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AEW Dynamite Full Recap (October 12, 2022)

Posted By: Jonny Knapp on Oct 12, 2022

AEW Dynamite Full Recap (October 12, 2022)

It’s Wednesday, you know what that means! It’s time for another episode of AEW Dynamite and you’d better get ready to apologise and extend your vowels because for the first time ever, AEW is in Canada! Big news already from Tony Khan that Renee Paquette, who is of course Canadian has become All Elite and we have plenty in store with two title matches. With all that and more in store, let’s waste no more time and get straight to the wrestling. Commentary tonight starts with Excalibur, Taz & Tony Schiavone.

Christian Cage Interview

The new girl, Renee begins the show and brings out Christian Cage. He begins well as the crowd cheer their fellow Canadian until he makes a joke at the Maple Leaf’s expense. He then brings out Luchasaurus and we’re into the first match.

Luchasaurus defeated “Jungle Boy” Jack Perry via Pinfall (14:06)

Christian gets on commentary instead of ringside with Luchasaurus as we get off to a hot start. Luchasaurus lands the first blow but soon it’s Jack who’s on top. Perry chokes him on the ropes but back in the ring, Luchasaurus snatches him up for a big German suplex. Jack tries to fight back but is sent out of the ring with a big chop and then Luchasaurus grabs the timekeeper’s table and moves it to the end of the ramp. He tosses the lifeless body of Jungle Boy into the ring post but then misses a chop and Perry attacks the arm of his former partner. Luchasaurus gets back on top via the apron and barricades before sending us to break with a big slam on the apron. The big man spends the break attacking the younger, smaller athlete in the ring, keeping the faster opponent grounded and beating on him.

When we return, Jack shows signs of life as he gets up to his feet then dodges out of the corner to send the dinosaur spilling to the floor. Jack tries to put Luchasaurus through the table with a Tope Suicida but is caught and nearly chokeslammed. He manages to reverse into a hurricanrana then tries to fireman carry the big man but can’t get it. The two men battle to put each other through the table and Jack manages a sunset flip through the ropes into the powerbomb! Christian leaves commentary and heads down to distract Perry after Luchasaurus is rolled into the ring. When he gets back in the ring, Luchasaurus recovers and takes over with clotheslines and a big slam for two. The big man takes Perry to the top rope and joins him up there but Jack escapes and manages to seem to get an advantage. Luchasaurus counters out of a tree of woe and then nearly wins with another chokeslam Jungle Boy kicks out at 2.9 because Luchasaurus had to use his left hand and then Jack fights back again and he hits a Crucifix Bomb for a 2.9 of his own. Jack tries for a Killswitch but can’t hit it, Luchasaurus gets Jack up in an electric chair and Perry plants him with a counter before hitting the Killswitch. Luchasaurus kicks out but is put into the Snare Trap and has to make the ropes. Christian tries to get involved, Jack gets distracted and that lets Luchasaurus hit an avalanche clothesline before Luchasaurus finishes Jungle Boy to get the win.

The Firm Interview

Renee Paquette interviews The Firm who have purchased the contracts of Private Party. Matt Hardy comes in with them all mad and Ethan Page puts their contracts on the line with Isiah Kassidy but if they lose, Matt Hardy belongs to The Firm.

WarJoe (Wardlow & Samoa Joe) defeated The Factory (Nick Comoroto & QT Marshall) w/ Aaron Solo via Submission (2:28)

We return from break with QT in the ring running down the name WarJoe and he soon gets his wish as they come out to wrestle The Factory. The bell rings, the four men pair off as Wardlow beats up Comoroto outside and Samoa Joe gets on top of QT in the ring. Comoroto makes the save but Joe beats him off then tags out to Wardlow after QT misses a splash. Wardlow dominates QT and lets him tag out to Comoroto who comes in to multiple belly-to-belly suplexes from Wardlow. Nick manages to get some offence in on the TNT champion but then he runs into a Spinebuster. Joe tags in, Wardlow hits a Senton Atomico and Joe chokes out Nick to get the win.

After the match, QT is given the Powerbomb Symphony and Canada loves it. That is until The Embassy cut them off and challenge them. Prince Nana and Brian Cage do the talking and says he’s mad at them for saving FTR who then emerge too. Dax tries to talk but can’t because Canada loves FTR. Dax challenges The Embassy and introduces their partner for a trios match, Shawn Spears! He comes down and delivers Aaron Solo for a Powerbomb.

JAS Interview

Angelo Parker & Matt Menard run down Bryan Danielson for trying to steal Garcia before Jericho says that Garcia has been ignoring him all week and it breaks his heart and then says he’ll out wrestle Danielson tonight. 

