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WWE NXT Vengeance Day 2023 Results

Posted By: Guy Incognito on Feb 04, 2023

WWE NXT Vengeance Day 2023 Results

Here are your WWE NXT Vengeance Day results, courtesy of our friends over at Rajah.com!



The WWE NXT Vengeance Day 2023 Kickoff Show is now officially off-and-running. We see the pre-show panel welcoming us to the show. After the initial introductions, they start running down some of the action scheduled for tonight.

Breaking News On Tonight's Main Event

Sam Roberts and Matt Camp lead the way, and the guys give some quick thoughts on each match and reveal some breaking news via Shawn Michaels that the Steel Cage Championship main event between Bron Breakker and Grayson Waller must be decided via pin fall or submission.

Conditions Heading Into Main Event; Social Media Scuffle

The two send things over to McKenzie Mitchell, who talks about how Breakker and Waller have been kept in separate hotels to ensure they don't touch until they are locked in the cage. She then brings up the altercation between Apollo Crews and Carmelo Hayes that was posted on social media.

Final Hype For Tonight's Matches

We then are sent into the first video package detailing the back story of a match on tonight's card, as the road to the two out of three falls match between Crews and Hayes is shown.

When we return, Camp and Roberts give their thoughts on the match and then their predictions. This same routine repeats itself with the rest of the matches on the card, outside of a couple of quick commercial time-outs in between.

Live Backstage: New Day, Henley & James

The Kickoff Show also features a live backstage segment with Jensen and Briggs coaching Fallon Henley and Kiana James. This leads into talk and video breakdowns for the men's and women's tag-team matches.

Additionally, Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods are backstage with McKenzie Mitchell. They promote the New Day's new shirt on WWE Shop. They talk about traveling the world with their titles and how it all led to tonight's defense against multiple teams.

Final Main Event Hype, Wrapping Up Kickoff Show

From there, the guys focus on the main event, giving their thoughts and predictions, with each picking Waller to dethrone Breakker and become the new NXT Champion tonight. An NXT Vengeance Day Watch Party with everyone at the WWE PC is shown.

The video package airs to tell the story leading up to tonight's Steel Cage NXT Championship showdown between Bron Breakker and Grayson Waller -- where the winner must be determined via pin fall or submission. After this, the Kickoff Show wraps up and we switch gears for the opening of the WWE NXT Vengeance Day 2023 premium live event.


The cold open for the WWE NXT Vengeance Day 2023 special event starts now, with Charlotte Flair appearing first. She runs down the top stars and champions of NXT and how they will perform here tonight in Flair Country in Charlotte, N.C.

NXT North American Championship
Wes Lee (C) vs. Dijak

Now we shoot inside the Spectrum Center in Charlotte, N.C. where the Vengeance Day theme hits and the camera pans the jam-packed crowd. The camera settles down at Booker T and Vic Joseph at ringside on commentary. Booker T immediately labels this moment his "Shucky Ducky Quack Quack" of the evening.

The theme for Wes Lee then hits and the NXT North American Champion emerges. He heads down to the ring for our opening contest, which will see him defending his title in singles action.

Lee settles in the ring and his music dies down. Now the lights in the building go out. They screen on the broadcast shifts to black and white and then Dijak emerges with his shades on. He begins heading down to the ring.

The bell sounds and we're off-and-running. The two circle each other as the fans chant "Wes Lee! Wes Lee!" They lock up and Dijak launches the champ across the ring. As Lee stands up, Dijak yells at him to "just give up."

They lock up again, Lee slaps a side head lock on the challenger, who bounces off the ropes and again launches the champ, who now looks up at him with a nervous look on his face.

Now the action really gets going and we see Dijak start to take Lee apart. The action spills out to the floor where Dijak connects with a very dangerous-looking death valley driver that spikes the champ right on the back of his neck / top of his head. Ouch.

Back in the ring we see Dijak hit a crazy release suplex that again culminates with Lee landing hard on the back of his neck. He hoists the champ up once more and swings him around before letting go of him like a human disc. Lee sails and spins, crashing and burning -- hard -- out on the ringside floor.

Dijak goes for a big splash on Lee in the corner, but Lee moves and Dijak goes flying out to the floor. Lee takes this opportunity to completely shift the offensive momentum back into his favor. He drop toe-holds Dijak face-first into the middle turnbuckle and blasts him with a roundhouse kick. He muscles him up like dead weight and dumps him with a big German suplex.

