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AEW Dynamite Results (January 6 2021)

Posted By: Jonny Knapp on Jan 05, 2022

AEW Dynamite Results (January 6 2021)

It's Wednesday, you know what that means! For the first time this year, and the first time on TBS, it's time for AEW Dynamite and what an episode to kick off the year and the TBS era we have in store! There are three titles on the line tonight including the rematch between Danielson & Page for the most prestigious belt in all of pro wrestling! So, with JR, Excalibur & Tony Schiavone on commentary! Let's get straight to the wrestling!

Hangman Adam Page defeated Bryan Danielson via Pinfall (29:07) to retain the AEW World Championship

Well, after their first match opened the show, this one kind of had to as well! Danielson & Page emerge and the announcements are made by Justin Roberts and we learn that the judges are Paul Wight, Mark Henry & Jerry Lynn! Not that we'll need them, I can't see the judges coming into play and neither does Hangman! The formalities are over, the bell rings and Hangman goes after Danielson quickly but Danielson slides out the ring and does jumping jacks in front of the judges. Hangman chases him back into the ring and we finally get a lock up with neither man really asserting their dominance. Bryan goes for a takedown and Page fights him off so Danielson rolls out again and stalls for time. He climbs back in and Hangman refuses to get lured into Danielson's mat wrestling game leading to somewhat of a stalemate. The pace is slow and methodical again, teasing the audience into believing that we may be going 60 once more. Danielson escapes again and this time he chases Danielson out with a Tope. He follows with a Orihara Moonsault, misses it but immediately gets a Pop Up Powerbomb on the apron. He sets up for the Buckshot but Danielson heads out the other side and when Hangman goes for another tope, Bryan dodges and guides him into the barricade with sickening impact. Danielson immediately goes after the arm once again, using the ring post and attacking outside the ring. Both men return and the American Dragon lays in some kicks and chops in the corner. Hangman tries to fight back but the momentum is all with Danielson now as he stops him easily and attacks the right arm some more. He utilises all his arsenal of moves to really attack the arm of Page but Page catches Bryan on a Cross Body and then hits a fall away slam to show some life. Hangman hits a Lariat on the apron and we head back outside the ring once more. Back inside, Hangman gets the first two count with a flying Clothesline but Hangman's arm is clearly bothering him. Hangman ends up on the outside and Bryan tries his own Tope but Hangman catches him and powers him into a suplex but before getting back into the ring, Danielson trips Hangman into the steel steps to bust him open once again as we head to the first break of the evening.

Danielson takes his time to go after Hangman, taking his time to rehydrate before grinding Hangman into the ring steps and tossing him into the barricade before dragging Hangman in front of the judges to beat him down. He continues to attack that right arm with Hammerlocks and once again uses the ring post to hurt Page as the American Dragon really has taken over here. Back in the ring and back from commercial, Danielson attacks with vicious Headbutts and then we get Hangman showing life with chops but to no avail as Bryan hits a Suplex then throws elbows into the skull of the champion before trying for a Juju Gatame. Page fights out of it and he survives but for how much longer? Bryan attacks in the corner and then sets up for his Flying Elbow but Hangman grabs him and hits a great Death Valley Driver to cause a double down. Hangman follows up with chops of his own in the corner but Danielson fights back with a Headbutt and kicks but Hangman flips out of a German Suplex for one of his own. He bridges out on it for two and then Danielson recovers first to lay into Hangman with kicks. He ends up running into a Cowboy Boot but then they fight over a Suplex, flipping to the outside onto their feet but then Danielson wins the battle and once again sends Hangman into the ring post. He tries to drag Page into the ring post but Page flips the script and does it to him three times in a row and then rolls back into the ring and when Danielson returns, Page hits his own headbutts to split Bryan open and then Hangman does his own jumping jacks in the corner as we head to our second break. Both men are very tired already and we have another 40 minutes or so to go potentially! There's blood everywhere and Hangman goes to attack Bryan but the referee has called for the doctor. Danielson sends him away and rolls back into the ring and calls Hangman to attack him. Page attacks with punches and kicks and even wipes Danielson's blood on his chest as war paint. He lifts Bryan to the top rope and then Adam delivers multiple punches atop the turnbuckle.