Swerve Strickland defeated Billy Gunn w/ The Acclaimed (Max Caster & Anthony Bowens) via Pinfall (8:47)

The Acclaimed are loved by Toronto because everyone loves The Acclaimed. They rap Billy to the ring. The match begins with loud scissor me daddy chants and Billy Gunn stripping. The two men meet in the middle of the ring with words before Billy takes over with a swift punch. He drops Swerve with a shoulder tackle and follows with another. Swerve comes back with a flip out of the corner and a low dropkick to send us to break. Strickland spends the break working over the leg of Gunn as viciously as he can.

We return with Swerve continuing to work over the leg and sends Billy to the floor. He dives over the top rope with a knee drop and then heads back into the ring, taunting Billy to come join him. Swerve lays in the strikes when Billy makes it to the apron and then Gunn pulls out a tilt-a-whirl slam to get some separation. It works as Billy stays on top with clotheslines and then a Jackhammer. He calls for the fameasser but Swerve avoids and goes back to the knee then hits a flatliner and the Swerve Stomp. Billy Gunn kicks out at 2.9 so Swerve tries for a kick, misses, but somehow rolls up Billy with the assist of the bottom rope to get the win.

The Acclaimed check on Billy and go to scissor but Mark Sterling interrupts to say that he owns the trademark for scissor me. He insinuates he’ll let them have it back for a title match but doesn’t say it out loud.

MJF Promo

Alex Marvez asks MJF about almost shaking hands with Yuta last week (we see this beforehand). Before he can answer, Stokely Hathaway interrupts him and MJF tells him to not interrupt him and for getting involved in his business. MJF then turns to William Regal and threatens him. He then says that nice guys finish last and he’s not an idiot, he knows everyone hates him but nobody knows what it’s like to be him. He finishes by promising to be World Champion. This is one hell of a promo.

Jon Moxley Promo

Tony Schiavone brings Jon Moxley to the ring and immediately asks him about facing Hangman next week. Moxley says it’s great to be in Toronto but everyone has tried to knock him off the top of the mountain and nobody knows what it’s actually like to be the world champion. He says a lot of guys get to where he is and crumble, some quicker than others. He says that the champion doesn’t have the luxury of being anxious because they need to be ruthless. He moves on to discuss Hangman directly but before he can, out comes the cowboy.

Moxley begrudgingly passes him the mic and Hangman says he wants Moxley to say it to his face if he has anything to say. He reminds Moxley what he said last week and says it meant the world to him because Hangman has watched Moxley and he respects him. He puts him over as a human being before we see MJF in the sky box. Hangman says everything changed when Moxley called him a kid. Moxley says that’s exactly what he thinks because if Hangman has it in him to pull the trigger anymore. Hangman admits he’s hesitated and failed and Hangman says he’s left with nothing and he’s angry and anxious and depressed but he’s here because he’s a man. Hangman gets all kinds of fired up as he screams that he’s a man to Moxley and Page knows what he has to do next week to take back the title he should have never let slip away. Hangman tells Mox he will be the next AEW champion.

Chris Jericho w/ Matt Menard & Angelo Parker defeated Bryan Danielson via Pinfall (14:39) to retain the ROH World Championship

We get a brief video package from the road to series before this match and Bobby Cruise announces both competitors as Ian Riccaboni and William Regal join commentary. Danielson gets off to a hot start with a roll up followed by strikes. Bryan sends Jericho to the outside with a catapult and follows up with a Tope Suicida. He hits a body slam on the ramp then back in the ring, Danielson takes over again with a headbutt and more strikes. Jericho finally answers with some strikes of his own and the two men go back and forth across the ring with chops. Jericho hits an avalanche hurricanrana to send us to break. Jericho spends too long soaking in the crowd’s acclaim and Danielson takes over once again. He lays in strikes all over the body of Jericho, kicks and elbows to the back, chest and head and Jericho absorbs it all. Danielson stays on top throughout the remainder of picture in picture.

When we return, Jericho shows some signs of life with strikes before he pulls out a nice DDT and then sends Danielson to the floor with a dropkick and following up with a dive over the top rope. He carries on the offence using the barricade and Jericho heads up top when they get back in the ring. Danielson cuts him off and then nails an avalanche butterfly suplex and goes for the LeBell lock, getting it on and having Jericho in trouble. Chris fights out and he tries to lock in the walls of Jericho, managing it after a struggle and now it’s Danielson in the middle of the ring. Bryan fights out and gets some ground and pound elbows on the champion before locking on a walls of Jericho of his own. Jericho fights out with a roll up but Danielson kicks him in the head for two to stay on top. Danielson uses the hammer and anvil elbows but Jericho fights back with an AA of all things and gets a two count! (John Cena is All Elite confirmed). Danielson fights back and hits a knee strike from the top rope twice but the third one is countered into a code breaker for two. The two men exchange blows again and when they go back and forth, Jericho pushes Danielson into the ref. Both men go for clotheslines and go down and then the JAS give the ROH title to Jericho while the ref is down. Daniel Garcia comes out and stops Jericho from doing it. Jericho runs into a Busaiku Knee but then Garcia hits Danielson with the belt from behind as he finally chooses a side. Angelo Parker rolls the ref back in the ring and Jericho makes the cover and it’s academic from there.