On the ring apron, Dijak muscles Lee up for another death valley driver, but Lee ends up fighting his way free and dumping Dijak out to the floor. Lee hits the ropes, does a carthweel into a flip and spin over the ropes for a crowd-popping splash on the challenger.

The fans chant "NXT! NXT!" as he returns Dijak into the ring. He goes to back-flip into a spot in the ring but Dijak catches up, hoists him up but Lee counters and hits a backwards hurricanrana. Lee hoists Djiak up for a crazy follow-up pile driver / power bomb combo into a pin, which Dijak somehow kicks out of.

Lee goes for a reverse springboard but slips. He goes for it again and lands into the mighty hand of Dijak, who lifts him up and plants him into the mat with a sit-down choke-slam into a pin attempt. Lee somehow kicks out. Dijak slaps a modified chicken wing / choke on the champ.

Lee tries to escape but trips and Dijak sinks it in deeper on the mat as Lee goes to sleep. The ref checks on Lee's lifeless hand, and he comes to life and squeezes the ref's hand back. Dijak tries holding onto the hold but Lee reaches for the ropes.

Dijak goes for his finisher but Lee reverses into a roll-up. Dijak kicks out. Lee blasts Dijak with a roundhouse kick. Lee looks at Dijak, who smiles at him. He runs and connects with a running knee. Dijak brushes it off and blasts Lee with a big boot for a near fall. Dijak follows that up with a super kick and another big move and goes for the cover. He only gets two.

We see Dijak look for a power bomb off the top but Lee reverses in mid-air into a hurricanrana. Lee then leaps off the top-rope with a crazy follow-up spinning splash. He goes for the cover but Dijak gets his shoulder up just before the count of three. The fans chant "This is Awesome!" The two fight out to the ringside area and Lee misses a high spot.

Dijak heads over and grabs a desk chair on wheels and slides it over. He picks up a lifeless Lee and then grabs a broom. He sits Lee in the chair and slides the broom through the arm rests. He blasts Dijak with a super kick and heads to the top-rope, backwards. He goes for a moonsault but ends up instead landing on Tony D'Angelo and Stacks, who appear out of nowhere.

He yells at the two to stay out of his business. He slingshots himself over the ropes into the ring, but caught with a super kick by Lee on the way down. Lee hits a follow-up finishing kick and makes the cover. 1-2-3. We Lee retains in an absolutely epic opening match. That's the bar, NXT roster! Good luck topping that one this evening.

Winner and STILL NXT North American Champion: Wes Lee

NXT Women's Tag-Team Championships
Kayden Carter & Katana Chance (C) vs. Kiana James & Fallon Henley

After the opening match, we head to a video package for Cora Jade and then a quick break. When we return, Katana Chance and Kayden Carter are interviewed backstage ahead of their title defense this evening. They talk about working too hard to give the titles up tonight.

Out in the arena we hear the theme for their challengers, and out together comes Kiana James and Fallon Henley, accompanied by Brooks Jensen and Josh Briggs. The two settle into the ring and their music dies down.

Now the theme for the champions hits and out through the crowd comes the longest-reigning NXT Women's Tag-Team Champions ever. The two head to the ring after walking through the crowd as Vic Joseph and Booker T sing their praises.

All four women scheduled in our next match are in the ring, the formal introductions are in the rear view mirror and now it's time to get our second championship match of the evening here at Vengeance Day off-and-running.

The bell sounds and this one gets started. Chance and James duke it out early on. Henley tags in. We hear Jensen and Briggs shouting "New champ alert!" at ringside. As the action continues in the ring, we hear Booker T and Vic Joseph bantering about "Friend zones" and such.

Carter and James duke it out, each hitting some wild high spots in the ring and on the floor. We see both end up taking out after a big spot on the ring apron to the floor. Henley and Chance take over. Carter tags back in and she and Henley go to the corner.

They climb to the top and Chance climbs with them. Chance hurricanrana's Henley off of Carter's shoulders for a close near fall. Wow. We see some more big spots immediately after that and then James knocks Carter off the ropes. Henley reverses a pin attempt for the win. Even Booker T didn't see that one as it happened. He calls it his second Shucky Ducky Quack Quack moment as Henley and James celebrate their win.

