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AEW Dynamite Full Recap & Results (November 9, 2022)

Posted By: Jonny Knapp on Nov 09, 2022

AEW Dynamite Full Recap & Results (November 9, 2022)

It’s Wednesday, you know what that means! It’s time for another episode of AEW Dynamite, this time from Boston, MA and we have another exciting night of wrestling on the cards. Bryan Danielson will face Sammy Guevara in a two out of three falls main event, we have an eight-man tag team match between the tag champions, two of their top contenders and the Gunns too. With that and more to look forward to, let’s waste no more time and get straight to the wrestling. Our commentary team is Excalibur, Taz & Tony Schiavone.

The Acclaimed (Max Caster & Anthony Bowens) w/ Billy Gunn & FTR (Dax Harwood & Cash Wheeler) defeated Swerve In Our Glory (Swerve Strickland & Keith Lee) & The Gunns (Austin & Colten Gunn) w/ W. Morrissey via Pinfall (12:22)

Starting off with the big tag match and The Gunns come out first alongside Stokely Hathaway and W Morrissey with the latter accompanying them to the ring. They’re followed by Swerve in Our Glory as commentary mention that they aren’t getting along. The FTR pop is definitely still a thing as they come out with all of their gold and then The Acclaimed top it all off as Max raps to the Boston crowd.

Billy interrupts the Bowens part to sprint to the ring and take out Swerve before the match even begins and then Billy is asked to leave before the match has even begun. We get underway with Colten vs Dax and it’s the Gunn who gets an early advantage with a dropkick before bringing his brother, Austin, into the match. Dax counters on him and he manages to send Austin into the corner. Colten comes to help but gets a Manhattan drop and then Austin gets an atomic drop before tagging Cash in. Cash gets rushed by Swerve who manages to also tag in and then Strickland eats a backbreaker from Wheeler before Caster tags in. Swerve takes Max down with his legs then tags Keith Lee in who Caster attacks with strikes and then kicks. Caster has to fight off all his opponents before his team all come in to hit strikes in the corner. The Acclaimed and FTR clear the ring and scissor to send us to break. Morrissey manages to hit a big boot behind the referee’s back and God knows Dax Harwood is miserable now as he is now isolated by Swerve and The Gunns throughout the remainder of commercial.

We return to the action as Dax tries to fight for the tag and hits a huge German Suplex on Swerve but Austin tags in to stop Harwood getting out. That is until Austin eats a back body drop and then Colten misses a splash and Bowens comes in. He hits both Gunns and Swerve with a series of strikes before focussing in on Colten and hitting a huge kotaru crusher for two. The Gunns clear the apron of FTR and Caster before hitting The Big Rig on Anthony and Max has to save him at two. All eight men get into the ring and brawl. The ring clears of Gunns and FTR before Swerve and Keith Lee work together and take out the tag team champions before Swerve hits an assisted Tornado onto everyone on the floor. Dax fights back by hitting Colten Gunn with a superplex onto the pile of bodies next and then Austin and Dax square off in the ring, Gunn gets a brief advantage but Harwood fights back with the sharpshooter. Colten breaks it up then aims for the Fame Asser but runs into The Arrival from Bowens and the mic drop from Caster as well as an FTR big rig to win the match.

MJF Promo

We get a clip from MJF on a podcast, and he says that he’s staying away from AEW because doctors have told him to. He talks up the match between Jon Moxley and his inevitable victory. Max says he respects Jon Moxley for clawing his way to being World Champion and the best wrestler on the planet but Max promises to take both of those titles at Full Gear because he was born to do it. He explains how the spotlight keeps getting stolen from him but that won’t be the case this time.

Stokely Hathaway Video Package

Stokely says that MJF forgot where he came from, and he doesn’t need him anymore and he’ll see him in hell. Okay dude.

