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IMPACT Wrestling Sacrifice Results - March 5, 2022

Posted By: Ben Jordan Kerin on Mar 05, 2022

IMPACT Wrestling Sacrifice Results - March 5, 2022

IMPACT SACRIFICE RESULTS (3/5/2022), courtesy of our live coverage partner Matt Boone of RAJAH.com.


The Countdown to IMPACT Sacrifice pre-show is now underway. Stay tuned as updates will be posted every couple of minutes throughout the duration of the pre-show and main show this evening.

The commentators welcome us to the show and briefly mention some of the action in store for tonight's show as the crowd makes a ton of noise in the background. We head down to the ring for our first of two pre-show matches.

Lady Frost vs. Gisele Shaw

The theme for Lady Frost hits and out she comes for this scheduled one-on-one Knockouts showdown. She settles in the ring and her music fades down.

Now the entrance music for "The Quintessential Diva" Gisele Shaw hits and out comes her opponent. Shaw settles in the ring and we're off-and-running with this one.

Early on we see some good back-and-forth action. Eventually Shaw settles into the offensive lead, however it's not long before Frost takes over and starts controlling the action.

After a moment or so in the offensive driver's seat, Frost ends up laying Shaw out, heading to the top-rope and connecting with her Twisting Moonsault finisher for the pin fall victory.

Winner: Lady Frost

Mickie James Asks Chelsea Green Not To Get Involved

After being asked by Chelsea Green not to get involved in her title eliminator showdown against Tasha Steelz on the go-home edition of IMPACT On AXS TV this past Thursday night, only for Savannah Evans to get involved and help Steelz steal the victory from her, we see Mickie ask the same of Green for her title defense against Steelz later tonight.

Matt Taven & Mike Bennett vs. Rich Swann & Willie Mack

Out comes Honor No More, who settles in the ring and poses to the camera as we get ready for our second and final pre-show match here on the Countdown to IMPACT Sacrifice show. Maria Kanellis heads over and takes a spot on guest commentary for this bout.

Now the duo of Rich Swann and Willie Mack make their way out to their high-energy theme music. They settle into the ring as well and this one is about to get underway. Their music fades down and now the bell sounds to get this match off-and-running.

The former duo known as The Kingdom in ROH are faring well here in the early going, establishing the early offensive lead over Swann and Mack. Maria likes what she sees on commentary and let's it be known.

After enjoying a couple of minutes in control of the action, we see Swann and Mack begin to fire up for a big comeback. They end up shifting the momentum in their favor.

Swann is the legal man and he rolls up Bennett for the pin fall victory. Maria says Bennett and Taven will get them next time around and promises that this isn't the end of things for them tonight.

Winners: Rich Swann & Willie Mack

X-Division Championship
Trey Miguel (C) vs. Jake Something

The pre-show wraps up and now it's time for our main pay-per-view show. The cold open video package plays and then we settle back inside the IMPACT Zone at Old Forester’s Paristown Hall in Louisville, KY.

Now that we have settled into the PPV show, we head right down to the ring where the commentators set the stage for our first contest of the main card.

Out comes Jake Something for his title opportunity against X-Division Champion Trey Miguel, who heads to the ring after him. The ring walks are done and now it's time to get this one underway.

We hear the bell sound and then this one gets off and-running and immediately the action is fast-paced and intense, as is always the case when it comes to the X-Division.

After some good back-and-forth action for the first few minutes of the bout, we see Something start to take over and occupy the offensive driver's seat for a good stretch of time.

From there, Miguel starts to fight from underneath for a big fired up babyface comeback. Something cuts it short, however, and nearly finishes him off. Miguel survives though and starts to show signs of life again.

The two pick up the pace and start hitting high spots and near-finishers for close pin attempts. Finally, Miguel connects with his Flying Meteora for the pin fall victory. With the win, Miguel retains his X-Division Championship. Great PPV opener.

Winner and STILL X-Division Champion: Trey Miguel

Eddie Edwards vs. Rhino

After a quick backstage interview with Tasha Steelz, who vows to capture the Knockouts Championship from Mickie James when the two meet later in the show, we head back inside the IMPACT Zone and down to the ringside area for our second PPV bout.

The theme for Eddie Edwards hits and out comes the IMPACT veteran along with the Honor No More group. They settle at ringside as Edwards heads inside the squared circle.

