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It’s Wednesday, you know what that means! It’s time for another hugely important episode of Dynamite for the AEW World Championship with two semi-finals ahead of crowning a champion next week at Grand Slam. On one side we get Danielson vs Jericho and the other, Moxley vs Guevara and somewhere in-between we’ll also get a tag match involving the Interim AEW Women’s World Champion and three ladies eyeing that gold. So, with Excalibur, Tony Schiavone & Taz on commentary tonight in Albany, New York, let’s get straight to the wrestling!
As expected, the show begins with William Regal on commentary and Wild Thing playing to signal Jon Moxley’s arrival. The heart and soul of AEW makes his way to the ring slowly as always, soaking in the crowd's adulation on his way down. He’s followed to the ring by Sammy Guevara who comes out alone for once, I can’t see that lasting. The bell rings and the crowd break into a loud Moxley chant and Sammy evades the audience favourite to escape the ring. He composes himself before returning to the ring and locking up with the former world champion and getting taken down to the mat and bullied immediately. They end up on their feet and fighting to the corner where Sammy takes over with strikes, getting Moxley down briefly but getting too cocky and turning around into a King Kong Lariat that turns him inside out. The two men then begin to exchange chops and palm strikes and then elbows and forearms before Sammy sends him to the outside before hitting the Tope Con Hilo and then a Tornado before tossing Moxley into the ring steps and then stomping at this face to send us to break. Sammy wastes a lot of time posturing and allowing Jon to recover so Moxley soon fights his way back on the outside, tossing Guevara over the timekeeper’s table and then suplexing him on the floor. Sammy fights back with misdirection and tosses Moxley into the ring post before returning him into the ring for a two count. Moxley manages to catch him in a sleeper but Sammy escapes using the corner and lays in a chop too.
.@JonMoxley driving @sammyguevara's face right into the apron! Tune in to #AEWDynamite LIVE on @TBSNetwork! pic.twitter.com/XvbzYK1BsM
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) September 15, 2022
We return to the match as Sammy gets Moxley up on the apron for a Piledriver but Jon is having none of it, countering and driving Sammy into the apron head first. Moxley crawls back into the ring and Sammy avoids getting counted out at seven but Moxley meets him with lariats in the corner before hoisting Sammy up top and attacking him with fingernails and teeth before bringing Sammy down with a Butterfly Suplex for two. Moxley counters into a Kimura then an Arm Bar but Sammy counters into a Boston Crab. They separate and Sammy gets on top with his double jump cutter but Moxley kicks out at 2.9! Guevara tries for the GTH and Moxley snatches him down into a Bulldog Choke. Sammy escapes but the Hammer & Anvil Elbows catch him and Moxley goes for the King Kong Lariat again only for Guevara to counter with a Spanish Fly for two! Guevara tries to go up top to follow up but instead Moxley brings him down with an Avalanche German Suplex. Anna Jay A.S and Tay Melo head down the ramp for the distraction, Tay landing a low blow but Moxley still kicks out of the roll up at two! Sammy goes up top again and tries for a Senton Atomico but misses and Jon Moxley almost pins Sammy with the Seatbelt pin! Sammy fires in some elbows but Moxley absorbs everything Sammy has and returns fire until Sammy pulls out a Knee Strike and a Thrust Kick but when he goes for the GTH, Moxley escapes and lands the Death Rider to win! Great match to start the night!
And with that, @JonMoxley is one step closer to reclaiming the #AEW World Championship at Arthur Ashe Stadium next week at #AEWGrandSlam! It’s #AEWDynamite LIVE on @TBSNetwork! pic.twitter.com/PjgPUzorZO
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) September 15, 2022
We’re told before break that MJF is making a scene and demanding a microphone and when we return his music plays over the speakers. He soon emerges and he’s in a much fouler mood than when he emerged last week. He heads to the ring and begins to address Moxley saying that he hasn’t slept for seven days because Moxley isn’t scared of him. Max tells Jon that he’s not the same kid he was 2 years ago and then turns on Moxley for his childhood, running him down for being bullied and beaten up. He says that is why Moxley puts on a front and it’s a good one but Max doesn’t buy it because Moxley is still a poor little boy and then he pulls at the low hanging fruit of the alcohol abuse. Max compliments Moxley for slaying his demons but MJF says his brain is more dangerous than addiction. He then extends the warning to Danielson and Jericho too that bad things happen to people in Max’s way. To close, Max reminds us of Moxley’s demon promo when he first came back and says that if Moxley doesn’t tread lightly, he’ll find out Max is that demon and can’t be slayed.