Ethan Page w/ Stokely Hathaway defeated Eddie Kingston w/ Ortiz via Pinfall (9:15) to advance to the AEW World Championship Eliminator Semi-Final

Stokely comes out with his boy Ethan Page, and he looks very angry before Eddie follows him with Ortiz in his corner. The two begin with Eddie getting an early advantage with Ethan looking to escape before they exchange strikes in the corner and it’s Ethan coming from the top with a knee to take over. Eddie gets out of the ring and then Page follows him with an elbow from the apron and then he attacks on the outside, but Eddie hits a butterfly suplex back in the ring for one. Ethan throws him hard into the corner and Kingston heads back outside. Page follows again with an elbow then a big suplex on the floor to send us to break. Ethan maintains the pressure by hitting a slam for two and then locking in a chin lock. Eddie fights out and hits an enzuigiri before laying it his machine gun chops to Ethan. Page fights back with a running powerslam for two and then he kicks at the back of Kingston.

We return as Eddie counters a powerbomb with a Suplex for a two count of his own and then we get a strike exchange from the two men who are both on their knees. They fight to their feet and continue to brawl back and forth before Eddie pulls out a DDT for two. Kingston tries for an exploder, but Ethan fights it off briefly only for Eddie to hit it and lock in the Stretch Plum. The ref is distracted by Stokely, and Eddie lets it go as Ortiz runs Hathaway to the back. Ethan dodges the uraken and hits a roundhouse kick to crumple Kingston, but Eddie gets up and cuts off Ethan on the top rope and bites him. Page crotches him and then pulls out an avalanche egos edge to get the victory. Great fight.

Rush & Dark Order Interview

Renee asks Rush about facing Bandido and then Jose says 10 will get a title shot when Rush wins the tournament before Rush tells him to think more about the offer.


Ari Daivari offers Wardlow his butler in exchange for the TNT title.

Wardlow w/ Samoa Joe defeated Ari Daivari w/ Jeeves Kay via Pinfall (1:48) to retain the TNT Championship.

Turns out this is an open challenge for Wardlow’s title. Out comes the champ with Samoa Joe. Wardlow removes the butler, hits Daivari with a headbutt and then lays him out with the wind-up lariat. This is pointless as a match and Wardlow proves as much with the powerbomb symphony. Four of them and a pin. That’s that.

Wardlow grabs the mic and calls out Powerhouse Hobbs who immediately obliges him. Wardlow calls Hobbs a worthy contender, but the TNT title is his and he promises to take every title in the company. Samoa Joe then hits Wardlow with his title and then chokes Wardlow out. Hobbs backs off and tells Joe he’ll kick his ass too.

Jade Cargill Interview

Renee asks Jade about facing Nyla at Full Gear. Jade promises to kick her ass at Full Gear and at Rampage too if Nyla shows up.

Saraya & Britt Baker In Ring Interview

Tony Schiavone brings Britt out and she’s all alone for once. She heads to the ring and Tony brings out Saraya too and she is also alone although that’s a lot less surprising. Tony says Saraya has something to tell everyone and she tells everyone that she’s cleared to wrestle.

Saraya gets very emotional as she tells Britt that AEW is her house and Britt calls the AEW fans fickle and then asks Saraya if she even knows how to wrestle anymore before asking her why she’s been chasing Britt since day one. Britt says that she built AEW and that’s why “Superstars” like Saraya wanted to move over to AEW. Britt says she’s proud of that, but pride turns to resentment when Saraya comes in and calls it her house when she never laid a single brick. Britt says that she’s everything that Saraya wishes she could have been, and it’s proven by Saraya leaving her house to walk into Britt’s.

Saraya says she got put in her position by TK and fed a bunch of QT trainees whereas Saraya is here because she’s been in this business for 30 years and 17 of those professionally and she built women’s wrestling before calling Britt an ungrateful bitch. Saraya explains what she’s given to this business and says Britt can have another handout before calling her out for Full Gear. Let’s go. Britt tries to attack, and Saraya drops her with a DDT and screams that this is her house.

Backstage Video

This is a clustf**k. Sonjay, Jay and Satnam pay The Factory for Cole Karter being Sting last week. Then Best Friends, Orange and Danhausen turn up. Orange will face Lee Johnson on Rampage but then Best Friends challenge Jay and Trent will fight him right now.