Winners and NEW NXT Women's Tag-Team Champions: Kiana James & Fallon Henley

Drew Gulak & Hank Walker Check-In On IG, Lyra Valkyria Calls Out NXT Women's Division

Some video packages air promoting JD McDonagh and Nikkita Lyons and then a commercial for WrestleMania 39 airs. From there, we see a video from Drew Gulak's Instagram channel. He talks about the opener at Vengeance Day and the nice clothes everyone is wearing. He tells Hank Walker he needs to get some nice clothes.

After this, a Lyra Valkyria vignette airs responding to Cora Jade. She tells Jade this Tuesday she'll be standing in the ring and unlike Jade, she'll do what she says and welcomes anyone in the women's division to meet her in the squared circle. The segment ends after that.

Two Out Of Three Falls Match
Apollo Crews vs. Carmelo Hayes

The video package airs for our next match of the evening, which will see Apollo Crews going one-on-one against Carmelo Hayes. After the package wraps up, we shoot back inside the Spectrum Center where the theme for Carmelo Hayes hits.

Hayes makes his way out accompanied by Trick Williams and settles into the ring. His theme dies down and then the music for Apollo Crews hits and out he comes with a unique ring entrance.

Both men are settled into the ring and now the bell sounds to get our two out of three falls match officially off-and-running. The two go at it with some methodical style mat-based grappling. When they stand up, Carmelo slaps Apollo and walks off. Apollo slaps Carmelo back hard and knocks him down.

Crews starts to take over and he begins a prolonged run of dominance, controlling the offense for a couple of minutes. Eventually we see Hayes shift the momentum into his favor. He starts taunting Apollo, which back-fires as Crews starts to hit a series of German suplexes.

As the action continues, Crews continues to dominate. He brings Hayes up to the top-rope and connects with a super-plex. Back on the mat we see Hayes look for a cross-face. Apollo tries countering but Hayes rolls into a pin attempt. Crews kicks out. The two each go for high-spots and near falls but neither man stays down thus far.

Hayes ends up slapping on a cross-face and he yanks back on Crews, yelling at him to tap out. Crews does. Hayes scores his first fall. He's up 1-0 in this two out of three falls match.

Winner of Fall No. 1: Carmelo Hayes

Both guys are given a minute or so before the action continues with the second fall. As soon as it does, Crews starts off strong, however Hayes cuts off his momentum and begins working him over in the corner.

Hayes sets up his Fade-Away leg drop on Crews as he dangles out of the corner on the ropes. He goes for the pin attempt. but Crews kicks out after the count of two. Moments later, Crews hits a crazy DDT style move for a close near fall of his own.

We see each guy climb up to the top on opposing sides of the ropes in the corner. They each bounce the others' head off the top turnbuckle and go crashing and burning on the floor down below. Trick Williams taunts Crews as he recovers.

The two finally regain their senses and head back into the ring. Hayes and Crews continue to go at it, with Hayes connecting with a Code-breaker, but then walking into a pop-up Death Valley Driver moments later.

Each guy is down again and out of nowhere we see Trick Williams jump on the ring apron and tear off the top turnbuckle as the ref is checking on both guys. It ends up back-firing, as Hayes is slamming into the exposed buckle in the corner.

As Trick Williams sees this, he jumps on the apron with a chair. He is stopped by Dabba Kato who yanks him down. Regardless, Hayes picks up the win after earning the second fall moments later. After the match, Dabba Kato attacks Crews as the fans boo.

Winner of Fall No. 2 and the match: Carmelo Hayes

NXT Tag-Team Championships
The New Day (C) vs. Gallus vs. Pretty Deadly vs. Chase U

The stage is set for our next match of the evening. After a quick social media video detailing Andre Chase's homecoming in Charlotte this evening. After that, the Chase University duo of Andre Chase and Duke Hudson make their way to the ring.

After them, Pretty Deadly comes out. Then the duo of Gallus make their way to the ring. They settle inside and their music dies down. The theme for the reigning, defending champions The New Day make their way out. The fans cheer Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods as they head to the ring.

The bell sounds and we're off-and-running with this one. We see Pretty Deadly with some corny shenanigans outside of the ring. This ends up involving Thea Hail from Chase U until The New Day hit a dive through the ropes.

