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WWE NXT 2.0 'Roadblock' Results - Match 8, 2022

Posted By: Ben Jordan Kerin on Mar 08, 2022

WWE NXT 2.0 'Roadblock' Results - Match 8, 2022

NXT Roadblock Live Results (March 8, 2022) - Capitol Wrestling Center, Winter Park, FL, courtesy of our live coverage partner Mike Hogan of RAJAH.com.


Show-Opening Video Package: The Road to Roadblock

We open with a promo video that hypes tonight's triple-threat title match, as well as the rest of the announced card. After it's done we cut to the CWC and a very, very welcoming crowd as Vic Joseph and Wade Barrett welcome us to NXT Roadblock!

2022 Women's Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic Semi-Finals Match: Cora Jade & Raquel Gonzalez vs Wendy Choo & Dakota Kai

We start with Cora Jade and Wendy Choo, with the latter getting love from the audience right out the gate. Choo toys with Jade, holding her to the ground and playing "peek-a-boo." with her. Jade tags in Raquel and commentary...whispers. Just 'til she enters the ring. Raquel puts Choo on her shoulders and spins around like a helicopter first one way, then another, finally driving Choo into the mat for a pin attempt. Toxic Attraction are shown drinking champagne in the Toxic Lounge. Jade is tagged in and works with Raquel to double-team Choo, then covers for a short two. Kai is finally brought in and works with Choo to throw Jade into their corner. Choo and Kai take turns executing running face wash's before Kai scrambles for a cover.

Kai pounds away at Jade in the corner and looks for another cover early on. Kai draws on her old Team Kick playbook as she batters the rookie with kick after kick. Kai uses a footchoke on Jade as the ref warns her. The crowd starts dueling chants, weakly, as Kai pounds away at Jade in the corner again. Kai holds firm to Jade as Choo tags in. They whip her into the rope and double-team her with a clothesline, dropkick and single-leg smash for a close cover. Choo looks for a suplex but Jade slaps the brakes on every time. As the crowd comes alive, Jade struggles to survive as Choo takes her down to the mat with a side headlock. Raquel and the crowd try to fire up Jade as Cora fights to a vertical base. Jade counters another set of suplex attempts, then tries for a small package. Jade and Choo then roll around the ring, literally, several times as they each try to get the other's shoulders down. Finally, amidst some confusion, Toxic Attraction become a factor when the ref is distracted. We head to break with Kai clasping her ears, screaming, with Raquel down on the ground holding a knee.

Back from the break. We get replays from prior to the break, when Gigi Dolin & Jacy Jayne attacked Raquel while the ref was distracted. Raquel insisted she'd finish the match to NXT Medical staff. In the ring, Kai and Jade continue the back-and-forth clash they left us with prior to the break. Jade's been in this match ten minutes now but is still going strong. Choo comes in and Jade staggers her with kicks and a step-up Enziguri. Jade with a running lifting knee to Choo in the corner, followed by a Meteora in the corner! Jade covers Choo for a close two as the NXT Universe start up a loud, dueling chant that's more Jade-heavy (but still shows Choo some love). Choo tags in Kai and the duo double-team face-plant Jade, with Kai covering for a two. Meanwhile, Raquel's making her way up to the apron, finally ready to become a factor.

Gonzalez tags herself in and, while limping with a bad right leg after the Toxic Attraction attack, still manages to clear the ring. Raquel and former bestie Kai clash, with Kai showing off some technical skill with a unique semi-Panama Sunrise back breaker. Kai looks for the running corner facewash but she pauses and starts to listen to the voices in her head. Kai then attempts the move; Raquel looks to counter with a Chingona Bomb but doesn't execute it fully as her leg gave out. Kai with a Helluva Kick, and Choo tags in. Choo with a top-rope splash as Kai tags in and hits a double-stomp off the top! Kai covers Raquel and the duo pick up the win!
Your Winner and ADVANCING to the 2022 Dusty Classic Finals, Wendy Choo & Dakota Kai!


Outside: The Diamond Mine Collapses

We cut to the outside and find the Creed Brothers down, the victims of a savage beating by unknown parties. We head to break.