The theme for Rhino hits and out he comes as the crowd makes a ton of noise. His entrance tune fades down and the bell sounds to get this one off-and-running.

We see some fast-paced offense from both guys coming straight out of the gate and then Rhino starts to settle into the early offensive lead. Edwards gets some help in the form of distractions from the Honor No More guys at ringside, which helps him shift the offensive momentum into his favor.

Now we see Maria in particular get involved one-too many times. She tries handing over a kendo stick to Edwards in the ring, but the referee ends up catching her and ejecting her from ringside. She begrudgingly heads to the back while the rest of Honor No More remains at ringside.

Regardless, the damage is done and Edwards is now in a very comfortable offensive lead. He takes it to Rhino and then ties up the referee as the Honor No More guys get in some cheap shots behind the back of the official.

Team IMPACT is also at ringside and with the Honor No More guys getting involved on a consistent basis, the babyface squad has finally seen enough. They screw Rhino out of hitting his Gore finisher on Edwards when he had him down and out, stalking him in the corner waiting for him to get up.

After seeing this a big gang war breaks out at ringside culminating with Team IMPACT guys hitting crazy jumping high-spots from the ring to the floor, splashing on the entire pile of bodies out at ringside.

Back in the ring, Rhino and Edwards start to go at it again and once again we see Rhino get Edwards set up in a position to hit his Gore finisher only to be screwed once again. This time it was in the form of Steve Maclin entering the ring and attacking Rhino behind the referee's back.

The crowd chants "F*ck you, Maclin! F*ck you, Maclin!" as he heads to the back proud of himself for what he just did. Edwards ends up covering Rhino immediately afterwards and scores the victory.

Winner: Eddie Edwards

IMPACT Knockouts Tag-Team Championships
The Inspiration (C) vs. The Influence

We move on to the video package for our next match of the evening, which will be another championship contest. The IInspiration defends their Knockouts Tag-Team Championships against The Influence -- next.

After the package, we shoot backstage where we see Kaleb With A K confronted by The Influence. They tell him he has become more of a liability than a help the past several weeks. They tell him not to come out with them for their match tonight.

On that note, we head back inside the IMPACT Zone, where we hear the familiar sounds of the entrance music of the challengers. The Influence settles into the ring and their music fades down.

Now the entrance tune for the champions plays and out comes The IInspiration. The duo look as confident as ever as they settle into the squared circle for our second championship contest of the show.

The bell sounds and we're off-and-running with this one. We see some back-and-forth action in the early goings and then The IInspiration ends up jumping into the early offensive lead.

We see The IInspiration nearly finish off The Influence a number of times and then out of nowhere we watch as Kaleb With A K runs out and looks confused. He is shrugging his shoulders and pointing at a phone in his hand.

This distracts Tenille Dashwood, who says something to him. She is nearly finished off while distracted by Kaleb, however Rayne hits the ring to break up the pin attempt just in time.

Now we see Kaleb slide one of the title belts into the ring, but it's not clear who he was trying to slide it to. Regardless, Tenille gets it and blasts Lee with it and then covers her for the pin fall victory. The Influence are now the Knockouts Tag-Team Champions.

The IInspiration lose for the first time in tag-team competition since joining IMPACT Wrestling, and as a result, we have new Knockouts Tag-Team Champions. The commentators once again question who Kaleb was actually intending to help.

Winners and NEW IMPACT Knockouts Tag-Team Champions: The Influence

Anthony Carelli Gives Heath A Pep Talk About Being An Underdog

We head backstage for a quick segment where Heath and Rhino are talking. Up walks Anthony Carelli, formerly known as Santino Marella in WWE, who talks to Heath about being the underdog, claiming to know what it's like as good or better than anybody else.

This gives Heath a much-needed confidence boost. He yells out a war-scream into the camera as the backstage segment wraps up.

W. Morrissey Puts Security Member Through Special Commentary Table

From there, we head back to the commentary desk where Matthew Rehwoldt and Tom Hannifan inform us that they will be joined by a guest commentator once again.

This leads to them introducing "The Most Professional Wrestler" Brian Myers, who once again has his own special commentary desk set up near the regular announce desk.

Myers goes on to talk about the attack from W. Morrissey on IMPACT On AXS TV recently. This leads to W. Morrissey making his way out. He nearly walks off and let's Myers off the hook, however Myers tries to grab Morrissey from behind in sneaky fashion.