Back in the ring, we see The New Day continuing to dominate the action as Xavier Woods goes at it with one-half of Gallus. He ends up on the defensive and Gallus start tagging in and out to keep a fresh man on him at all times.

Now one of the members of Pretty Deadly tags himself in and heads in to pick the bones of Woods. Kingston finally gets the hot tag and he hits the ring like a man possessed. He takes down everyone in sight and hits a boom drop on three guys at once.

Woods hits the ring to help Kingston with a double-team spot off the ropes in the corner that nearly finishes this one up. Several other members of the match hit the ring to break up the pin attempt.

Things build to another crazy spot where a super-plex takes place, with Andre Chase hitting a super-plex on one of the members of Pretty Deadly. Both guys land on every other member of the match at ringside.

Gallus starts to clear off the commentary table when Chase and Hudson come over and attack them. They then continue clearing off the table when Pretty Deadly stops them. They look for a double-team suplex on Hudson, but Hudson avoids it.

Pretty Deadly puts the cover and monitors back on the commentary table and head back into the ring. They are leveled by a double clothesline from Hudson. Hudson goes on to a big offensive run, taking out anything that is moving as the commentators point out he is the only member of the match to never hold any gold in NXT or WWE.

Gallus starts to take over again. The action spills out to the floor where they end up putting Hudson through the commentary desk with authority. The fans chant "NXT! NXT!" as Gallus heads into the ring to double-team Chase. Chase fights back as the hometown fans in Charlotte cheer him on.

Gallus takes over again and with Woods as the legal man in the ring, they hit their double-team finisher for the pin fall victory. With the win, Gallus are the new NXT Tag-Team Champions.

Winners and NEW NXT Tag-Team Champions: Gallus

Grayson Waller Warming Up For Tonight's Main Event

We see a flashback look at the hit-and-run parking lot segment from NXT on USA involving Nikkita Lyons. Then we see a WrestleMania 39 commercial followed by a live shot of Grayson Waller warming up in his locker room.

NXT Women's Championship
Roxanne Perez (C) vs. Gigi Dolin vs. Jacy Jane

The video package airs to get us ready for our co-main event of the evening here at WWE NXT Vengeance Day 2023. The NXT Women's Championship will be on-the-line in a women's triple-threat match -- next.

After the video package wraps up, we see Toxic Attraction duo Gigi Dolin and Jacy Jane making their way down to the ring. The duo settle inside and pose to the crowd before their theme music dies down.

Now the entrance tune for the reigning, defending NXT Women's Champion airs and out comes Roxanne Perez. The commentators talk about their performance in the Women's Royal Rumble and then the bell sounds to get this one off-and-running.

Immediately we see Perexz hesitant as Dolin and Jane circle her in stalking fashion, making it obvious that this is going to at the very least start off as a handicap two-on-one match. Things play out exactly this way until Jane accidentally kicks Dolin. She immediately apologizes for it but the distraction allows Perez to take over.

As the action builds, we see Dolin pull Jane in front of Perez to save herself. Dolin takes over and is now capitalizing on her solo opportunity, beating down Perez and slamming her into the barricade before shrieking out, "You're looking at the next champion!"

Jane and Dolin end up alone in the ring and after a lengthy stare down, the two shove each other hard back-and-forth before upgrading to b*tch-slaps. They finally lunge after each other and they start going at it with multiple pin attempts and reversals.

Perez finally re-emerges with a flying double-cross body splash off the top-rope, which takes out Dolin and Jane. She goes on a fired up run in the offensive driver's seat from there. She nearly hits her Pop Rocks finisher but is stopped. Dolin and Jane start to take over but end up clashing heads and both collapsing on Perez.

The ref makes the count but Perez kicks out. Toxic Attraction start working collectively again and then they pull a table out from under the ring. They set it up and then go to double chokeslam Perez through it. Perez elbows her way free. She hits Pop Rocks on Dolin and then goes to work on Jane.

Dolin ends up getting knocked through the table on the floor from the top-rope. Perez follows up with a Super Pop Rocks on Jane in the ring off the top-rope. She follows up with the cover and gets the three-count to retain her NXT Women's Championship.

Winner and STILL NXT Women's Champion: Roxanne Perez

NXT Championship Steel Cage Match
Bron Breakker (C) vs. Grayson Waller

The video package airs to get us ready for tonight's main event of the evening after we return from another quick advertising time out. It's time for our final match of the evening -- the rematch between Bron Breakker and Grayson Waller for the NXT Championship inside a Steel Cage.

