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AEW Dynamite Full Results & Recap (January 11, 2023)

Posted By: Jonny Knapp on Jan 11, 2023

AEW Dynamite Full Results & Recap (January 11, 2023)

It’s Wednesday, you know what that means! After all the drama last night on social media, it’s time to finally sit down and watch some wrestling! AEW Dynamite comes tonight from The Forum in Los Angeles, California and boy howdy, have they stacked this card. There’s so much that if I told you all about it here, we’d never get to the show! Amongst all the matches we have, we will finally see the conclusion of the best of seven match series for the Trios titles and the grudge match of 2023, Hangman vs Moxley. So, with all that in mind, let’s get straight to the wrestling! Commentary begins with Excalibur, Taz and Tony Schiavone.

Hangman Adam Page defeated Jon Moxley via Pinfall (14:04)

The show is starting hot, Moxley makes his way through the molten crowd before being followed down by an angry Hangman. The bell rings and the two engage straight away in a brawl before Mox goes after the head of Page early. Adam comes back with a big boot in the corner and strikes before Mox tries the King Kong lariat early, but Hangman avoids, and we get an exchange of strikes. Both men go back and forth and Moxley drops Page to the mat with a hair pull. Hangman tries to recover in the corner and Moxley gives him no time to recover, swarming him before taking him to the top rope where he claws and bites Hangman before bringing him down with a superplex. Mox gets a one count and then goes for a Juji Gatame but Hangman tries to escape with a roll up for two. Jon holds on to the arm before locking it in stronger. Hangman does get out before being dropped on his neck with a beautiful German suplex. Moxley likes that move too, hitting it again before Hangman fights out of a third with an exploder. Hangman rolls to the apron for a buckshot before Moxley sends Hangman into the new safety rail with a strike. Mox follows Page to the floor to return him to the ring but Page rolls right back out with a lariat. Hangman goes back to the ring on the offence and Moxley answers him with a huge King Kong Lariat that earns him a two count twice before we head to break with Moxley on top. Moxley stays on the attack, keeping Page grounded with strikes to the head. The crowd fire up for Hangman but Moxley is having none of it and retains control thanks to a timely cutter.

When we come back to the action, Hangman is locked in a STF and is in serious trouble. Moxley switches to a front face lock before trying for a rear naked choke. Hangman continues to resist and fights to his feet where he escapes with a German Suplex. Moxley gets right up but walks into a huge lariat from Hangman to cause a double down. Both men beat the count before the strike exchange begins again, elbows and kicks this time before Page pulls out his fall away slam but takes his time to kip up. Moxley tries a German but Hangman lands on his feet and hits another lariat before sending Mox to the floor with a kick and following him with the beautiful Orihara moonsault. Page goes for the buckshot lariat, but Moxley reverses it into a death rider and Page kicks out at 2.9. Moxley transitions to hammer and anvil elbows and then a bulldog choke but Page fights with everything he can to stay alive as the crowd chant this is awesome. Hangman makes it to his feet but is met with a piledriver that Page kicks out of at one! Moxley lays in some round kicks as the crowd cheer for Page, Hangman tries for a deadeye but gets caught in a rear naked choke. Mox goes for the piledriver, but this time Hangman gets the deadeye before Moxley fights back with a stomp before collapsing. Both men go down and make it back up just in time to beat the 10 count as we head to another strike exchange. Hangman is the first to drop but he comes back with a headbutt, and they continue to exchange. Hangman pulls out another lariat followed by a Buckshot and Page gets the win on his return to the ring. What a way to open the show.

After the match, Moxley looks to be out of it and Hangman can’t decide if he wants to be a good guy or not care, eventually choosing the latter.

Commentary Update

Excalibur and Taz say Moxley is backstage being treated but hopefully he’ll be okay.

Adam Cole Returns!

Tony Schiavone introduces a guest and it’s Adam Cole Bay Bay! He makes his grand return to an ovation! Schiavone is gone by this point as the crowd welcomes Cole back to AEW.

It’s story time with Adam Cole Baybay! Cole says he’s been thinking all day about what to say and says he has good news and bad news. Cole says he has a much better appreciation for life now after what he’s been through. Adam says he missed being in the ring before explaining his shoulder was messed up alongside his two head injuries and details how they impacted him. He’s clearly very emotional as he relays this story to us before saying that the fans have been there for him and thanks us.