This doesn't work out as Myers had planned, as Morrissey nearly manhandles him. Instead, Myers flees the scene. Morrissey, still amped up, grabs a hold of a security team member and chokeslams him through Myers' special commentary table.


We return to the ringside area for our next bout of the evening now. PCO and JONAH will be going one-on-one in a battle of big men.

Out comes "The French Canadian Frankenstein" looking as big and freaky as ever. He settles into the ring and his music dies down.

The other big man in this one-on-one contest, JONAH, now makes his way out and heads to the squared circle. He settles inside the ring and the bell sounds to get this one off-and-running.

Immediately these two go at it with a vengeance. We see some high-impact big time offense from both guys in a back-and-forth brawl-style opening sequence.

As we settle into the match, we see the action spill out to the floor. We see a big spot on the floor and then the action resumes back inside the ring. JONAH ends up turning PCO inside-out and he heads to the top-rope.

He comes off and nearly squashes the fellow big man with high-risk offense, however PCO hangs in there and keeps this match going. Now the momentum in shifting as PCO starts to take back over the offensive control of the contest.

PCO takes JONAH off the top-rope with a crazy top-rope frankensteiner / hurricanrana that pops the crowd like crazy. PCO follows up with a couple of additional big spots, but he's unable to finish off the undefeated rising contender.

Once again the action spills out to the floor and we see PCO hit a piledriver on the bottom-half of the steel ringside steps. JONAH ends up fighting from underneath and takes over control of the offense.

Still on the floor, we see JONAH blast PCO and nearly turn him inside-out. He hoists PCO up while standing on the bottom-half of the steel ringside steps. He ends up connecting with a crazy power bomb off the steps.

He takes PCO back in the ring, heads to the top-rope and connects with his high-risk finisher. He follows up with the pin fall for the victory in an absolutely excellent match-of-the-night performance from both guys.

After the match PCO is still down and out and could be hurt. Some medics and officials head to the ring from the back. PCO ends up slowly making it back to his feet and refuses any help or assistance.

The crowd gives him a much-deserved standing ovation. Really, really good stuff from these two in this one. Worth going out of your way to see.

Winner: JONAH

Jay White vs. Alex Shelley

We head to the backstage area where Gia Miller is standing by with Jay White. The Bullet Club leader talks about his scheduled showdown against Alex Shelley this evening.

He wraps up the interview and begins heading towards the entrance way, as the White-Shelley match is up next here at IMPACT Sacrifice.

The theme for Jay White plays and The Bullet Club leader emerges from the back to a nice pop from the very energetic crowd here in Louisville, KY. He settles into the squared circle and his music fades down.

Now the theme for his opponent plays and the 20-year veteran and former member of The Motor City Machine Guns makes his way out and heads down to the ring. He settles in the ring and his music cuts off.

The bell sounds to get this one off-and-running and we hear the fans break out in a split dueling chant, with half of the crowd cheering for Shelley and the other half for White.

The commentators do a good job of explaining the back-story between the pupil and teacher in as they finally start to mix it up here in the early goings.

Early on we see some back-and-forth action and then White starts to take control of the offense. He dominates the action for a couple of minutes and then we see Shelley start to take over.

Shelley enjoys some time in the offensive driver's seat and the crowd, which has been particularly on fire during this one already, is getting even louder. So much so that it's hard to even hear Rehwoldt and Hannifan on commentary.

Now White shifts the momentum back in his favor and starts going for near fall after near fall after connecting with big spots and even his finisher on a couple of occasions. We see Shelley end up shifting the momentum back in his favor after connecting with White's own finisher on him. He slaps a submission on him but White counters and gets his finisher again.

He sinks in the submission and this one is over. The fans are going absolutely insanely bonkers. The commentary duo of Rehwoldt and Hannifan literally stand and applaud after calling this one an "instant classic" and talking about how there are times in this business when you don't need to say a word, noting the action speaks for itself.

White and Shelley have a moment after the match but White refuses to shake hands or show any signs of respect. Instead, he remains full-heel and walks off and even mocks Shelley on his way to the back. Really, really great match here. This and the previous PCO vs. JONAH bout are instant match-of-the-night contenders.

Winners: Jay White

Violent By Design With A Message For The Good Brothers

We hear from Violent By Design backstage after the second match in a row to reach instant classic status. Eric Young speaks on behalf of the ground.