As noted, it was revealed via Shawn Michaels during the NXT Vengeance Day 2023 Kickoff Show that the winner of tonight's headline bout must be determined via pin fall or submission.

We return live backstage and we see Grayson Waller with a Scott Steiner style mesh-looking hat-thingy on, as a female holding a pillow with a golden pair of sneakers walks behind him. Bron Breakker is also shown walking backstage with his NXT Championship.

Some dancers make their way out as we return inside the Spectrum Center. They dance as Grayson Waller's theme plays. The challenger emerges and heads to the ring as the Steel Cage is lowered down over the ring. Waller examines the cage and then heads inside.

The Waller theme dies down and now the entrance music for Bron Breakker plays. Out comes the NXT Champion barking like his father Rick Steiner. He makes his way to ringside but as he climbs the ring steps and gets ready to enter the cage, he is ambushed with a sneak attack by Waller.

We see Waller and Breakker duke it out at ringside. Breakker ends up getting the better of the fight. He brings Waller into the ring and then follows in behind him. He looks at Waller and smiles before shutting the door and locking it, referencing back to his pre-match comments about uncontrollable anger issues working for him when he's locked in a cage with Waller and not forced to contain said anger-issues.

Now we see Waller looking nervous as Breakker approaches him. He sprints over with intentions of scaling the cage and escaping, while Vic Joseph mentions on commentary that he can't win the title by escaping the cage. Breakker dominates Waller, beating him from one side of the ring to the other.

Grayson Waller starts to take over and he mocks Breakker with a bark that sounded like a poodle or something. He works Breakker over but then Breakker fights his way back into competitive form. He comes off the top-rope with a nice bulldog and plays to the crowd.

Breakker backs in a corner and calls for the finish of this one. He waits for Waller to get up. Waller tries ducking and rolling under the ropes but there's nowhere to go. As Breakker charges at him, Waller side-steps him and slams him into the cage wall.

Waller starts dominating again, stopping to do some push-ups to rub it in Breakker's face. Waller ties Breakker's arms into the ring ropes and beats on the defenseless champion. He stops in front of Breakker and crouches down like a football player, even yelling "hut-hut-hike!" before charging at him with a Spear while he's still tied into the ropes.

Eventually, the NXT Champion uses pure strength to get his arms untangled from the ring ropes. Waller tries again scaling the cage to escape from Breakker. Breakker gets a hold of him and starts ramming him into the cage on each side of the ring.

Grayson ends up buying himself some time with a low blow. He then hits a wild cutter for a close near fall. After Breakker kicks out, both guys are down and recovering as the fans rally behind them. Waller yells at Breakker in the corner, "You can't beat me! I'll die for this!" He then gets quiet and looks up.

The fans break out in a "Let's go Waller / Waller sucks!" dueling chant as Waller heads to the top-rope and then to the tip-top of the steel cage. The crowd explodes. Booker T and Vic Joseph talk on commentary about this being about Waller thinking about creating a viral moment.

Waller looks down at Breakker, who is now recovered. Breakker runs up after him. Breakker hooks Waller in a super-plex position and super-plexes him off the top of the cage. As they land the fans in Charlotte start barking and then chanting "NXT! NXT!" Breakker waits for Waller to get up and then charges at him with a Spear.

Breakker looks down at Waller and yanks down his straps on his singlet. Instead of finishing him, he looks to add further punishment. He picks Waller's head up and yells at him, "Look at me! Look at me! You wanna talk trash on social media about me now!" He tells him he runs NXT but Waller shoves his hands away. Waller stumbles up but is turned inside out by Breakker with a big Spear. 1-2-3. Breakker wins and retains his NXT Championship.

Winner and STILL NXT Champion: Bron Breakker

After The Match: Carmelo Hayes Stares Down Bron Breakker

Once the match wraps up, we see Bron Breakker posing with his NXT Championship on the top of the steel cage as his theme plays. He barks and the fans bark back. Then we see Carmelo Hayes come out with Trick Williams. He stares down Breakker in the ring and apparently feels he is next in line for the champ. The show goes off the air on that note. Thanks for joining us!

Source: rajah.com
Tags: #wwe

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