off the rope. Hendry poses and then sends Spears outside who is smoked by Williams. Williams throws Spears back into the ring and Hendry hits a chokeslam for the three count.
Winner: Trick Williams and Joe Hendry

Williams and Hendry celebrate in the ring as Spears lays outside and the show goes off the air.

Source: rajah.com
Tags: #wwe #nxt #results

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