Singles Match: Tiffany Stratton vs Fallon Henley

Henley starts off with a short burst of offense as Barrett and Joseph inform us that Henley is highly liked backstage due to her willingness to help others and such. Stratton weathers the few seconds of offense before going on the offense herself. Stratton uses working holds to wear down Henley's neck. Henley fights back briefly with a big chop and a right, followed by a backbreaker and lariat combination. The spurt of offense isn't enough, however, as Stratton counters an attempted Bulldog, catches Henley in a cross body, and counters with a Samoan Drop! Henley rests against the ropes, holding her top, when Sarray attacks her without warning! The ref fails to see it and Fallon quickly covers, picking up the upset!
Your Winner, Fallon Henley!


Video Promo: Chase University

Chase shows us footage from last week's match, and criticizes some of the Chase U class. Except Bodhi, of course, who "took one for the team." We see Bodhi Hayward with a badly blackened eye. Chase completely flips his shit when a student questions Bodhi's black eye, asking Bodhi how many fingers he holds up (and holds one) before asking the antagonizing student the same...but by flipping him off. Chase curses the student and throws shit at him, before he and Bodhi end our segment. This recap isn't doing it just and...why yes, I'm recommending actually watching a Chase U promo for once.

Lashing Out w/ Lash Legend, feat. Nikkita Lyons

Lash Legend welcomes Lyons to her show. Lash takes cheap shots at Lyons' mom, basically calling her mom a hoe, then accused Lyons of being fake and having "butt implants." Lyons ended the segment, stating she was all natural, and the two exchanged a few more words before ending the segment.

Backstage: NXT Champions Imperium and MSK

Imperium are asked about the Diamond Mine's Creed Brothers. They lightly mock them and low-key take credit for attacking the Creeds. MSK comes up and volunteers to fill in for the Creed Brothers, who are unable to compete apparently tonight.

Last Man Standing Match: LA Knight vs Grayson Waller

LA Knight is out first and we head to a word from their sponsors. Grayson Waller makes his entrance but is attacked on the ramp by Knight! The bell's called for both men take turns in control as they battle down the ramp and around the ring. Knight finally takes it inside and drops an elbow across Waller's chest. Knight with a guillotine catapult, smashing Waller's neck into the bottom rope. The crowd has a weak Waller chant and a loud LA Knight chant. Knight stomps Waller in the corner and the crowd chants "yeah" every time he kicks. Another huge LA Knight from the hot NXT Universe. Knight counters a whip with a pull-back attack and finally gets his first lead in the ring. Huge Waller sucks chant as he works over Knight along the ropes.

Knight and Waller struggle some more before Waller hits his signature Stunner, in which he runs down the ramp, dives through the ropes, rolls and hits a backpack Stunner. The ref begins his count as it's a Last Man Standing, but Knight's up early. Knight looks for a BFT but Waller counters with a stiff elbow strike. Knight counters a whip but runs into a boot. Waller ascends the turnbuckles but Knight runs and practically leaps up to the top, hitting a snap modified tight package suplex off the top! The crowd goes wild! Knight with a BFD on Waller! The ref begins to count and the crowd chants, alternating with the ref's count. Waller is up at eight. Knight drops Waller off the apron with a running clothesline then looks to pull Waller in. Waller uses a trash can to smash Knight's face and we head to break!

During the break, Waller maintains his control over Knight. Waller stomps at Knight and continues to work him over in and out of the ring. Waller sets up a table at ringside. Knight gets in a spurt of offense, throwing fists, but Waller drops Knight with a back body drop on the hard floor. Waller plays up to the crowd, gesturing for their boos as the ref begins to count for Knight. Knight gets up around seven. Waller pummels Knight with elbow strikes to the back of the neck. Waller looks to use a trash can lid but Knight blocks! Knight takes the lid and begins to beat Waller to the back of the arena, brawling alongside steps and then up into the upper decks of the CWC. Knight then kicks Grayson's ass back down the stairs, attempting to take it back to the ring. Waller and Knight slug it out as we come back from break.

Back from the break. Knight and Waller struggle at the edge of the scaffolding until Knight sends Waller falling off! The crowd rips off another big chant for their hero. Sanga shows up and Knight smacks him with a steel chair to the back. Sanga shrugs it off and chokeslams Knight onto the apron. Waller pulls out some cuffs as McKenzie Mitchell informs us that the Creed Brothers are not cleared to compete; MSK will challenge tonight for the titles. Knight manages to get the cuffs from Waller while Mac makes her announcement, then cuffs Sanga around a ring post. Waller tries to beg off Knight but Knight drops him with two clotheslines and a beautiful neckbreaker! Barret reminds us their animosity goes all the way back to Halloween Havoc. Knight drops Waller and the NXT Universe chant for tables. Knight looks for a cutter but Waller jabs a thumb in his eye. Waller again looks for his finisher but Knight catches him, throws him out of the ring and through the table! The crowd rips off a loud "holy shit" chant. Holy shit, indeed!