"I ain't playin' a character, Jon. You are!" @The_MJF has a message for @JonMoxley! Watch #AEWDynamite LIVE on @TBSNetwork! pic.twitter.com/WzSQTuBndK
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) September 15, 2022
MJF then turns to his little gang that Stokely Hathaway curated, putting Hathaway over as his best friend and calling them The Firm. They come out and head down to the ring to join MJF before Stokely takes over, telling the crowd they’re going to hear some gospel. He says he’s the man that got MJF back into AEW to take what’s rightfully his. He says this group will be here for MJF but when he doesn’t need them, they’ll split apart. Stokely says he’s not a manager, just a friend of MJF before saying he has all the gossip in AEW to blackmail people. Hathaway goes through all of his recruits and puts them over one at a time and stating their goals before telling AEW to run with them or from them.
"You either run with us, or you run from us." @The_MJF introduces #TheFirm, led by @StokelyHathaway! Tune in to #AEWDynamite LIVE on @TBSNetwork! pic.twitter.com/aKFHg43iyi
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) September 15, 2022
We get a brief video package explaining why we have this match. Jungle Boy put out an open challenge that Jay Lethal is accepting. Both men make their entrances and the match begins with a lock up with neither man coming out on top necessarily but Lethal is clearly underestimating his opponent before they exchange strikes and then Lethal has to pull out his counters. JB does the same and gets on top with an Arm Drag and a Thrust Kick. Lethal tries for a Figure Four but Jungle Boy counters into a pin and after a scuffle, Lethal spills to the outside. Jungle Boy goes for the Tope Suicida but Satnam Singh stands between the competitors to stop him. Satnam and Sonjay Dutt run distraction and that allows Lethal to take over, sending him to the floor from the top rope as we head to break. Lethal dominates Jungle Boy throughout the commercials as commentary question whether he’s come back too early. Even when he manages to get some offence in, Lethal shuts him down and put him on the back foot again.
The spine of Jungle Boy punished by @TheLethalJay! Watch #AEWDynamite LIVE on @TBSNetwork right now! pic.twitter.com/qDNzEibvf3
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) September 15, 2022
When we return, it’s still much of the same as Lethal is punishing Jungle Boy using the turnbuckles but JB manages to fire back with a huge lariat to take Lethal down for a double down. The two men exchange forearms on their knees, fighting to their feet until Jungle Boy lands a Flying Elbow but can’t follow up with a Suplex as his back gives out. Lethal tries for the Lethal Injection but JB gets an adrenaline rush and lands the Comebacker Lariat and a Brainbuster for two. JB takes Lethal up top where Jay escapes and then brings him down with an Avalanche Russian Leg Sweep for two. Lethal goes for the Lethal Injection again but Jungle Boy counters, looking for a Killswitch until Jay lands the Lethal Combination. JB rolls out and gets hit with a Tope Suicida then an Elbow Drop from the top rope where JB kicks out again. Lethal goes for a Pump Kick but gets caught in a Snare Trap. Sonjay distracts him and gets taken out but Lethal attacks again only to get caught in another Snare Trap and has to submit.
An incredible victory for @boy_myth_legend tonight on #AEWDynamite LIVE on @TBSNetwork! pic.twitter.com/IrJox9Q0Zw
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) September 15, 2022
What it says on the tin. This is actually pretty good. Next week might be good!
“You’re lookin’ at New York City right here.” @ActionBronson & @730hook warn #JerichoAppreciationSociety’s @thedaddymagic & @theangeloparker to get ready for next week.
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) September 15, 2022
Tune in NOW to #AEWDynamite LIVE on TBS! pic.twitter.com/hegpI5znYO
The toast, or should I say pizza, of the IWC randomly appears on AEW for an interview but Ethan Page takes him out before Danhausen joins him and we get a match set up for rampage of Danhausen vs Ethan!