Cole then turns to the bad news, but he says it’s not for him, he says it’s bad news only for the AEW locker room because Adam Cole is back and not going anywhere! Cole said he thought his career was over and he says that he’s not done yet as he refuses to stop until he’s the very best wrestler on the planet. Cole says he’s barely scratched the surface in AEW but asks us to remember this day as the day the new Adam Cole is born. He promises that no matter how long it takes, he will stand atop the pro wrestling mountain.

The Acclaimed Promo

The Acclaimed tell us that they will be getting stars on the Hollywood walk of fame. If true, that’s massive!

JungleHook (“Jungle Boy” Jack Perry & Hook) defeated The Firm (Big Bill & Lee Moriarty) w/Stokely Hathaway via Submission (7:43)

Straight into match two! The Firm make their entrance followed by Hook and then Jack Perry. The two young heart throbs fist bump at the bottom of the ramp before entering the ring area together. Jungle Boy begins with Lee Moriarty and backs him into a corner to start but Lee comes back with a chop and Jack hits his own. They exchange like this until Jungle boy uses his crazy arm drag and pairs it with a dropkick before tagging Hook in. They hit a double team move before Hook begins to use his Judo to keep Moriarty down. Lee comes back with a roll up, but Hook escapes and tags out as Hook and Jack hit more double teams. Jack gets tripped by Stokely, and he tries to hit him with a tope, but Bill catches him for a Chokeslam. Hook makes a sliding dropkick save but Lee manages to isolate Jungle Boy and tag out to Bill who immediately drops Bill with one shot. Jack tries to fight back but Bill cuts him off with a big boot and Lee sends us to break with a diving knee drop to the floor. The Firm dominate through the break and Bill almost gets in a fight with Ken Jeong at ringside. The Community star eventually sits back down, and Bill and Lee go back to work on Jack.

We return to Jack managing to fight back with a powerbomb counter to a submission and he manages to crawl to tag Hook. Hook comes in with a lariat for lee and then attacks Bill on the apron but he’s unmoved. Hook hits a T-Bone on Lee for two, but Bill breaks up the pin. Both men square up and Hook almost gets the T-Bone on Bill too but can’t quite manage it until Jungle Boy hits an enzuigiri which lets Hook throw the monster out of the ring. Bill is shocked and Moriarty almost wins with a roll up and then Jack does the same before locking in the snare trap and forcing Lee to tap out.

Danhausen & Orange Cassidy Interview

We see Paul Walter Hauser and his golden globe. Weird segment.

Bryan Danielson defeated Konosuke Takeshita via Referee Stoppage (14:46)

No time to spare tonight as Takeshita comes out as we return from break to a big ovation. He’s followed by.... MJF? Max comes out before the American Dragon can and stands atop the ramp before wandering to the ring where he joins Konosuke. He turns to him and says that everyone thinks Takeshita is a big deal, but Max hasn’t seen him at all as he only watches himself on AEW. Max calls him Take a shit-a and Take angrily responds in Japanese. Max says that we speak American here (lol) and Konosuke tells him that he said he told MJF to kiss his ass. Max is scared but gets Aubrey to hold Takeshita back before saying he’s not scared of Danielson because we can all ask our female relatives how long Max lasts. He carries on taking the low hanging fruit before saying the crowd like Danielson because he’s also irrelevant. Max picks on Ken Jeong and then points out Freddie Prinze Jr, calling him a scooby dooby douchebag. Finally Max shuts up and Danielson comes out for a wrestling match! Bryan scares Max off, and he sprints away.

The match finally begins and we’re underway with some excellent back and forth counter wrestling which ends in a stalemate. The two lock up after breaking apart and begin to exchange holds on their feet with Takeshita getting the first advantage but Danielson comes back with a Surfboard. Bryan transitions to a dragon sleeper but Takeshita escapes and locks in his own. The two let go and Takeshita lands a huge elbow strike but Bryan fights back with chops and the two men begin to exchange, two or three shots each at a time. Konosuke takes control by pulling the Takeshita line out of the bag before trying for a brainbuster. Danielson escapes with kicks and then lands a suplex before trying for a juji gatame. Takeshita fights out and lands some more big elbow strikes. Bryan goes for the LeBell lock but Take makes the ropes and then Bryan begins to attack in the corner with chops and kicks, finishing with two dropkicks before the third is countered with a blue thunder bomb from Takeshita for two. Konosuke continues on the attack with some heavy shots to Danielson on his knees but Bryan fights back with his flying elbow sequence. We head to break as the two men exchange chops once again. Danielson looks in trouble as Take makes him take a seat but the American Dragon fights back into it and puts his opponent in a tree of woe before kicking him.

