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AEW Rampage Results (April 1st 2022)

Posted By: Jonny Knapp on Apr 02, 2022

AEW Rampage Results (April 1st 2022)

It’s Friday, you know what that means! It’s time for the fastest hour in all of professional wrestling. This week, we have another stacked card as the Young Bucks take on top flight and we get another Owen Hart Foundation Women’s Tournament Qualifier as Skye Blue faces Jamie Hayter. The commentary team are Excalibur, Taz, Chris Jericho & Ricky Starks so with all that out of the way, let’s get straight to the wrestling!

Young Bucks (Matt & Nick Jackson) defeated Top Flight (Dante & Darius Martin) via Pinfall (11:16)

We’re starting off hot with both teams in the ring ready to go. The bell rings and Nick Jackson & Dante martin get us started and are evenly matched until Matt takes out Dante whilst Nick deals with Darius on the apron to take over. Matt tags in but Dante & Darius flip the script and take over, beating Matt down with some double team moves. Darius comes in legally and fires a superkick to the chest of the older buck as he dominates. Dante comes back in and focuses on Matt’s shoulder but when Darius comes back in, Matt and Nick catch him with an elbow and Nick tags in. Nick eats a Manhattan Drop and then gets taken off the apron by the Martin brothers and then Dante takes out both Jacksons with a Tope Suicida. The Bucks take their time on the outside to recover and when Nick heads back into the ring, he takes Dante out on the apron with a superkick and when Darius chases him, he runs into a Superkick from Matt. The Bucks using all their experience count. Matt and Nick begin to dominate as we head to the first break with them showing off for the crowd as both of Top Flight are down. Matt tries to pin Darius but only gets a couple of one counts so Matt begins working on the back of Martin. He fights to his feet so Matt throws him back down and kicks his back for good measure.

Dante fires back with a Jawbreaker as we come back and then makes the tag and Dante comes in with a crazy Side Headlock Takeover off his brother's back. Dante takes out Nick on the apron and then hits a Shotgun Dropkick from the top on Matt. Matt rakes the eyes to get back into it and tosses Dante out of the ring and tags in Nick. Dante evades Nick's attack and Top Flight counter into a series of moves which gets them a two count. They tag and Top Flight hit some more innovative double teams on Nick and Matt breaks it up. Dante goes for the Nosedive and Matt pushes him to the barricade to take him out and then Darius hits a Spanish Fly. Darius and Nick exchange strikes and Nick manages to turn it into a BTE trigger to allow Matt, who got a blind tag, to pin Darius as the Bucks get the win. That was really fun.

Kris Statlander Video Package

Recap of Kris vs Leyla as she welcomes us to the other side of Kris Statlander. Cryptic.

Dan Lambert Promo

Dan Lambert refers to Cody & Brandi leaving before saying that Tay and Sammy don’t need him to embarrass them because they do it enough themselves. Scorpio, Ethan and Paige make some jokes but Dan says they won’t stoop to their level and they aren’t getting a match. Sammy interrupts to show him and Tay smashing up the car of Dan Lambert to try and convince him otherwise. To quote Dodgeball; “It’s a bold strategy Cotton, let’s see if it works out for them”.

Hook Interview

Tony Schiavone has an interview with Hook but before he speaks, Danhausen interrupts and wonders why Hook can’t be cursed. LOVE THAT DANHAUSEN OR BE CURSED!

House of Black (Malakai Black, Brody King & Buddy Matthews) defeated Dark Order (Evil Uno & Stu Grayson) & Fuego Del Sol via Pinfall (8:0

The House of Black make their epic entrance a4)nd it still isn’t getting old. Buddy starts off with Stu Grayson and they take it in turns to wipe out the other before exchanging positions in the corner. Stu sends Buddy outside and hits a Tope Con Hilo to get the advantage. Fuego tags himself in and Matthews takes out Uno & Grayson before the House of Black toss him into their corner and Brody King tags in, tossing Fuego to his Dark Order teammates below to send us to break. The House of Black dominate on the outside throughout the break and things look very bleak for Fuego and the Dark Order.

We get the blackout on Fite before we return but once we do head back to the action, it’s Buddy Matthews mauling Fuego. Fuego finally tags out and Uno and Grayson finally get to work together and they finally get something to stick on the House of Black. Uno nearly pins Malakai with a Powerbomb but Brody breaks it up and then Brody takes out The Dark Order with a Cannonball Senton. The House of Black surround Fuego but Uno & Grayson remove Brody and Buddy and Fuego almost rolls up Malakai and then plants him with a DDT but when he goes for the Tornado DDT, Fuego ends up getting his head kicked off by Malakai’s Back Heel Kick and that’s all she wrote for poor Fuego. Jericho names The House of Black as his Sports Entertainer's as the week after the match. 