Since #AllEgo Ethan Page's goal is to be the King of The Atlantic, he finds it fitting to take on the "Jester" of AEW!
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) September 15, 2022
Tune in NOW to #AEWDynamite LIVE on TBS pic.twitter.com/RSK7JY2WMl
Darby does a backflip on a tricycle.
Matt congratulates Darby on the stuntz and challenges him to a match on Rampage.
After an incredible display of extreme athleticism at @NitroCircus tour, Matt Hardy challenges Darby Allin to a match this FRIDAY on #AEWRampage!
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) September 15, 2022
Tune in NOW to #AEWDynamite LIVE on TBS pic.twitter.com/2Dl6ZcuC0c
Hobbs comes out to face DiMartino, already in the ring and from Albany, and makes light work of him with a Spinebuster in seconds.
An emphatic and decisive victory for #Powerhouse @TrueWillieHobbs here on #AEWDynamite LIVE on @TBSNetwork! pic.twitter.com/RHQVEIHZPe
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) September 15, 2022
Hobbs demands the microphone after the match and the crowd call for Ricky Starks. Hobbs says he beat Ricky at All Out and says that Starks is tough but it took Hobbs 4:35 to beat him. Hobbs says now that Starks is done, it’s time for a new chapter in the book of Hobbs starting tonight.
Ricky appears in the crowd, making his way to the ring looking calm until he gets ringside, dodging security and taking Hobbs out of the ring with strikes, even using the mic to do as much damage as possible.
Is the chapter truly closed on @starkmanjones, in the Book of Hobbs @truewilliehobbs? Watch #AEWDynamite LIVE on @TBSNetwork! pic.twitter.com/rPjI89MBD1
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) September 15, 2022
Lucha Bros and PAC say they’re unstoppable and they’ll win the tag titles tonight.
Last week Death Triangle made history winning the #AEW World Trios Titles & @BASTARDPAC becoming AEW’s first double champ. Now @PENTAELZEROM & @ReyFenixMx aim to become Double Champs vs @swerveconfident & @RealKeithLee LIVE on #AEWDynamite at 8pm ET/7pm CT on @TBSNetwork TONIGHT! pic.twitter.com/ltn1tOrh3y
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) September 14, 2022
As far as matches to be announced on short notice, this is a big one! Both teams make their entrances and the match begins with Penta & Swerve as the legal men. Swerve gets an early attack in but Penta counters and almost gets an Arm Snapper. Strickland avoids that but is soon being attacked again with Fenix tagging in and hitting a Dropkick. Lucha Brothers take over as Fenix shows off his agility until Swerve gets a Springboard Hurricanrana to escape and tag in Keith Lee. Lee and Fenix square off, exchanging strikes until Lee unsurprisingly wins out to send us to break. Fenix manages to tag out and Lucha Brothers take over, isolating Keith with some double teams and grabbing control. Penta and Fenix exchange quick tags and chop Lee down until Keith grabs Fenix and muscles him to his corner to get the tag out. Swerve comes in and manages to get on top of Fenix once again, locking in the Gory Special.
.@swerveconfident knocks @ReyFenixMx off the buckle in style! Tune in to #AEWDynamite LIVE on @TBSNetwork! pic.twitter.com/bjlAqACPVg
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) September 15, 2022
We return to the match with the submission still locked in and although Fenix escapes, Swerve blocks the tag until Fenix hits the comebacker kick and tags Penta in. Penta pulls out Slingblades and Backstabbers to be the only man standing. Swerve comes back but is hit with the Made in Penta only for Lee to grab Fenix out of the sky on a dive and use him to break the pin up! Swerve and Penta go back and forth until Keith tags in again, he takes down Penta then catches Fenix with a Backbreaker before Swerve in our Glory try to end the match with the Swerve Stomp Double Team. Lucha Brothers fight back with Fenix hitting a Spanish Fly on Swerve from the top rope and Penta pulls out the Destroyer on Keith Lee only for him to kick out at 2.9. The crowd show their appreciation and then Lucha Bros try for the Fear Factor but Swerve takes Fenix out and Keith Lee manages to pull out the Big Bang Catastrophe to get the win.
