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AEW Dynamite: Holiday Bash Results (December 22nd 2021)

Posted By: Jonny Knapp on Dec 22, 2021

AEW Dynamite: Holiday Bash Results (December 22nd 2021)

It's Wednesday, you know what that means! It's three days until Christmas... and it's AEW Dynamite today. We have an absolutely huge card coming up tonight from Greensboro, North Carolina with plenty of huge matches across the board! I don't want to waste any time so with Excalibur, Tony Schiavone & Taz on Commentary (Get well soon JR!), let's get straight to the wrestling!

Adam Cole defeated Orange Cassidy via Pinfall (17:04)

Starting out with one of the huge matches as Adam Cole and Orange Cassidy both enter to huge reactions. We start off slow with Orange being his usual self as he forces Cole to put his hands in his pockets before beginning to outwrestle his opponent which must be a shock to the system for Adam! This continues for a while as Cassidy continues to avoid Cole's attacks and put him in a side headlock over and over. The men exchange wrist control and mat returns as this turns into a real technical chess battle early on with Cassidy showing all his doubters exactly what he's capable of. Finally though, Cole manages to get the better of Cassidy and hits a brutal looking backstabber to take control for the first time in this match. Adam whips his opponent back and forth between the turnbuckles before lifting Cassidy up and going for a Superplex but Cassidy blocks and pushes Cole off before he hits a Cross Body and follows up with a Tilt-A-Whirl DDT for two. The Bucks and Cutler come out to interfere and Cassidy takes out Cutler from the top before Best Friends come out to remove the Bucks and Cassidy hits all of them with a Tope. Cole has recovered though and tosses Cassidy into the Ring Steps but when he goes to hit the Boom with his knee exposed, Cassidy moves and Cole hits the steps as we go to break with both men in trouble.

Throughout the commercial, both men recover but it's Cole who takes control as he tosses Cassidy into the apron and the barricade before continuing the attack back in the ring. Cassidy fights to put his hands in his pockets but Cole stops him and then we get a double down as both men hit clotheslines simultaneously. We come back from commercial as they struggle to their knees for a striking exchange but Cassidy's strikes are weak as he gets into Cole's head. Cole rushes in and eats a Superkick and then he hits a thrust kick but Cole comes back with a huge Brainbuster on his knee for two. Cassidy then runs into a pump kick but counters again with Stundog Millionaire before getting a massive two count with Diving DDT from the top rope. Cole hits an Ushi Garoshi on Cassidy then kicks him in the face and sets up for the Panama Sunrise but Cassidy crawls away and when Cole comes to get him, Cassidy reacts with a roll up and then a Michinoku Driver, both for two. Cassidy puts his shades on and puts his hands in his pockets but Cassidy eats a superkick and then a Panama Sunrise and still manages to kick out! Cole sets up for the Boom but Cassidy ducks and then gets his own near fall with Beach Break. Orange wants the Orange Punch but Cole rolls out of the ring to avoid it and then out comes Bobby Fish to distract the referee but then Kyle O'Reilly appears behind Cassidy and attacks him which allows Cole to Lower the Boom and get the win! WOW!

After the match, O'Reilly attacks Cassidy and stares down with Adam Cole but then they unite to attack Chuck and Trent when they come down and with Cassidy out of it, Undisputed Era reunite to take out Best Friends. The Bucks come out and they seem very jealous so after a minute of deliberation, Cole leaves the ring and so do O'Reilly and Fish, followed by The Bucks.

Hangman Adam Page Interview

This is preceded by a Video Package on the epic draw last week and an announcement that the rematch will happen on the TBS Dynamite Debut on the 5th January. Schiavone introduces the champion and Hangman tells the crowd that he never felt less like a champion than he did last week and it's made him feel disappointed. Bryan Danielson comes out to interrupt him and says the entitled millennial cowboy still has the title but is disappointed when it's the fans who should be disappointed because Danielson kicked his ass for 60 minutes and he should be champion but he's not going to cry about it. He says he's going to kick his ass in the rematch on January 5th and he says he would have won if he didn't have an injured leg and he doesn't want another draw. He suggests having three judges to call the match if there's another draw and Hangman says that he's wondered what match they should have for the rematch and he doesn't mind Judges but Danielson better pay them well before the match because that's the only way they'll earn it. He says he's come too far for some old guy sit ringside and tell him he's a B+ players and he vows to beat Danielson within the time limit this time.

MJF Promo

MJF is surrounded by the Pinnacle and says he doesn't want the camera there. He thanks Shawn Spears for last week and then turns on Wardlow for not protecting him last week but he stops himself and blames CM Punk for it. He says he's not worried about tonight and he says that the team of Punk, Darby and Sting can't coexist because Punk needs everything to be about him. He says Punk is rusty and the fake nice guy act is wearing thin. FTR take over and say that FTR & MJF are the best team in the world because the three of them are kings.

Wardlow w/ Shawn Spears defeated Captain Shawn Dean via Pinfall (1:12)

Shawn Dean has drawn tonight's short straw and Wardlow is about to make him look like an extra. Wardlow starts off with the Powerbombs and this time we get four of them before the pin. As soon as the bell rings, in come Shawn Spears to steal the spotlight with his chair.

