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It's Sunday, you know what that means! It's finally time for our first PPV of 2022, AEW Revolution. Live from Orlando, Florida, this card is literally stacked to the gills with incredible matches. But before we get to the main course, there's a little starter that AEW like to call the buy in and there are two intriguing match ups to whet your appetite. We have Excalibur & Tony Schiavone on commentary and here's what went down!
Kris gets off to a good start, putting Leyla on her back twice to begin the match but Leyla kicks out Kris' arm when she goes for a Tijeras. The match heads to the outside and Leyla traps Kris' arm inbetween the ring steps and post and hits a drop kick onto the steps. They head back in the ring and Hirsch continues to attack the arm and trash talk until Statlander reverses into a Powerslam. Leyla hangs Statlander up in the tree of woe and hits some knees to the back before attacking the arm further and finishing up with a dropkick. Leyla continues to attack Kris until she botches a spingboard and Kris catches her before locking her in a Leg Scissors but Leyla turns it into Ground & Pound to escape and then when they end up exchanging strikes, Kris hits a Backbreaker to put Leyla down and she follows it with a head kick and a Blue Thunder Bomb for two. Hirsch lures Statlander into fighting her on the apron and after a great back and forth, Leyla takes Kris down with a Hurricanrana before hitting a running Knee as Kris rolls back in at 6. She hits a Back Suplex and then a German with a bridge for two before she transitions into the Juji Gatame and looks to win it only for Kris to make the ropes. Hirsch continues the attack in the corner but Kris catches a knee strike and follows with a strike before hoisting Leyla to the top rope with her and after a brief battle for position, Kris hits an Electric Chair and another Powerbomb for 2.9 and then Leyla rolls outside and grabs a weapon which she hits Kris with before hitting a Moonsault Press from the top rope to get the pin! Good way to start the show!
And @legitleyla steals the win!
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) March 7, 2022
Watch the #AEWRevolution Buy-In LIVE right now! ▶️ https://t.co/qXtDrWsylm pic.twitter.com/knHwv3izAn
Tony Schiavone introduces a special guest and Kenny Omega's music plays but we get Don Callis instead. Don tries to talk but the crowd cut him off but he manages to talk over them to tell them that they're the reason Kenny is injured now because they sucked the blood out of him. Don then says he's disgusted by the violence tonight and that's why he kept Kenny away. Callis then says he's very confident that Adam Cole will be the new champ tonight as a transitional champion till Kenny returns.
QT Marshall makes his entrance and the crowd chant at him like they did at Don but not as bad. QT then says he's going to show Hook what being cold hearted is all about. Taz has joined commentary and out comes his boy to beat down QT. No doubts about the result here but nobody cares about that, least of all me. Hook turns his back on QT and then turns to face him as the bell rings. Hook immediately sends QT to the mat with an Ankle Pick. QT tries to talk shit but then gets hit with a Seoi Nage before Hook just brutalises him in the corner with Body Shots and a Headbutt. QT tries to come back but eats a T-Bone Suplex and is then sent to the outside with a Clothesline. QT calls Hook out of the ring and Hook refuses so QT comes in and hits Hook with a cheap shot and tosses him to the outside. QT follows him and eats a Shoulder Capture Suplex on the floor before he's thrown back between the ropes only for QT to use another cheap tactic when Hook comes back into the ring too. QT hits a vertical Suplex and drops an elbow but Hook kicks out at one. QT tries to follow up but gets hit with a Northern Lights Suplex with a bridge for two and QT rakes the eye this time to get back in before he hits a Back Drop and then climbs up top. Hook knocks him off and hits an Overhead Throw before QT reverses the RedRum and goes for the Diamond Cutter. Hook avoids it then he takes out QT with the Redrum. Hook was sent.
#HOOK (@730Hook) with a HUGE win over @QTMarshall!
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) March 7, 2022
Watch the #AEWRevolution Buy-In LIVE right now! ▶️ https://t.co/qXtDrWsylm pic.twitter.com/2B4A9RJevI
Both teams have some badass entrances although Alex Abrahantes still looks so out of place. Malakai starts off the match with PAC and Malakai hits a high kick to start before both men exchange kicks and PAC comes back with a huge Pump Kick. Malakai tags out to Buddy and PAC to Penta. Both men stare down and slow the match before Penta hits Zero Miedo chant but Buddy grabs the fingers and then has a good back and forth with Penta which culminates with Buddy stopping Penta's Tope Suicida before an excellent exchange which ends in a tie and then in comes Brody and Redbeard from the tag and we get an early Hoss Fight where both men stay on their feet and exchange shoulders before big bombs. The House of Black all attack before Buddy and Malakai take out PAC and Penta but Redbeard beats Brody back inside the ring before taking out Malakai and Buddy on the outside and then he tags back out to Penta. It's a mistake though as Brody takes over and hits a Cannonball before bringing in Malakai. Malakai attacks Penta with kicks before he brings in Buddy who lets Penta tag out to PAC and the bastard's kicks let him take over the match. He hits an uppercut in the corner and then has to fight off Malakai so Buddy counters with a DDT through the ropes.
Things are starting off HOT here in the main event of the #AEWRevolution Buy-In! It's #HouseOfBlack(@malakaiblxck/@brodyxking/@snm_buddy) vs. @PENTAELZEROM/@BASTARDPAC/@ErickRedbeard LIVE right now! ▶️ https://t.co/qXtDrWsylm pic.twitter.com/A8dLOTF4p0
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) March 7, 2022
Buddy brings in Brody who attacks with some huge chops before letting Malakai have his turn. Black grounds PAC and then his team distract the ref so they don't see PAC reach the ropes at first but he makes it back when the ref is paying attention. Malakai takes PAC to their corner and then brings Buddy back in. Matthews attacks with more kicks to a grounded opponent but PAC tries to fight back but the House of Black make a couple of tags to keep him isolated. PAC fights off Malakai and Buddy before he finally gets the tag to Penta who runs wild with Slingblades and Backstabbers before he hits a destroyer on Buddy but somehow Matthews kicks out. Redbeard comes in next and flattens Buddy with a Senton and then sends him outside but Black makes the blind tag before Redbeard hits a mad looking cutter for two. Black comes back with an eye rake and then we get the standard AEW multiman madness with everyone hitting their moves. PAC almost gets the win but he can't keep Brody down for three and then Erick and him go at it again until King hits a Death Valley Driver but is too exhausted to make the pin! King sends Redbeard outside and follows him with a Tope Suicida so while they recover outside, the other four men fight in the ring and PAC and Penta take over with PAC taking out Buddy with a dive and then we see Redbeard toss King into the Barricade. Malakai and Penta fight on the apron with both men reversing back and forth till Penta hits the Fear Factor but the legal man is Buddy so his pin doesn't count and then Buddy hits him with a Kerb Stomp for two. All 6 men are exhausted but Redbeard is still standing and he faces off with Black and Matthews and wins until Malakai hits his Back Heel Kick from nowhere and Redbeard manages to take it and goes to Chokeslam Black and Matthews only for Black to mist him and King hits a Piledriver before Malakai gets the pin.
#HouseOfBlack just one step ahead of #DeathTriangle again, snatching the victory tonight! What an insanely physical battle to set the tone for the night! #AEWRevolution PPV starts in just a few minutes! Available on @BleacherReport & @FiteTV (Int.)! pic.twitter.com/GraFBzd82A
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) March 7, 2022