We come back to them fighting up there and Hangman takes over with headbutts before hitting the Avalanche Fall Away Slam! Both men are slow to their feet and after Hangman ends up outside, Danielson attacks him from the apron and Hangman catches him with a Dead Eye! He rolls Danielson into the ring and goes to hit the Buckshot and much like Kenny Omega against Okada, Bryan collapses out of exhaustion to avoid it. Bryan suddenly springs to life and rolls hangman up for two before locking in the LeBell lock and Hangman has to fight out of it. He catapults Danielson to the outside and finally hits the Orihara Moonsault and sets up for the Buckshot again but Bryan dodges before countering with the Busaiku knee and Hangman kicks out! The crowd are so into this match and how could they not be?!Fight forever chants rain down as both men fight from their knees with headbutts! They rise to their feet and then hit running headbutts and Danielson ends up on top with kicks, Hangman goes for Deadeye but Danielson counters with the Gotch Style Piledriver for two! What is it going to take to keep these men down?! Danielson grabs double wrist control and stomps Hangman into the mat and goes for another Busaiku Knee but Hangman counters with a Powerbomb. Danielson drags him into a Triangle Sleeper and Hangman escapes only to end up in a leg lock before fully escaping and beating the Dragon down. Hangman hits a Backdrop Driver and Danielson lands so awfully and finally Hangman hits the Buckshot and retains. Somehow, at half the length, this match was even better than the first. These men were made to fight each other. Holy shit!

The Acclaimed Promo

They Acclaimed talk about how Darby got lucky because boomer Sting helped him and then they promise a music video next week! Shout out if you, like me, popped for the MCR reference.

Shawn Dean defeated MJF via Disqualification (0:44)

MJF has a match against Shawn Dean and it looks like an easy win until CM Punk runs out and MJF runs away. CM Punk waits and then hits a GTS on Shawn Dean and MJF loses!!!! Shawn Dean wins via DQ!

Punk grabs a mic and tells MJF that this is going to happen every single time he wrestles so good luck getting a title shot by losing all the time! MJF tries to fight back with words and tells Punk that without MJF, Punk is nothing and irrelevant but Punk has got him. This tactic is fucking genius! I'm still laughing! MJF has a great line about how Piper was good enough to main event Wrestlemania, unlike CM Punk and maybe MJF will main event Mania soon. Punk comes back with some brilliant lines about just wanting to fight MJF and he can go headline night 4 of a buy-one-get one-free extravaganza and get released faster than he lasts in the sack and Punk will still be here when he gets back. MJF then tells Punk that next week it's Punk vs Wardlow. You MUST watch this.

Cody vs Sammy Video Package

This is okay and doubles as a commercial for the Go Big Show. Synergy.

Chris Jericho In Ring Promo

The crowd serenade Chris Jericho to the ring as always. Jericho starts off by talking about TBS before getting to the point. He explains he's here to get 2point0 and not save Eddie Kingston. 2point0 come out to join Chris in the ring. Jericho calls them Terrence & Phillip and they remind Jericho that last time they saw him they gave him a taste of a steel chair. Jericho goes back to the square head of Matt Lee and Jeff Parker jumps in to defend him. Jericho hops it the ring and grabs Floyd the bat and tries to fight of 2point0 but Garcia joins in and the numbers get to him until Santana, Ortiz and Eddie Kingston make the save!

Adam Cole, Bobby Fish & Kyle O'Reilly Promo

Cole says it's great that they're back together and says Kyle didn't mean to kick him in the face and with the Young Bucks they're a supergroup. Before this we are reminded that Jake Atlas is All Elite and it leads into Adam Cole saying he wants Atlas on Rampage to send him back to Orlando. O'Reilly looks like he doesn't want to be there.