Young delivers a message to The Good Brothers, essentially vowing to take their titles here tonight at Sacrifice.

Champ-Champ Open Challenge
Deonna Purrazzo (C) vs. Chelsea Green

We return inside the IMPACT Zone here in Louisville, KY. as it's time for the Champ-Champ Open Challenge match of the evening.

On that note, the familiar sounds of the theme song of "The Virtuosa" Deonna Purrazzo hits and out comes the ROH and Reina Del Rein Women's Champion for her latest defense of one of her titles.

Purrazzo settles inside the squared circle and waits to see who she will be defending one of her titles against here this evening. Out comes Chelsea Green to answer the call.

We see Green favoring her wrist straight out of the gate, which leads to the commentators mentioning how it is good for Purrazzo, who uses the Virtuosa Armbar to finish off most of her opposition.

This one gets off-and-running and immediately we see the champ-champ trying to finish off Green. Green hangs in, however, and now this match starts to reach another level.

Green gets in some high spots and has Purrazzo on the ropes, taking it to her and giving her all she can handle. She comes close to finishing her off on a few occasions, however Purrazzo hangs in there as well.

Things build to the finishing sequence, which was an interesting one. Green nearly finishes off Purrazzo with her own Virtuosa Armbar, however Purrazzo ends up kicking Green off. Immediately Green loudly screams out in pain and clutches her wrist.

The commentators sell it like she's really hurt, and Green too seems to be legitimately hurt. Either way, Purrazzo hesitantly goes over and slaps on her own Virtuosa Armbar finisher on and the referee instantly calls for the bell. Purrazzo wins this one and retains her titles in the process.

Winner and STILL Champ-Champ: Deonna Purrazzo

IMPACT Knockouts Championship
Mickie James (C) vs. Tasha Steelz

We see Mickie James run down to the ring along with a bunch of medical staff members. They all check on Green as she is still clutching onto her arm and screaming in pain.

The commentators talk about how the show must go on as the camera shot leaves the ring to show Tasha Steelz making her way out from the back.

Steelz heads down to the ring accompanied by Savannah Evans. The medical team gets Green out of the ring but are still working on helping her up and to the back as our next match gets underway inside the ring.

Early on, we see Steelz capitalize on the fact that James is distracted by her friend being hurt. She takes it to the Knockouts Champion and gives her a ton of trouble here in the early going.

Steelz keeps trying to finish off James, however the "Hardcore Country" singer isn't going to be finished off that easy. Finally they get Green up and help her off to the back.

James, meanwhile, starts fighting back into competitive form and as the commentators point out, the Knockouts Champion is finally able to focus on the task at hand instead of her injured friend.

We see James fire up on offense and go to work on Steelz in the corner of the ring. Steelz tries getting away from her, but James shoves her back into the corner and yells "Get over there!" like a Mortal Kombat character.

She licks her hand, like she did in WWE at WrestleMania against Trish Stratus to a ton of controversy, and chops the hell out of Steelz. Steelz ends up fighting back and turns James inside-out with a big kick.

Now we see Steelz back into the offensive lead. She takes it to the champ and ends up hopping on her back with a sleeper hold. She squeezes away at James, who ends up standing up and throwing herself backwards, connecting with a back-stabber that buys herself some time as both ladies are down and out.

They both end up recovering and the action gets going again as these two start to mix it up some more. Savannah Evans ends up getting involved and this leads to Steelz getting the win. We have ourselves a new IMPACT Knockouts Champion, folks, and her name is Tasha Steelz.

Winner and NEW IMPACT Knockouts Champion: Tasha Steelz

IMPACT World Tag-Team Championships
The Good Brothers (C) vs. Violent By Design

After the Knockouts Championship match wraps up with the title change, we shift gears and get ready for the world tag-team title contest of the evening.

On that note, the pre-match video package for The Good Brothers vs. Violent By Design airs to set the stage for the IMPACT World Tag-Team Championship bout.

The video wraps up and we head back inside the IMPACT Zone in Louisville where the familiar sounds of the entrance music of Violent By Design plays. Out comes Eric Young and Joe Doering, accompanied by fellow VBD member Deaner.

The challengers head to the ring ready for their championship opportunity against the team they just recently finished their working business arrangement with.

The Good Brothers make their way out next, as IMPACT World Tag-Team Champions Doc Gallows and Karl Anderson settle inside the squared circle for our co-main event of the evening.