#AndStill! The #AEW World Tag Team Champions #SwerveInOurGlory retain their titles after an electrifying match here on #AEWDynamite LIVE on @TBSNetwork! pic.twitter.com/xIfgTx1h8G
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) September 15, 2022
The Acclaimed come out to tell Swerve off for interrupting them last week and tell them that he and Keith lose their titles to The Acclaimed next week.
Yo! Listen! #TheAcclaimed have a message for the #AEW World Tag Team Champions #SwerveInOurGlory here on #AEWDynamite LIVE on @TBSNetwork! pic.twitter.com/rqdFBydw2n
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) September 15, 2022
Alex Marvez disrespects Lucha Bros so PAC puts him in his place but then gets taken out by Orange Cassidy who says PAC won’t be a double champion for long!
Bump in the road for #AEW World Trios Champions #DeathTriangle but seems like Orange Cassidy has his eye on PAC's #AEW All-Atlantic Belt!
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) September 15, 2022
Tune in NOW to #AEWDynamite LIVE on TBS! pic.twitter.com/D726gIUQRG
The ladies are back in their usual pre-main event slot this week as we get a tag team match minus two people originally announced for it. Jamie Hayter wants nothing to do with Britt so has been replaced by Serena Deeb and Hikaru Shida got taken out by Britt Baker on Dark so she’s replaced by Athena. We get an interview with Athena and Storm beforehand and then all four women head to the ring. Serena and Toni begin the match with some nice mat wrestling highlighting the first exchanges on the mat. We get a stalemate and then a chop exchange before Toni takes over and brings Athena in to get a one count with a Crossbody. She follows with a Dropkick and a Back Elbow and then a facebuster onto her knees. She climbs to the top rope and comes down to avoid Britt attacking her but that lets Serena chop block the knee of Athena and send us to break. Deeb attacks the knee before tagging Britt in to continue the assault. Serena comes back in and locks in a Figure Four but Athena fights out.
.@AthenaPalmer_FG's athleticism on display here at #AEWDynamite LIVE on @TBSNetwork! pic.twitter.com/4GQEkfq3a7
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) September 15, 2022
When we return, Toni Storm gets the hot tag but so does Britt and it’s Toni who manages to get on top. Rebel saves Britt from the Hip Attack so Toni uses Rebel to launch off into a DDT on the floor. Back in the ring, Britt nails a slingblade until both women make the tag. Athena tries to fight her way through Serena but gets caught in a Juji Gatame. Athena has to power out and nails Deeb with a Meteora. Storm tags in and hits a Crossbody but Deeb rolls through into a Half Crab. Athena tries to makes the save but runs into a Britt Baker Thrust Kick. Toni gets a kick too so Deeb tries a pin but Athena makes the save. Britt attacks Athena outside and Deeb deals with Toni but can’t finish her off until Britt grabs a chair and uses it to help Serena attack Toni whilst Rebel distracts the ref.
The victory snatched by @SerenaDeeb and Dr. @realbrittbaker D.M.D, with a little assist by @RebelTanea! #AEWDynamite is LIVE on @TBSNetwork! pic.twitter.com/ZY7hE1uPsq
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) September 15, 2022
After the match, Athena attacks Britt and Serena but they have the number advantage. Jamie Hayter runs out to seemingly make a save but attacks Toni and then exchanges words with Britt before leaving.
.@jmehytr and Dr. @realbrittbaker D.M.D exchanging heated words here on #AEWDynamite LIVE on @TBSNetwork! pic.twitter.com/5uJh2hOca4
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) September 15, 2022
Samoa Joe vs Josh Wood for the ROH TV title on Rampage.
It’s official: #ROH World Television Champion @SamoaJoe defends his title against former @ringofhonor Pure Champion @WoodsIsTheGoods this FRIDAY on #AEWRampage on TNT!