After the match, the BCC (sans Moxley) storm to the ring to make sure the JAS don’t attack Danielson.

Nyla Rose Interview

Renee is back to interview the “TBS Champion” Nyla Rose and this is comedic gold. Anna Jay A.S challenges Nyla for a match on Friday and Nyla accepts.

Toni Storm & Hikaru Shida defeated Britt Baker & Jamie Hayter w/ Rebel via Pinfall (8:19)

The ladies are back in their usual slot tonight so Saraya’s revolution is going great. Shida and Hayter begin the match and Shida is in no mood for Jamie’s antics. Jamie begins to fire in strikes but Shida answers with a dropkick and brings Toni in. Storm beats Hayter down and then hits a thrust kick and an uppercut in the corner. Toni gets grabbed by Britt which lets Toni hit a big boot to Storm’s face and we head to break with Hayter on top. Jamie hits a snap suplex then tags Britt in who attacks Toni in the corner. Britt and Jamie isolate Toni throughout the break, keeping her in their corner.

When we return, Toni and Jamie make tags and Shida finally gets her hands on Britt and beats her down with elbows and then a jumping knee. Hikaru follows up with strikes in the corner and Hayter tries to save her and instead is suplexed into the ring from the apron and then Britt gets one too onto Hayter's body. Shida gets a two count from a meteora and then Britt blocks the Katana. Jamie hits her with a backbreaker, Jamie is taken out by Toni and then Britt deals with her before Britt gets her glove on. Shida gets a double thrust kick from both Jamie and Britt before Britt hits a kerb stomp for two. Toni comes back with a DDT on Britt and then the Storm Zero. Hayter breaks up the pin at two. Shida runs wild and then Britt almost rolls her up and she instead transitions to the lockjaw. Shida rolls her up for two to escape before hitting her with the Falcon Arrow. Shida goes for the pin but Britt counters it a couple of times before Shida keeps her down for three.

The Butcher & The Blade Promo

The Butcher & The Blade challenge the BCC for Rampage. YES!

Orange Cassidy defeated PAC via Pinfall (11:18) to become the NEW AEW All-Atlantic Champion

Main event time! Orange fires for the Orange Punch from the bell but misses and PAC takes over with kicks and then an arm drag. He follows up with strikes in the corners as the bastard then puts Orange’s hands in his pockets and using the weak kicks. Orange interrupts with a dropkick and then tries for a dive but PAC catches him and nails a huge Falcon Arrow on the floor to send us to our final break. PAC rolls Orange back into the ring and continues the assault on Cassidy with kicks. He decides to head back to the floor and drags Cassidy all the way up the ramp before hitting a tombstone piledriver and returning to the ring for the count out victory.

We return and Bryce begins his count but Cassidy rolls down the ramp to get back quickly (for him) and he makes it at 9. PAC immediately locks in the brutaliser and Cassidy seems to be fading but he fights to get his feet to the bottom rope to escape. PAC heads outside to get the hammer and the ref stops him. Cassidy hits a Tope Suicida and then a DDT on the floor. They head back in for another DDT and an Orange Punch and PAC still somehow kicks out. Cassidy heads up to the top rope but PAC rolls out to the apron. Orange adjusts and then jumps into a kick from PAC but then counters a Piledriver into a beach break on the apron. PAC counters an Orange punch with a bridging suplex and then he manages to lock in another brutaliser that Cassidy escapes again via the ropes. PAC goes for the hammer again but Danhausen stops him and curses PAC. The bastard answers with a headbutt and then grabs the hammer. The ref stops him and he grabs another behind the back of the ref though and goes to use it but Orange punches him first. He drops the hammer and Orange picks it up before handing it to the ref. PAC rolls Orange up but Cassidy escapes and hits two huge orange punches to win his first ever AEW title. AND NEW!

That was a tremendous two hours of wrestling television. All the boxes were ticked for me but no Kenny Omega for the debut in Canada stopped this from being a perfect show. A 9 out of 10 week for Dynamite imo, but what did you think? Let us know in the comments, let me know on Twitter @Knapphausen and see you on Friday for AEW Rampage! Au revoir.

Tags: #aew #aew dynamite #dynamite #results #orange cassidy #pac #toni storm #hikaru shida #jamie hayter #britt baker #chris jericho #bryan danielson #jon moxley #hangman adam page #mjf

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