Jay Lethal w/ Sonjay Dutt & Satnam Singh defeated Trent Beretta via Pinfall (7:29)

Trent makes his entrance and Jay chop blocks him and attacks the knee on the way to the ring. Satnam and Sonjay follow him and then they get in the ring where the bell rings. Jay starts on top, Trent fights back but Lethal targets the knee to send Trent outside and then Chuck and Danhausen come out to help Trent and that’s how we go to break. Jay locks on the Figure Four on the floor and breaks the count before going back to it again. Trent tries to fight back but is soon back on the floor as Lethal retains control. They head back in the ring and Jay just keeps control throughout the remainder of the commercials.

We return as Lethal struts on the apron and heads to the top for an elbow drop but Trent gets his knee up. Trent begins to fight back with elbow strikes and then multiple suplexes as he holds on to waist control between them. Lethal counters a DDT but Trent sends him into the turnbuckle and then hits the DDT for two. Trent takes Lethal to the top rope for an avalanche half and half suplex and follows with a knee strike. Trent tries a strong zero but Sonjay jumps on the apron. Danhausen curses Satnam, low blows Sonjay and then eats a headbutt from Satnam and the confusion lets Lethal land the Lethal Injection after attacking the knee once again for the win.

Schiavone tries to interview Jay Lethal, and Sonjay tells him to sit down as he puts himself over and introduces Jeff Jarrett at the same time. Jeff comes out and says he’s here because he’s here to help Jay Lethal. He talks some more but it’s just putting over the men he’s with. He calls out Darby Allin and Sting before chasing off a stagehand with his guitar.

Jungle Boy Jack Perry Interview

Renee asks Jack about his feelings about Luchasaurus and he promises to continue to attack him and Christian and will challenge them for Full Gear on Friday.

Jon Moxley Promo

Moxley makes his way to the ring to address the AEW crowd along with William Regal. Moxley asks Regal how old he was when they met, he says back then he thought he knew it all at 25 and he kept running his mouth and wanted to be feared and respected and that’s why he picked a fight with Regal. Mox explains what happened as Regal hurt him and Moxley managed to get his revenge the next time because he had the hunger and fight to do it. He asks who that reminds him of, and he refers to MJF. Mox reminds us of what happened last time they fought, and he asks what’s going to be different this time as he asks who MJF actually is. Jon puts Maxwell over whilst ripping him apart simultaneously as Mox and Regal laugh at him calling himself the devil and Mox explains that he’s met the devil and Max isn’t that at all. He says that he and Regal want him to fulfil his own legacy and tells him that everything has been easy up to him stepping in the ring with Mox at Full Gear.

The Elite Teaser

Bring them back already God damn it! I don’t want to wait till Full Gear like this video suggests I have to.

Sammy Guevara vs Bryan Danielson Video Package

This is cool, just like always. This main event should be great.

Jamie Hayter w/ Britt Baker & Rebel defeated Skye Blue w/ Toni Storm via ()

Jamie Hayter heads out for her match and Rebel joins her. Britt does too eventually, looking extremely sorry for herself. Skye comes out next and Toni comes out to corner her. This distracts Hayter and allows Skye to land a few early shots and then she follows Hayter to the floor where Jamie uses the barricades but is then sent into the ring post headfirst. They head back into the ring and Blue hits an arm drag and knee strike. Britt grabs the ankle of Skye to distract her, and Jamie hits a back breaker and then a back suplex to send us to break. Jamie dominates as is to be expected throughout the break as she finally makes her strength show. She also manages to prove Toni’s bullying accusations true at points.

We return to the match and Skye makes her comeback, even taking out Britt and Rebel with kicks from the apron before a cross body on Hayter earns her a two count. Jamie escapes a full nelson but eats a kick from Skye instead before Blue hits a Code Red for another two! She needs to call that a code blue and make it a finisher. Hayter comes back with a roll up for two and then begins to take over again after a brief strike exchange. She takes Skye to the corner and berates her before chopping at the chest and then a lovely sequence ends in a huge ripcord lariat from Hayter.