Wardlow defeated Antonio Zambrano via Pinfall (1:25)

Wardlow comes out and the lamb is to the slaughter and before the match, Zambrano rolls out of the ring but Spears hits the C4 and rolls Antonio in. He tells Wardlow to just pin him so Wardlow hits FIVE powerbombs, probably imagining that it's Spears and then pins him. Spears gets in the ring with a chair but when Wardlow spots him, Spears drops it and rolls out again.

Jade Cargill w/ Smart Mark Sterling defeated Ruby Soho via Pinfall (11:17) to become the Inaugural TBS Women's Champion

Justin makes the announcements once again and we're underway with Jade's size advantage being striking. She's much stronger than Ruby and that's evident from the first two exchanges but Ruby fires back with some big strikes and when Jade is sent to the outside, Ruby hits a Shotgun Dropkick. Jade regains control back in the ring and then Jade hits a Double Sledge from the top rope but she goes up there again and Ruby arm drags her back into the ring and rolls to the outside for a breather and then Mercedes Martinez comes down to ringside. Aubrey Edwards argues with her and then Thunder Rosa runs out to make the save and brawl with Mercedes to the back as we go to break. Jade attacks Ruby's arm throughout the break and Ruby's selling is absolutely top class as it looks like she's really struggling. Jade's vicious kicks and stomps keep Ruby grounded and mocks her opponent by doing press ups in the middle of the ring. Ruby manages to fight back with a roll up but Jade kicks out. Ruby begins to fire up with her kicks in the corners and continues to use her feet to great effect with an Enzuigiri. During an exchange, Jade hurts her knee and this might be Ruby's only chance as she goes after it with kicks but when she tries to follow up, Jade grabs her and hits a brutal Shoulder Breaker on that injured arm. She follows with a Pump Kick but Ruby is a fighter and won't stay down. Ruby gets two from a Saito Suplex and then Mark Sterling jumps on the apron and Aubrey throws him out. Ruby is distracted and Jade goes for Jaded but Ruby rolls her through and then gets a two from a No Future Kick and Jade kicks out at two! Ruby looks distraught and she ends up countering another Jaded the same way for the same result and then she beats Jade down in the corner. She lifts her to the top rope and Jade fights back and manages to get the Avalanche Jaded to get the win. Jade Cargill is the very first TBS champion and her daughter is watching from the crowd and it's a really nice moment.

Serena Deeb Sit Down Interview w/ Jim Ross

Serena says that she's now here to claim her spot at the top of the division where she belongs and she's got a PHD in wrestling and she takes issue with Shida because she thinks she's as good as her. She says she's demanded a match with Shida next week and Shida won't be walking out after Serena takes out 17 years of frustration on her.

Malakai Black defeated Brian Pillman Jr w/ Julia Hart via Pinfall (6:03)

Brian starts off slower than Griff did and actually begins by outwrestling Malakai. Pillman ducks the Heel Kick and hits a Dropkick on Black before following it with one through the ropes as we go to break. Pillman goes for Air Pillman but Black counters with a Roundhouse kick. He beats down Pillman methodically as we continue the commercial break with Brian getting sporadic offence including a Pump Handle Slam just before we return. Pillman keeps trying to kick the Kickboxer and it's a huge error in strategy. He begins to show life once more and ends up hitting a Suplex on Malakai for two! Pillman goes for Air Pillman again and he slips on the ropes only to eat the Heel Kick and Black pins him. He leaves the ring but returns when Julia is in there with Pillman. Lucha Bros come out because of what Black did to PAC and the lights go out. When they return, Lucha Bros are in the ring but Malakai is now on the ramp and makes his escape.