When we return, Takeshita and Danielson are stood on the top rope and Takeshita brings them both to the mat with a lariat for two. Takeshita gets up and goes for another blue thunder bomb, but Danielson uses a head scissors to take Take to the floor. He tries for a hurricanrana but can’t get it properly and Takeshita pulls out a brainbuster on the floor before trying a springboard senton atomico. Bryan gets the knees up and locks in the LeBell lock quickly but after a struggle, Takeshita makes the ropes. Danielson is limping but lays in the kicks to his opponent, Takeshita catches the head kick and lands an elbow strike. Danielson fires back with his own and we’re exchanging strikes once again. The momentum shifts repeatedly and Take pulls out a huge lariat. Takeshita tries for the knee strike, but Danielson catches him and lands some hammer and anvil elbows but Take reverses into a piledriver and then a German suplex with a bridge for two. He tries another German but Danielson lands on his feet, avoids the running knee and lands his Busaiku knee for another two count. Danielson stomps Takeshita into the mat and finishes with the Regal lock, making Konosuke pass out. What a battle this was.

Juice Robinson Interview

Renee asks Juice why he’s here and he challenges Darby Allin to a TNT title match on Friday.

The Killer & The Pillar (Jamie Hayter & Dr Britt Baker D.M.D) w/ Rebel defeated Toni Storm & Saraya via Pinfall (11:21)

Once again, no time to waste. Toni and Saraya come out first and head down to the ring. They’re followed by Britt and Jamie and of course Rebel too and we’re soon underway. Toni begins the match with Jamie, who the crowd are loudly backing. The two women lock up and neither of them get an advantage until Toni fires in some strikes and then Jamie returns fire. Toni comes back with a drop kick to send the champ to the apron and knocking her off with a hip attack. Saraya follows with a cannonball and then tags in to hit Jamie with some vicious knees. Saraya continues to dominate before bringing Toni Storm in for a double suplex but Hayter reverses both of them. Toni gets up quickly to go on the attack but Britt tags in and hits her with a neckbreaker to the floor. Saraya and Jamie brawl before Jamie is sent into the ring steps. Jamie reverses by sending Saraya into the barricade. Shida then comes out with her kendo stick and joins the corner of Toni and Saraya as we go to break. The Killer and the Pillar isolate Toni in their corner and beat her down with Jamie even nailing Saraya with a cheap shot to remove her from the apron briefly. Jamie continues to dominate the woman she took the title from. Whilst Jamie battles with Toni in the ring, she battles with Saraya verbally.

When we return to the match, Toni escapes to tag out, Jamie tags out too and Saraya goes right after Britt with clotheslines and a rising knee in the corner. Saraya catches Britt with the Knightcap and gets a two count. Britt tries for an air raid crash, but Saraya avoids it and lands a knee strike before Toni tags in. Storm hits the sweet cheeks music in the corner followed by a tornado DDT for two. Toni locks in a Texas cloverleaf but Jamie breaks it up with a stiff kick. Once again Toni is isolated by Jamie and Britt, Britt takes Storm to the top rope and Jamie hits Saraya with an elbow before Britt lands an avalanche air raid crash for two. Jamie tags in and after hitting an elbow, she hits the haytbreaker and Saraya saves the match. Britt takes Saraya to the floor before Toni pulls out a German suplex and a Storm Zero that Britt breaks up. Saraya gets taken out by Britt who then eats a kick from Toni before Jamie and Toni exchange elbow strikes in the middle of the ring. Both women drop to the mat and Rebel distracts the ref. Shida throws in her kendo stick, but Britt picks it up and nails Storm with it. Jamie hits the Hayterade and gets the pin.

Eddie Kingston & Ortiz Interview

Eddie and Ortiz argue with each other ahead of their match at Rampage.

Jericho Appreciation Society Promo

The JAS head to the ring in gold jackets as Judas plays in LA. They all pull of their tearaway trousers to reveal identical trousers. Cool Hand Ange says that LA is their town and Daddy Magic says his nipples get hard because Jake Hager powerbombed Ricky Starks through a table. Jericho says it’s a huge week for the JAS because they invaded the PWG BOLA event. He says that Anna & Tay will beat Willow and Ruby on Friday. Jericho says that Starks and Andretti are gone, and they win again but Ricky interrupts, bringing Action Andretti with him.