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) September 15, 2022
Tune in NOW to #AEWDynamite LIVE on TBS! pic.twitter.com/QM2PE9wRJX
Main Event time and after the entrances, this match can't go as long as the All Out version! Hopefully it’s better than that one too. Meltzer gave it four stars but I was not as easily impressed as the newly verified Dave. William Regal once again joins commentary after coming out with Bryan Danielson. The bell rings and Danielson lands several chops to get us started. He begins to pair them with some kicks and Jericho wilts in the corner. Danielson follows up with a Dropkick and finally Jericho begins to fire back chops of his own. Danielson comes back again with a dropkick and Jericho ends up spilling outside so Bryan follows him with a kick and then a running knee to drop Jericho on the floor. The American Dragon drives Jericho into the ring post arm first twice before returning to the ring and landing another dropkick from the top rope. He heads up top and gets a two count from a diving headbutt before continuing to target the arm of Jericho. Danielson begins to pepper Jericho with kicks but Chris returns fire with a desperation German Suplex and then follows with a Springboard Dropkick. Danielson spills outside so Jericho dives onto him and then beats him down on the floor. The two men return to the ring and Jericho resumes the attack with palm strikes but all that does is wind up Danielson who retorts and we get a big strike exchange which leads to a double crossbody causing a double down and a commercial break. Both men exchange strikes and it’s Jericho who gets up first only to turn around from celebrating to see Danielson doing press ups in the ring. They go back and forth again but Jericho pulls out a Lionsault for two. Jericho ends up tangling himself in the turnbuckle to give the momentum back.
A rare German Suplex by @IAmJericho! #AEWDynamite is LIVE on @TBSNetwork! pic.twitter.com/sOkinO4Xps
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) September 15, 2022
We return and Jericho manages to cut Danielson off on the top rope before they brawl up there and Jericho pulls him down with a Hurricanrana. Jericho misses a Judas Effect and Bryan hits a German Suplex with Bridge for two. He transitions to Cattle Mutilation and Jericho fights to a seated position. Danielson lands in the Hammer & Anvil Elbows but Jericho fights back with ones of his own. Danielson takes it and doesn’t go down, standing up and chopping Jericho back. The two exchange strikes and palm strikes before Jericho pulls out a Codebreaker and Danielson responds immediately with a Busaiku Knee. Both men struggle to their feet, Jericho doing so on the apron and Bryan in the ring. Danielson lands chop after chop but then Jericho pulls him over the top rope and to the floor where Danielson goes down holding his ankle. Jericho pushes the doctor checking on Danielson away and pulls off the boot of Danielson, attacking the foot directly and then continuing the attack with the ring post. He locks in a figure four around the ring post for the five seconds he’s allowed to, really doing the damage he needs before landing a chop block back in the ring. Jericho hits a Knee Breaker and then tries another but Danielson fights out with elbows. Danielson tries for a one-legged Busaiku Knee but can’t get it, instead, Jericho locks in the Walls of Jericho. Chris screams at Danielson to tap but he won’t. Jericho focuses on the injured leg alone but Danielson still won’t tap, he fights through the pain and crawls for the ropes. Jericho pulls him back but Danielson slips out of the hold and rolls Jericho up for two. Jericho pulls out a Dragon Screw and locks in a Figure Four but Bryan still refuses to submit. Jericho locks it up as tight as he can and then the two men just exchange punches from the mat. All of a sudden, Danielson transitions out of nowhere and manages to lock in the LeBell lock and after fighting it as long as possible, Jericho has to tap out.
The #AmericanDragon @bryandanielson advances to the finals of the #AEWGrandSlam Tournament of Champions at Arthur Ashe Stadium, where he will face #BlackpoolCombatClub teammate @JonMoxley! What a night of action it has been on #AEWDynamite LIVE on @TBSNetwork! pic.twitter.com/w4lhu8mtow
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) September 15, 2022
Moxley heads to the ring after the match and he and Danielson look at each other across the ring before they exchange words and shake hands and the crowd chant BCC.
.@JonMoxley or @bryandanielson??
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) September 15, 2022
History will be made, and a NEW #AEW World Champion WILL be crowned next week at #AEWGrandSlam at Arthur Ashe Stadium! | #AEWDynamite @TBSNetwork pic.twitter.com/dUQq75Cyrj
That was a very enjoyable wrestling show. A solid 9/10 as AEW begins to find the new normal after the Fall Out from All Out. The card from next week looks absolutely incredible too so plenty to look forward to. Let us know what you thought in the comments and let me know on Twitter @Knapphausen and I’ll see you back here on Friday for Rampage. Until then, so long, and goodnight!