Thus far, titles have changed hands in every championship match on the card. This doesn't appear to be a good sign for the champs heading into this one.

The bell sounds and we're off-and-running with this one. We see some back-and-forth action straight out of the gate, and this is quickly turning into a hard-hitting affair.

Action is going on inside and outside of the ring now, as all four men brawl all over the place. We work towards some near-falls and then we see The Good Brothers start to settle into the offensive driver's seat.

Gallows and Anderson enjoy some time in control with ease, taking it to Young and Doering. Finally, VBD starts to fight from underneath and they show signs of still being very much in this one.

We see Doering go on an offensive rampage now, taking it to any-and-everything that moves. This sets up the eventual finish of the bout, which sees VBD capture the tag-team titles.

We have new champions folks, and the streak of title changes in every championship contest this evening continues heading into our main event and final bout of the show.

Winners and NEW IMPACT World Tag-Team Champions: Violent By Design

IMPACT World Championship
Moose (C) vs. Heath

The video package for our main event of the evening is about to get underway. The package tells the story leading up to the IMPACT World Championship contest scheduled for this evening, pitting Moose one-on-one against Heath.

As we return live inside the IMPACT Zone, Anthony Carelli makes his way down to the commentary table to join Matthew Rehwoldt and Tom Hannifan on the call for our final bout of the evening.

Now the theme for Heath hits and the challenger makes his way out and heads to the ring as Rehwoldt and Hannifan talk to Carelli about the impressive pep talk that he gave Heath backstage earlier in the show.

Heath settles in the ring and awaits the entrance of his opponent, the reigning and defending IMPACT World Champion. On that note, the familiar sounds of Moose's theme hits and out comes the title-holder as the fans chant his name in synch with his entrance tune.

Moose settles into the squared circle now as well and the commentary duo, as well as special guest commentator Carelli, all quiet down as the ring announcer handles the formal ring announcements in the ring for this main event contest.

The bell sounds now and we're officially off-and-running with this one. Early on we see Moose looking dominant, taking it to Heath and yelling at him all-the-while about being a "Wrestling God."

Finally, Heath fires up, as he builds up a full head of steam and rams himself into Moose. This finally gets the big man rocking and looking less than invincible for the first time thus far in the bout.

We see Moose brush it off, however, and go on to nearly turn Heath inside-out, knocking him out to the floor. Heath crashes out at the ringside area. Moose comes out and follows up on that by grabbing Heath's hands and pulling them onto the steel ring post.

He puts his boot on the ring post and yanks back on Heath's hands, stretching his shoulders and body into the unforgiving steel.

Back in the ring, Moose picks up where he left off at ringside, taking it to Heath and dominating the challenger with relative ease. He grinds his boot into the grill of Heath as the commentators start to put their "serious voices" on now, as if they are watching something hard to stomach.

Heath is selling this like he's being destroyed as well, looking like he's trying his hardest but is barely able to remain standing, let alone mount any type of real offense.

Finally, Heath starts to get in some offense worth mentioning for the first time since the very beginning of the contest. He tries building up a little offensive momentum, but it isn't long before Moose takes back over control of this one and ultimately finishes off Heath with his finisher for the pin fall victory. With the win, Moose retains his title in impressive fashion.

Winner and STILL IMPACT World Champion: Moose

After The Match: Josh Alexander Returns, Attacks Moose

Once the match wraps up, we see Moose celebrating his dominant victory in his latest defense of his IMPACT World Championship.

We see Moose playing to the crowd as the commentators sing his praises on the broadcast, and then, out of nowhere we see Josh Alexander hit the ring.

"The Walking Weapon" enters the squared circle and immediately attacks Moose. He grabs a hold of the IMPACT World Champion and blasts him with his C4 finishing move.

Alexander leaves Moose laying and then grabs a microphone as the fans chant "Welcome back!" at him. He talks about being sent home by Scott D'Amore the last time he was in the IMPACT Wrestling ring.

He goes on to talk about how he got to enjoy some time at home with his family but then reveals that he is back, and not only that, but that he has a signed contract in his hand that guarantees him a shot at the IMPACT World Championship against Moose at the IMPACT Rebellion pay-per-view coming up.

He vows to become the new IMPACT World Champion and then the fans pop. That's how this show goes off the air, folks. Thanks for joining us!

Source: rajah.com
Tags: #impact #impact wrestling #impactonaxstv #sacrifice #results

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