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AEW Dynamite Results (March 9 2022)

Posted By: Jonny Knapp on Mar 09, 2022

AEW Dynamite Results (March 9 2022)

It's Wednesday, and you know what that means! Only three days removed from the absolutely epic Revolution 2022, AEW is right back at it again as we have an episode full of fallout from Sunday as well as looking forward towards Double or Nothing in May and setting up whatever it is we'll see there. So, with JR, Excalibur and Tony Schiavone on commentary, let's get straight to the wrestling!

Chris Jericho Promo

Chris Jericho starts our show by coming out to Judas in order to discuss his loss to Eddie Kingston on Sunday. He says Revolution was one of the greatest nights of his professional career and says that it might have been his best ever AEW match and he thanks Eddie. He says he didn't live up to his word Sunday in not shaking Eddie's hand and the crowd implore him to do that right now.

Chris calls Eddie to the ring and he obliges, entering the ring and telling the crowd he's about to get deep. He tells a story about how he didn't want to show up to Rampage on Friday because Chris got in his head about winning the big one. He says Chris was right about Eddie not having it into him but when he's been told by the fans who told him they didn't kill themselves because of his deep article in the Player's Tribune a while back and he did it for them on Sunday and he hopes he made them proud. Eddie says he didn't need the handshake, he needed the victory and suggests that not shaking his hand is Jericho's problem. Eddie says Jericho is still the man but does that fill the hole in him that stopped Chris from shaking hands with him.

Jericho tells Eddie that he has his respect now and offers the handshake and Eddie shakes hands with him until the 2point0 music hits and out they rush with Daniel Garcia to take out Jericho and Kingston 3 on 2. Santana and Ortiz rush out to make the save and then Santana holds Garcia up and Ortiz hands a bat to Jericho but instead he hits Santana and turns on the Inner Circle, teaming up with 2point0 and Garcia. Eventually, Hager runs out to find out what's going on and he ends up siding with Jericho and attacking Ortiz. They completely destroy Kingston, Santana & Ortiz until Hager powerbombs Eddie from the apron through a table on the floor. Jericho calls this new group the Jericho Appreciation Society and we close with them standing tall.

CM Punk vs MJF Video Package

What a classic. If you haven't seen the match yet, what are you doing?! Punk seems to be going from strength to strength in the talking parts from post-match in this.

Hangman Adam Page defeated Dante Martin via Pinfall (7:33) to retain the AEW World Heavyweight Championship

We get a surprise next as we have a Hangman title defence as our opening match of the evening. Dante starts off fast as expected and Hangman struggles to deal with it until he catches Martin on a crossbody, drops him with a fallaway slam and sends him to the outside with a lariat to send us to break. He follows that with a dive to the outside and then rolls him back between the ropes before dropping Dante who tries to fight back with one strike. Hangman lays in the chops in the corner and Hangman gets a two from a short arm Lariat. He takes Martin up top and tries for a Superplex but Dante fights back until Hangman catches him into a lovely Death Valley Driver for two.

We return to the action to watch Dante try another comeback and this one is much more successful ending in a Missile Dropkick for two. Dante takes Hangman to the outside with a kick and some nice manoeuvring and follows the champ outside with a Moonsault from the top. He tries for another dropkick from the top back in the ring and Hangman turns it into a Powerbomb for two. He goes for the Buckshot but Dante counters and we get a lovely sequence of back-and-forth reversals to the outside and then back in only for Hangman to hit that Buckshot in the end and get the win.

After the match, Tony Schiavone interviews the champion and Hangman tells Dante to come back to the ring and tells him that him earning the shot tonight shows how good he is before he's interrupted by Adam Cole who tells him that he proved on Sunday that he's not untouchable and says that Hangman got a fluke victory. Cole then says he wants a 6-man tag next week and suggests his teammates will be The Bucks and Hangman can pick whoever he wants and then Cole says he's not stopping going for the Championship.

Jon Moxley & Bryan Danielson w/ William Regal defeated The Workhorsemen (Anthony Henry & JD Drake) via (4:01)

We get Moxley & Danielson's tag team debut next and they come out the blocks hot, taking out Anthony Henry and JD Drake before both Mox and Danielson take turns Isolating their opponents. They brutalise Drake before he escapes to bring in Henry and he gets the same treatment as they isolate him in their half of the ring and exchange tags whilst they attack with Mox using his striking and Danielson his Submission skills mainly but both are apt enough to do the other. Henry brings Drake in again and JD tries to chop Mox which ends poorly for him. Danielson tags in, Moxley takes out Henry on the outside with a dive, Danielson hits Drake with the Busaiku Knee, Moxley hits Henry with the Paradigm Shift on the outside before Danielson Stomps Drake into the mat and taps him out with the LeBell Lock.