Toni chases Jamie from the ring after the match but Jamie grabs her title for the photo op.

Dante Martin vs Brian Cage Preview

This is on Rampage too! How many matches are they putting on Friday?

Ricky Starks Interview

Alex Marvez tries to interview Ricky, but Lance Archer beats him down and tells us everybody dies.

Bryan Danielson defeated Sammy Guevara w/ Tay Melo (20:37) In A Two Out Of Three Falls Match

Sammy comes out with Tay and it’s main event time. Regal joins commentary as Sammy tries to start with an early knee but Danielson dodges it and begins on top with multiple strikes in the corners. He lays in elbows, chops and kicks before Sammy comes back with his corkscrew dropkick. Danielson spills outside but cuts off a Guevara tope and then hits a shotgun dropkick from the top to send Sammy to the floor. Bryan tries to dive on Sammy and Tay gets in the way to stop him and that lets Sammy throw a chair at Danielson which earns Danielson the first fall via disqualification (2:23). The second fall can’t start as they’re on the outside so Sammy attacks him with a microphone and we go to break as the crowd chant F U Sammy and he does Snow Angels in the ring. Sammy heads back outside after a while and hits a suplex on Bryan before attacking the wound that Danielson has had opened up. Danielson finally crawls back to the ring where Sammy attacks him immediately and then continues to punch at the wound.

We return and Sammy hits ground and pound strikes onto Danielson who looks disorientated in the ring as he tries to throw strikes at Guevara. Sammy hits a huge knee strike and then nails him with the GTH and pins Bryan to equal the score at 1 each (5:19). Danielson struggles to his feet and Guevara fires in chops and strikes in the corner and takes Danielson to the top rope and Danielson fights back before missing a diving headbutt and then Sammy locks in a LeBell lock. Danielson crawls to the ropes and Sammy stops him from getting there. Bryan fights out of it but then falls back into it and reaches the ropes eventually to break the hold. Sammy lets go before laying in chops in the corner, Danielson fights back and hits some headbutts then nails Sammy with a flying knee to counter a Sammy springboard and we head to one final break. The two men fight to the outside where they continue to brawl, exchanging dominance until Sammy lands a running dropkick and tossing Bryan into the ring post. Back in the ring, Sammy lands some knees but Danielson fights back before they collide in the middle of the ring. Bryan falls into the cover and Tay pulls the ref out.

We return to the action as Bryce Remsburg ejects Tay Melo from ringside and the two men exchange forearms and elbows from their knees and then their feet. Sammy tries for a DDT but is suplexed into the corner and put into a tree of woe instead. Bryan lays in the kicks to Sammy’s chest before the sliding dropkick connects with Sammy’s face. They head up to the top rope where Sammy fights Bryan off then sends him to the floor with a rising knee strike, following with a shooting star press. Sammy tries for his double jump cutter and Bryan locks him in a juji gatame and then the Lebell lock but Sammy crawls to the rope. Danielson lays in the kicks to the chest of Sammy but Guevara counters with a knee strike but misses a GTH and gets planted with a reverse hurricanrana. Bryan goes for the Busaiku Knee before Sammy holds on and locks in the Walls of Jericho and transitions to the liontamer and now Danielson crawls to the ropes. Sammy misses the GTH, and Danielson pulls out the Busaiku Knee for real this time. Bryan doesn’t go for the pin and instead wants to stop Sammy’s head in but Sammy counters with an amazing springboard backflip DDT and heads up top for a senton atomico. Danielson gets the knee’s up and lands some hammer and anvil elbows before locking in the LeBell lock and after a struggle, Sammy is forced to submit (12:55). Danielson wins 2-1 after an enthralling battle between these two.

That was a really fun episode of Dynamite with a hell of a lot of exciting stuff to look forward to at Full Gear! The only boring part for me was the Jeff Jarrett stuff but that’s totally a subjective take. An 8.5 out of 10 for me but what did you think? Let us know in the comments, let me know on Twitter @Knapphausen and see you back here for Rampage on Friday. Adios.

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