Ruby Soho Backstage Interview

Ruby is being interviewed about her loss and Britt interrupts but Ruby reminds her she can't win a match without Rebel and Jamie to which Britt reacts with violence. Ruby is saved by Riho and the referees.

Aaron Solo & QT Marshall Interview

QT Marshall says that Hook's momentum is because he was trained by QT. He says he was an awful student which doesn't make sense because his dad's such a nice guy. Solo says stretch me if you can, survive if I let you.

Jurassic Express (Jungle Boy & Luchasaurus) w/ Christian Cage defeated The Lucha Brothers (Penta El Zero Miedo & Rey Fenix) w/ Alex Abrahantes via Submission (15:31) to become the NEW AEW World Tag Team Champions

Jungle Boy and Rey Fenix start us off with some absolutely breath-taking exchanges on the mat as neither man is able to gain an advantage until Fenix hits a picture-perfect Dropkick and then tag in Penta but Jungle Boy tags out too. Penta and Luchasaurus take out JB & Fenix simultaneously and then the bigger men face off and then Fenix & JB join in again and all four men go at it and then both Fenix and JB hit stereo Arm Drags and then Penta and Luchasaurus clear the ring again. Luchasaurus gets a two off a big German Suplex but then both of the Lucha Brothers get the dinosaur in trouble so he tags out and Jungle Boy manages to outwrestle Penta & Fenix until Fenix hits the tightrope walk into a kick to send us to the final break of the evening. Penta & Fenix begin to isolate Jungle Boy much like they did to Luchasaurus the last time these two teams faced off. This continues throughout picture in picture and as we return Jungle Boy is struggling to make the tag until he hits his Comebacker Lariat.

Finally, Luchasaurus is unleashed with the hot tag as he runs through Fenix and Penta with ease before setting up for a Double Chokeslam but the Lucha bros cut the dinosaur off at the knees and a double superkick sends him down. Lucha Bros hit the double team splash for two but when they're setting up for another double team and Jurassic Express counter and somehow, Jungle Boy hit a Canadian Destroyer from the top and Luchasaurus takes out Penta. Jungle Boy tags in but Penta hits Pump Kicks on both and then we get a Canadian Destroyer from Fenix on Luchasaurus and a Made in Japan from Penta for two once more. The lights go out as Lucha Bros go for the Double Team Fear Factor. They come back on with no change in the ring and then after a brawl on the apron Jungle Boy eats a Piledriver from Penta and Luchasaurus a Tornado from Fenix. They hit the Double Team Fear Factor on Jungle Boy only for Jungle Boy to kick out once more! Nobody can believe it and Alex Abrahantes grabs the timekeepers table for the Lucha Bros until Christian chases him off. Fenix and Luchasaurus brawl on the apron and then Penta tries to send the big man through the table with superkicks only for Luchasaurus to block the third and headbutt Penta before he ends up sending Fenix through the table with a chokeslam. Don't watch that spot unless you're not squeamish because Fenix gets a nasty dislocated elbow it looks like. Back in the ring, Penta goes for the Fear Factor again, JB counters into what looks to be the Killswitch but Penta fights out and goes for Made in Japan but JB rolls him through and gets the win. Jurassic Express have done it! What a match. Please get well soon Fenix too.

After the match, we get the celebration and it's a really nice moment when we see Jungle Boy's mother and sister crying with happiness in the crowd. As the show closes, a bunch of tag teams appear on the ramp and we see all of them eyeing up Jurassic Express to take those title. This reign could be a short one.

Well, that was one hell of a way to start off the TBS era and 2022 in general. A great show top to bottom. Let me know what you thought in the comments, follow me on twitter @0r4n93_C4551dy and I'll see you all on Friday for Rampage. Adios.

Tags: #aew #aewdynamite #hangman adam page #bryan danielson #jungle boy #luchasaurus #jurassic express #rey fenix #penta #lucha bros #jade cargill #ruby soho #malakai black #cm punk #mjf

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