Schiavone heads to the ring again and interviews Regal, Regal says it's been 29 years since he was last with Tony on TV. Regals then says he's 53 now and he doesn't have long left so he's spending his time with Mox and Danielson. Regal then gets really emotional as he thanks Tony for helping him with stuff years ago and then says he's been sat home for two months and falling out of love with wrestling until Bryan Danielson mentioned him on AEW. He says that Danielson might be the only reason his name is still relevant today and says Danielson is the perfect wrestler and everything Regal should have been. He talks about training Danielson before getting onto Moxley and then says that the perfect people to train the next generation are Mox and Danielson and warns everyone that battles them that they will step up or get stepped on.

Dark Order Interview

The Dark Order are asked about their relationship with Hangman who shows up to apologise for pushing Alex last week and then Dark Order ask who should tag with him next week. Hangman has already asked Jurassic Express. Awkward.

PAC w/ Penta Oscuro & Alex Abrahantes defeated Wheeler Yuta w/ Orange Cassidy, Danhausen, Trent Beretta & Chuck Taylor via Submission (5:45)

This match was announced to cover the fact the Hangman - Dante match was quicker than expected and I love that detail. We head to break straight away as PAC immediately takes over this match and dominates the early exchanges. PAC continues to stay in control until Yuta hits a Release German Suplex comeback when we return from break. He hits a Manhattan Drop into a Enzuigiri before a Crossbody from the top earns him a two count. PAC comes right back with the Solebutt and hits his own German Suplex, choosing to bridge into a pin instead of releasing and earning a two count. He takes Yuta to the top rope and hits an Avalanche Brainbuster and then locks in the Brutaliser to force the submission.

Cutler Cam

Adam Cole says Revolution was a bad night for all of them before the Bucks & ReDRagon bicker. Cole says that they change everything next week. He tries to recruit the Young Bucks but Matt interrupts him and Adam says he was always going to pick ReDRagon before the three of them leave together. Yes, ReDRagon are clearly in Hangman's head...... Silly Cole.

FTR interview

Dax says that his family is the most important thing but he chooses to go after Young Bucks and ReDRagon and Tully tries to tell them off for not going for the titles so they fire him! Wow!

AHFO In Ring Segment

Matt Hardy says Andrade wants to fire him and then says he's not wearing a suit because he doesn't want to be an asshole anymore like Andrade & Jose. They end up taking a vote on whether Matt stays or goes and Private Party turn on Matt to kick him out. They all attack him and the crowd beg for Jeff to save him but they get Darby and Sting instead who make their way to the ring. The numbers aren't good for them though so then Jeff comes out to make the save and Matt hits a Twist of Fate to set Jeff up for a Swanton Bomb and Jeff Hardy is All Elite.

Shane Swerve Strickland Interview

Swerve starts to tell Schiavone about how good it is to be on AEW until Tony Nese interrupts him to set up a match on Rampage.

Wardlow interview

Tony Schiavone introduces Wardlow and fills us in on what Wardlow did Sunday with betraying Max and Wardlow explains why he did it very articulately. He says that he felt trapped in a cage by Max and now he's broken out. He says that he grew up poor and the money from Max changed his and his family's life but he had no right to disrespect him, threaten his family or put his hands on him. Wardlow says he doesn't care that he's still under MJF's contract because he refuses to be a part of that anymore and he's finally free. Wardlow suggests if MJF is as smart as he claims he'll release him from the contract and Wardlow then sets his sights on the TNT title and an actual AEW title and he's not stopping there.

Keith Lee & QT Marshall Interview

QT welcomes Keith to AEW and says he has a common enemy in Team Taz. Marshall says the Factory has Lee's back but Keith says he has a very large back and he's good before walking away.

Jurassic Express (Jungle Boy & Luchasaurus) w/ Christian Cage defeated The Acclaimed (Max Caster & Anthony Bowens) via Pinfall (9:28) to retain the AEW Tag Team Championships

Jungle Boy and Bowens start this off and Bowens tries to get an early advantage by isolating JB in his corner and tagging out but Jungle Boy fights back and takes out Caster and Bowens before bringing Luchasaurus into the match. The big man takes out Caster before bringing JB back in and Bowens attacks from the outside to allow Caster to take Jungle Boy down outside the ring as we head to break. Caster and Bowens manage to keep Jungle Boy isolated in their corner with stomps and quick tags. They try some more impactful offence and some pin attempts but they can't keep the resilient Jungle Boy down for longer than a two and always is trying to fight back.

Jungle Boy hits his Comebacker Lariat on Bowens as soon as we come back and he also fights off Caster who tags in before Luchasaurus gets his hot tag, running wild on both of The Acclaimed. He heads outside and Jungle Boy takes Bowens and Caster out with a Tope from nowhere before Luchasaurus almost wins it following a Moonsault Press until Bowens breaks it up. Jungle Boy gets the tag and the champs go for the Doomsday Device but Bowens knocks Jungle Boy off the top to save the match. They take over briefly and hit the Mic Drop, forcing Luchasaurus to make the save. The Acclaimed take Luchasaurus out on the outside with the Boombox and they hit a Double Team Powerbomb that Jungle Boy kicks out of at two! The kid just doesn't quit. Christian and Luchasaurus stop Caster hitting Jungle Boy with the Boom Box behind the referee's back and then the Doomsday Device takes out Bowens and they get the pin.

