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House of Black Claim Victory In 6 Man Tag Match

Posted By: Patrick A Ganczewski on Apr 21, 2024

House of Black Claim Victory In 6 Man Tag Match

Tony Schiavone checks in and Jim Ross checks out for our second PPV match of the show on commentary. After The House of Black settles inside the squared circle, the theme for Eddie Kingston hits and out comes "The Mad King" to a big pop. The NJPW STRONG Openweight Champion storms down to the ring by himself. "Reach for the sky, boy!" is what we hear next and out comes the ROH World Champion Mark Briscoe.

Finally, the iconic sounds of Adam Copeland's theme hits and out comes "The Rated-R Superstar" for this Trios tilt here at AEW Dynasty 2024. The bell sounds and off we go. Briscoe and Black start the match with a lock up. Black applies a wrist-lock, but Briscoe comes back and drops Black with a shoulder tackle for a one count. Black comes back with an arm-drag, and Matthews tags in and delivers a double stomp to Briscoe’s arm.

Matthews takes Briscoe down, but Briscoe applies a side-headlock. Briscoe kicks Matthews in the face as Copeland makes a blind tag. Copeland and Briscoe double-team Matthews for a bit, and then Matthews delivers a series of right hands in the corner. Copeland drops Matthews with a flapjack, and then applies a wrist-lock. Matthews gets to the ropes, and Black tags in. Black stares down Copeland, and then tags King in. King knocks Kingston down on the apron, and then Kingston tags in.

Kingston and King exchange chop, and then King drops Kingston with a forearm shot. King goes for an elbow drop, but Kingston dodges and delivers kicks and chops to King’s chest. Kingston follows with a dropkick, and then delivers the machine gun chops in the corner. King counters out and slams Kingston with a Bossman Slam. King delivers the cannonball in the corner and goes for the cover, but Kingston kicks out. Matthews tags in and delivers a senton to Kingston for a two count.

Matthews drives his knee into Kingston’s back a few times, and then follows with a low dropkick for a two count. Matthews takes Kingston to the corner, and Black tags in. Black delivers a kick to Kingston’s face and goes for the cover, but Kingston kicks out. Black applies a sleeper hold, but Kingston gets to his feet. Black and Kingston exchange shots, and then Black delivers a back elbow shot. Kingston comes back with a kick to the face and drops Black with a suplex. Briscoe and Matthews tag in, and Briscoe delivers a few chops.

Briscoe drops Matthews with a flying clothesline, but Matthews comes back with a kick to the midsection. Briscoe ducks under a shot from Matthews, and delivers a shot that sends Matthews to the apron. Briscoe sends Matthews to the floor and dropkicks him into the barricade. Black and King go after Briscoe, but Copeland and Kingston go after them. Matthews throws a chair at Briscoe, but Briscoe catches it and knocks Matthews back to the floor. Briscoe sets the chair up on the apron, and then uses it to flip onto King.

Briscoe delivers a shot to Matthews, but Matthews comes back and they brawl on the apron. Briscoe picks Matthews up, but Matthews counters out. Briscoe chops Matthews, but Matthews delivers a knee strike to Briscoe and King slams him into the barricade with a rolling senton. King gets Briscoe back into the ring and Black goes for the cover, but Briscoe kicks out. King tags in and delivers a body shot in the corner. King delivers a chop and chokes Briscoe with his boot. King chops Briscoe again, and then Black tags back in.

Black delivers a shot to Briscoe’s ribs, and then drops him with a back elbow shot for a two count. Kingston finally gets a hot tag and the crowd goes wild as he starts hitting his trademark moves on any-and-everyone that moves. We see a bunch of power bombs at the same time from the guys. A loud "AEW! AEW!" chant breaks out as the guys recover.

Copeland hits an Impaler and Briscoe follows up with a Froggy Bow off the top-rope. Copeland goes for the cover, but it gets broken up at two. All The House of Black guys get speared at the same time. Copeland goes for a spear on Malakai but gets misted and pinned.

Source: rajah.com
Tags: #aew #dynasty #adamcopeland #markbriscoe #eddiekingston #thehouseofblack

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