Knight and Waller brawl at ring side again. Knight smashes Waller with a right and calls out to the crowd, repeating this a few times. Knight retrieves a steel chair and threatens Waller. Waller apologizes and Knight tosses the chair aside--only to run and kick Waller! Knight puts a trash can over Waller then beats the can repeatedly with the steel chair! Sanga struggles with the handcuffs but Knight's not forgotten the big man. Knight beats Sanga across the back four times with the chair, dropping the behemoth to his knees. Knight then retrieves the canopy off the announcer's table and clears the desk top. Knight positions Waller at the side of the announcer's table. Waller sucker punches Knight with some kind of foreign object in his hand, laying Knight out across the desk. Waller heads to the ring, climbs up top and hits a beautiful elbow drop off the top, through Knight and the table! The fans with another "Holy shit" chant! The ref starts his count for both men; they're both down at seven! Knight and Waller start to move. Waller crawls to Sanga, who lifts Waller up on his back--allowing Waller to beat the ten count and win!
Your Winner and Last Man Standing, Grayson Waller!

2022 Women's Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic Semi-Finals Match: Kayden Carter & Kacy Catanzaro vs Kay Lee Ray & Io Shirai

Shirai & Ray make their way out first. The winner of this match will face Kai & Choo in the finals. We head to break. When we return, KC2 are out and we notice that Toxic Lounge has new employees after the previous ones were, apparently, beaten up by Rose and co. Wade Barrett makes jokes about Vic Joseph being a master "bait'er", when Joseph talks about bait. KLR and Kayden Carter start us off first. Kayden and Kay Lee Ray go back and forth briefly before Kayden takes control and tags in Kacy. KC2 use quick tags throughout this match, as per their modus operandi, and KLR gives way to Shirai. Shirai is quick to counter Kacy's offense before taking the offense. Shirai with an arm-bar take down for a cover, only garnering two. Kacy attempts multiple roll-ups and gets nothing. All four are in the ring and KC2 clear the ring of their opponents. Kayden cartwheels on the apron then dives off onto KLR. Kacy with a springboard rolling cross body to wipe out Shirai as we go to break!
Back from the break. Kayden Carter is at the mercy of Io Shirai, who uses an arm wrench to drive her down. Shirai takes a swing at Kacy Catanzaro in an attempt to prevent Kayden from tagging out. Kacy ducks, Kayden counters a Lawn Dart with a DDT, and Catanzaro comes in on the hot tag. The NXT Universe chant for Kacy as she takes it to Shirai. Facebuster from Kacy for a close two. Kacy looks for a whip but Shirai counters. Kayden tags in without Shirai noticing. Kayden and Kacy double-team Io, using their unique, tandem offense to take it to the former NXT Women's Champion. The Genius of the Sky refuses to e held down, however, and sets up--then executes--the 619 on Kayden Carter! Beautiful Missile Dropkick off the top from Kayden for another close call. Carter walks into a European uppercut after tagging in Kacy. All four women are in the ring and we're working up to our finish as everyone hits their signatures on everyone else. Kay Lee Ray covers Kayden Carter, but Carter kicks out and the crowd rewards the four Superstars with a "this is awesome" chant. All four back in the ring. Shirai & KLR shove Catanzaro off the top. Kayden and the others battle at the top turnbuckle, leading to Carter & Catanzaro executing an electric chair hurricanrana, nearly picking up the win. Shirai takes it to the outside with Carter and whips her into the steel steps. Shirai whips Carter into a Superkick from Kay Lee Ray! Ray hits the KLR Bomb, and Shirai tags in. Shirai with the Over the Moonsault to pick up the win!
Your Winner and ADVANCING to the 2022 Dusty Classic Finals, Kay Lee Ray & Io Shirai!

Backstage: Duke Hudson, Persia Pirotta and Indi Hartwell

Hartwell is re-watching their tag match loss. Pirotta and Hudson walk up and the two women have words as their team dissolves. Persia claims she's carried the team this entire time and Indi takes exception to it. Indi challenges Persia to a singles match to see who the best woman is. She storms off and Duke makes out with Persia. We've got 32 minutes and two title matches still to come!