Young Bucks Promo

The Young Bucks list FTR achievements and point out that they have done all of those things. Brandon points out they forgot the IWGP tag team championships and The Bucks say they won both Jr & Heavyweight IWGP Tag Titles and also tell Brandon to shut up. They say that there’s one thing that FTR haven’t done and it’s beat them before saying that it’s FTR vs Young Bucks 2 on Dynamite this Wednesday. LFG. Brandon says they also forgot the PWG & ROH Tag titles and the Bucks agree but tell him to shut up again.

Jamie Hayter w/ Rebel defeated Skye Blue via Pinfall (5:38) to qualify for the Owen Hart Foundation Women’s Tournament

Jamie and Sky begin with some technical wrestling until Jamie takes over with an elbow. Skye almost pins her to counter a roll up and then takes Jamie down with an arm drag. Jamie fights back with a suplex in the corner and then begins to dominate Skye but gets rolled up for two. Skye then hits a Crucifix Bomb for two and a Sunset Flip for the same but Jamie hits her Spinebuster and Skye crumbles. Blue tries to fight back and hits a Tijeras before dropping Jamie to the floor with some good kicks and a knee but Jamie kicks out at two. Jamie comes back with a Backdrop Driver but runs into a Superkick and then Skye climbs up top but Hayter cuts her off and then climbs up. Blue fights back but Jamie hits a Superplex and a Sheer Drop Brainbuster before a Rip Cord Lariat gets the victory for Jamie.

Penta Oscuro Promo

Penta Oscuro tells House of Black to stop playing with Fuego or they’ll get burned by Death Triangle.

Mark Henry Main Event Interview

Powerhouse Hobbs cuts Mark off when he asks Keith Lee a question and tells Keith he’s getting spinebuster-ed in some biblical talk. Keith Lee says he should focus on fiction because Keith Lee is unreal. It looks like there’s been enough talk, it’s time for the main event.

Keith Lee defeated Powerhouse Hobbs via Pinfall (10:57)

Been looking forward to this one since Wednesday. Both men make their entrance and the crowd are loudly in Keith Lee’s corner. The match starts slow with neither man quick to lock up, when they do, they’re very even and neither can get an advantage. Hobbs goes for a Side Headlock but Lee fights out and then both men collide in the middle with Shoulder Blocks until Lee hits his pounce to send Hobbs to the outside and send us to break. Lee heads outside with Hobbs and ends up being pushed into the square ring post twice and then into the barricade as Hobbs takes over. He mockingly conducts the crowd like Lee does and then heads back outside to force his head into the ring post and barricades some more. They head back into the ring and Hobbs tells Lee this is his show and then drives his knee into Keith’s face. He gets a two count and then drops a knee onto Lee’s chest.

We head back to the match and Hobbs beats down a kneeling Keith Lee, driving his knee into him and then dropping him with a falling Lariat for two. Keith Lee hits a Double Overhand Chop from his knees and then fights back with jabs and Elbow strikes. Lee hits his own massive Lariat for his own two count and then Lee sets up for the Spirit Bomb but Hobbs Backdrops Lee to counter. Hobbs hits a Powerslam from nowhere for two and then follows up with a Splash in the corner but Lee avoids it, hits his own splash and Beells Hobbs across the ring before he hits a Headbutt. Starks runs down from commentary to try and hit Lee with a chair but Lee punches it out of his hand. Swerve runs down to deal with Ricky and in the commotion, Hobbs hits the Last Will & Testament Spinebuster but there’s no ref to count the pin. The ref rolls back in a Keith Lee manages to hit the Big Bang Catastrophe and gets the win. Team Taz cost Hobbs the win.

After the match, Ricky takes out Swerve with a chair and a Roshambo through the timekeeper’s table and then Hobbs hits Keith Lee with the chair to drop him. Starks and Hobbs set up a table in the corner and Lee grabs Starks but before Keith can hit a move, Hobbs drives him through the table to close the show.

I’m all wrestled out for one night/ morning. Have a great Wrestlemania weekend everyone. Adios.

Tags: #aew #aew rampage #rampage #keith lee #powerhouse hobbs #jamie hayter #young bucks #top flight #house of black

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