Jade Cargill Promo

Jade and Mark ask who's next and who's left before they list her fallen victims and Jade asks who wants her kiss of death on that bitch show.

Thunder Rosa defeated Leyla Hirsch via Pinfall (8:54) to become the Number One Contender for the AEW Women's World Championship

The two women come out and exchange holds to start this match, grappling for control with neither woman able to get on top. They go back to it for a second time and once again it's even with reversal being met with reversal. Rosa finally hits a series of arm drags and a drop kick to finally gain control before attacking Leyla in the corner but Leyla reverses the Fire Thunder Driver to take over as we head to break. Leyla dominates La Mera Mera throughout the first part of the picture in picture, muscling Rosa up for a slam and getting a one count on a pin. She doesn't give her a chance to get back into it at first but makes a mistake in posturing and Rosa comes back with a forearm to the back but Hirsch isn't taking that and sends her to the mat with a Body Slam for two. Leyla takes Rosa up top and then drops her down into the Tree of Woe and continues the attack with her stricken opponent with knees that earn her another two. Leyla tries to focus on the injured and strapped up arm of Rosa for the Juji Gatame.

We return to Rosa coming back with some Lariats and then a Dropkick to the back and then the face before a Northern Lights Suplex and Bridge earns a two. Rosa tries for her dropkick in the corner but Leyla turns it into a German Suplex for two. Leyla tries to go up top again and Rosa catches her up on the top and brings her down to the mat with a Superplex that she turns into a Neckbreaker over her knee and a Sliding Elbow for two. Leyla rolls outside and pulls out the Turnbuckle Hook Hirsch used on Kris Statlander at Revolution and Red Velvet appears to stop her. Back in the ring Rosa tries for a Fire Thunder Driver but Leyla turns it into a Juji Gatame and Rosa has to make the ropes. Leyla tries for a Running Knee but Thunder Rosa does turn it into the Fire Thunder Driver and gets the win.

Tony Schiavone announces that the Title Match that Thunder Rosa just earned will be a Cage Match.

Britt Baker Promo

Britt says she beat Rosa and she shouldn't get another chance. She goes back to calling it a conspiracy theory.

Scorpio Sky w/ Dan Lambert & Ethan Page defeated Sammy Guevara via Pinfall (11:33) to become the NEW TNT Champion

Main Event Time and this one gets us underway with Sammy laying in chops and strikes culminating in his Corkscrew Dropkick. Sammy chases Sky outside but gets caught out watching Ethan and Dan but Sammy fights back by tossing Scorpio into the barricade. Sammy pulls out a table and tosses Sky into the ring steps to allow him to set it up much to Dan and Ethan's anger. Scorpio almost puts him through the table with the TKO but Sammy fights out again and then lays Scorpio on the table. He tells us he's crazy before heading to the top and eating absolute shit when Sky moves and Sammy's 630 meets nothing but the table. The doctor is called over and Tay Conti rushes out to check on him as we go to break.

During the break it looks like the match is going to get called off but as we return, Sammy decides he's not giving up and heads back to the ring and he spits at Scorpio but Sky tosses him to the outside to compound the damage. Tay is now ringside with Sammy and ends up having a face-off with Paige Van Zant who's sat ringside. Scorpio hits a Backbreaker back in the ring and then another as Sammy rolls around in agony, Scorpio talks shit in his ear. He hits a third Backbreaker but Sammy kicks out at two. Sky locks in a hold that cranks on the spine of Guevara but Sammy fights out of it and he almost wins it by countering a Kitchen Sink with a roll up for two. Sammy continues to dominate and then he hits his Springboard Cutter for two because the pin is too slow in coming. Sammy calls for the GTH but Sky goes for the TKO, Sammy counters and hits the GTH but Sky rolls under the rope to stop the pin and Sammy goes for the 630 only for Sky to get his knees up. Dan Lambert jumps on the apron to distract the referee and Ethan does the same on the other side. Tay stops Ethan but Paige jumps her from behind before tossing her into the ring steps. Sammy is distracted by all this which allows Scorpio to hit the TKO and pin him to become the first man in AEW history to have held both the TNT and Tag Team Titles.

After the match, Sky lays Sammy out with a belt shot, Paige enters the ring with her Husband, rolling in Tay before knocking her out with a kick and signing her AEW contract on her ass.

That show was a mile a minute! AEW turned off the road to revolution but now we're back on the road to Double or Nothing and our first stop is St Paddy's Day Slam in San Antonio, Texas next week. Give me a follow on Twitter @Knapphausen and see you back here for Rampage results on Friday. Adios.

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