NXT Tag Team Championship Match: Imperium(c) vs MSK

We cut to the back where Dolph, complete with new beard, demands we play his music as he's ready for our main event. Dolph heads out to a welcoming crowd and we head to break ahead of our main event! Ciampa is out next to his new, horrible theme; the Champ is out last and we get our official introductions with just seven minutes left in the hour! The crowd seems strongly behind Ciampa and actually lightly boo Breakker. The crowd starts up their "Ciampa's gonna kill you" chants and we get our bell-our main event is on! Ziggler gets off to a hot start, taking Ciampa and Breakker down early on. Breakker and Ciampa recover quick, neutralizing Dolph before Ciampa drops the champ! Ciampa takes on Ziggler and Breakker with chops. Ciampa and Breakker execute a rope-rebound sequence that sees Breakker drop Ziggler with a huge Spinebuster and Ciampa with a big strike. Breakker shows off his strength by using a double-suplex on both men! The crowd woofs their approval!

Breakker takes Ciampa up top but Ziggler shoves Breakker off and to the outside. Ciampa and Ziggler struggle as Ciampa look for the Fairy Tale Ending. Ziggler counters with a roll up but only garners two. Ciampa drops Ziggler and looks for a catapult but Ziggler kicks free. Ziggler takes it to Ciampa int he corner then whips him towards the opposite. Ciampa throws on the brakes and drops Ziggler with a clothesline, then finally executes the catapult as he sends Ziggler's face into the turnbuckle! Ciampa streaks across the ring and hits a tope to drop Breakker! Ciampa sits on the apron and pats his own back as the crowd pops and starts up the murderous chant again.
Ciampa runs off the ropes and hits Ziggler with a clothesline; then one for Breakker; back to Ziggler, and Breakker again! Ciampa looks for a diving shoulder block but Ziggler catches him in the face with a kick! We head to break! During the break, all three men recover and brawl in and out of the ring. Breakker drops Ciampa outside the ring with a vicious whip into the steel steps that leaves Ciampa holding his right knee. Breakker takes the action back inside the ring, battling Ciampa int he corner as both men exchange chops and fists.

Ziggler enters the fray, taking down Breakker and Ciampa. Ziggler works Ciampa over int eh corner, mounting and looking for a ten-count punch but instead opting to bite Ciampa on the face! We return from break as we hit overrun territory and Ziggler pummels Ciampa's face. Ciampa finally fights back, hitting an Atomic Drop on Ziggler! Breakker's back in the fight and drops Ziggler. Ciampa and Breakker engage, with Breakker popping up Ciampa before locking in the Steiner Recliner! Ciampa hangs in there long enough for Ziggler to slap a sleeper on Breakker! Breakker slowly breaks the Recliner as he struggles to survive Ziggler's Sleeper! Ziggler holds the sleeper on for a long period, but Breakker drops it by dropping on his back. All three men are down and the ref checks on everyone.

Ziggler and Breakker rise to their knees, exchanging slow blows as Ciampa rises and works into the mix.

All three fight each other, slowly, staggering each other. Ziggler fires up and fights the champ to the ropes, then Ciampa sends Breakker to the outside. Ziggler hits the Famouser on Ciampa outta nowhere, follows it up with the Zig Zag, and covers for a very close call! Ziggler starts to warm up the band as he calls for Sweet Chin Music. Breakker stops the sequence by grabbing Ziggler's throat. Ziggler lays out Breakker with a DDT! Ciampa powerbombs Ziggler down to the mat and covers after Breakker seems to miss a spear and falls to the outside. Ciampa, looking to become a three-time champ, hooks the leg and covers but Ziggler gets the shoulder up! Breakker composes himself on the outside of the ring.

Breakker gets back into the fight, sending Ciampa out. Breakker uses a powerslam to take down Ziggler and covers--but Robert Roode interferes! The crowd chants for Bobby Roode. Ciampa hits the Fairy Tale Ending in the ring, but Ziggler attacks Ciampa and covers Breakker himself for a very close call! Ciampa throws Ziggler out of the ring and pulls down his knee pad. Ciampa looks for a running knee strike but Roode pulls Breakker out by his tights, inadvertently mooning us. Ziggler hits the ring and drops Ciampa, shocking the NXT Universe as he picks up the win! The Dirty Dawgs celebrate on the ramp as Breakker is stunned and the crowd showers them with boos!
Your Winner and NEW NXT Champion, Dolph Ziggler!

Source: rajah.com
Tags: #wwe #wwenxt #nxt #results

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