Ricky says they couldn’t get the job done last week because he’s standing tall right now, Jericho tells Andretti to go back to the minor leagues and Andretti tells him to shut up. Daniel Garcia argues back, and Andretti mocks him for having to do what Sammy says. Andretti tells Sammy that Tay had her hands between his legs last week and he should control her. Garcia says he’s a sports entertainer and he’s on top of the world with Jericho. Starks tells Jericho to step aside before challenging Jake Hager. Hager accepts. This was kind of messy and unnecessary but still entertaining.

The Elite (Matt Jackson, Nick Jackson & Kenny Omega) w/ Don Callis, Michael Nakazawa & Brandon Cutler defeated Death Triangle (Penta El Zero Miedo, Rey Fenix & PAC) w/ Alex Abrahantes (14:55) in Escalera De La Muerte to become NEW AEW World Trios Champions. (The Elite win the best of seven series 4-3)

Main event time, The Elite make their grand entrance followed by the title holders, Death Triangle. Don Callis wanders up to commentary. The bell rings and all six men square off before the fight is on. Fenix and Nick fight in the ring, Kenny and PAC then replace them and Penta and Matt follow. The speed of the opening is light speed and trying to keep up is hard as everything happens so much. All six men take each other out over and over until eventually Death Triangle all stand tall. They get a ladder and attack Kenny with it before the Bucks take out Death Triangle together. Matt takes the ladder into the ring and sets it up before Matt takes out Fenix. PAC and Penta stops him climbing but Matt throws PAC out and hits a destroyer on Penta. Fenix stops him climbing with an arm drag, Kenny stops Fenix and then Penta stops Kenny. Omega gets the upper hand and goes for a Terminator dive, but PAC meets him with a dropkick. Kenny comes back with a snapdragon suplex and that’s the third time he used that move. Kenny finally goes for his terminator dive but ends up going through a table and Matt hits a crossbody to send PAC through a different table and we head to break with madness all over the ring and outside of it. The madness doesn’t stop as everyone continues to hit their crazy moves and take each other out. Penta eventually isolates Matt, and they fight over a ladder.

We return to the match with Penta caught in the corner by the ladder, but he fights out of it and then Matt puts him into the ladder with a back body drop. Matt puts Penta on the ladder but he rolls off and Fenix throws Nick onto the table with an avalanche hurricanrana. Kennys hand gets trapped in a ladder and PAC stomps on it before setting it up to climb. Kenny comes back looking for the one-winged angel but PAC counters with a poisonrana before Death Triangle have all three members of the Elite down. Penta tries climbing the ladder, but Matt stops him, so PAC and Penta try to suplex him into the Ladder. The Young Bucks fight back with a series of superkicks before Matt uses his locomotion northern lights suplexes, culminating in one into the ladder. Nick sends Penta through a table with a 450 splash. Matt climbs, Fenix tries to stop him but can’t and Alex Abrahantes tips the ladder over. Brandon Cutler sprays Alex in the face and Kenny nails him with a V-Trigger. PAC attacks Kenny with a hammer then puts him on the floor with a Falcon Arrow. PAC climbs this time and Matt joins him up there whilst the Lucha Brothers make a ladder bridge behind Jackson. Matt deals with PAC but Penta hits him with a Piledriver on the ladder bridge. Fenix climbs, Kenny cuts him off and sends him to the mat with a one-winged angel. PAC tries a black arrow and Omega gets the knees up before he slowly climbs the ladder and The Elite regain the titles they never lost!

What a night! This was an episode of Dynamite that you couldn’t take your eyes off. Every match delivered in a big way and AEW seems to have found their sweet spot again as they haven’t had a bad show in weeks. It’s a good time to love pro wrestling. That was 9.5/10 for this reporter, but what did you make of the show? Let us know in the comments, let me know on Twitter @Knapphausen and see you back here for Rampage on Friday. So long, and goodnight.

Tags: #aew #aew dynamite #dynamite #results #adam cole #the elite #death triangle #jon moxley #hangman adam page #bryan danielson #konosuke takeshita #saraya #britt baker #jamie hayter #toni storm #mjf #jungle boy #hook

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