Cody Rhodes vs Sammy Guevara Preview

A nice little video package but the match will be better than anything a video package could show. Sammy better win!

Dan Lambert Promo

Dan Lambert interrupts commentary from the crowd to talk some bullshit from Shakespeare and he turns that into more bitching about Tony Khan about how only his buddies get title matches and fair opportunities. He then says that his job is to get the crowd to boo Cody but how can he do that when Cody is a bigger dick than he is but all he cares about is whoever is TNT champion after Christmas, one of his guys gets the next title shot.

Britt Baker Christmas Party

Schiavone joins Britt, Rebel and Jamie and presses Britt about the fact that she's never beaten Riho. She says if Tony wants to start talking about the past then they should talk about 2021, the year of Britt Baker. She tells Riho she has no chance and then quotes A Christmas Story before wishing us all Merry Christmas.

Owen Hart Video Package

I can't begin to explain how beautiful this is. Just watch.

Ruby Soho defeated Nyla Rose w/ Vickie Guerrero via Pinfall (10:38) to advance to the TBS Championship Final

Nyla attacks Ruby before the bell and she has Ruby in all sorts of problems early on thanks to that cheap tactic. Ruby has to endure a lot of damage and she can get anything to stick on Nyla as the Native Beast dominates. Ruby is sent to the outside and Nyla follows her and continues to brutalise Soho and when Soho finally fires up, Nyla dodges her attack and Ruby careers into the steel ring steps as we go to break. Nyla continues her attack back in the ring throughout the break and Ruby looks to be in real trouble as Nyla has barely been troubled all match.

We return from break as Ruby finally fires up and she gets a two count from an Enzuigri and a Slingshot DDT. Nyla heads to the outside and grabs a chair but Ruby dropkicks it into her face and now's her huge chance. Ruby returns Nyla to the ring but when Ruby is on the top rope and the ref is checking on Nyla, Vickie pushes her off and Nyla hits the guillotine for a two count. Ruby tries to fight back as her arm looks in real trouble but when Nyla has Ruby up in the air, Ruby counters with a Dragon Sleeper. Vickie jumps on the apron and Ruby breaks the hold to take her out but then Nyla catches her with the Beast Bomb. Ruby manages to kick out so Nyla climbs to the top rope but Ruby catches her up there and drags her into a No Future Kick to get the win!

Serena Deeb Promo

Serena Deeb tells Shida she's never won decisively and promises Shida that she's coming for her. Give me this match 100 times in 2022 and I promise I'll love all of them. LFG.

Malakai Black defeated Griff Garrison w/ Bryan Pillman Jr via Submission (3:15)

Garrison runs at Malakai and eats a huge kick to the face in his home town. Malakai heads outside and squares off with Pillman until Griff hits him with a Tope. Back in the ring, Garrison tries to attack some more but Black shuts it down and then he begins to brutalise poor Griff. Malakai keeps getting met with some elbow strikes but they don't seem to do much damage and Malakai's kicks to his knee seem to have this one settled until Garrison explodes with a Rolling Elbow Stike for two but Malakai comes back with a Rising Knee Strike and then he picks his ankle and taps Griff out with a Half Crab and Pillman tries to make the save after the bell but eats a huge Spinning Heel Kick to stop him in his tracks.

Matt Hardy Promo

Matt Hardy is flanked by Private Party and they day they're going after the number one contendership spot and Jungle Boy is going to get his ass pounded on Christmas Day Rampage and if he's injured, they can take the spot.

Jungle Boy Promo

This is immediately followed by Jungle Boy, flanked by Christian and Luchasaurus as he basically tells Matt and Private Party that they aren't taking the number one contendership but Christian suggests them getting something nice so he advertises the new shirt.

CM Punk, Sting & Darby Allin defeated The Pinnacle (FTR (Dax Harwood & Cash Wheeler) & MJF) via Pinfall (25:55)

Holy shit, Sting's got all kinds of CM Punk Iconography in his facepaint and it looks absolutely amazing. Darby and CM Punk are both wearing Sting facepaint and I couldn't be smiling any wider as this match gets underway. Punk and MJF appear to be starting off till MJF tags out to Dax and celebrates! Dax and Punk lock up and go back and forth early on with neither man getting an advantage but Dax tags out first to Cash and then runs into a CM Punk Bodyslam. Punk tags in Darby and Cash has the better of him till Darby hits a Dropkick and a deep armdrag so Cash retreats and in comes MJF. Punk tags in and MJF runs away and then makes the tag out to Cash. Cash gets wrist control but Punk fights out of it and brings Sting in to the match for the first time and the crowd love it. Sting dominates Cash and goes for a Scorpion Death Drop so Cash retreats outside of the ring. He tags out to MJF but MJF underestimates Sting who drops him with a clothesline and tags out to Punk so MJR retreats again and then Punk literally chases MJF through the crowd and when they get back to the ring, MJF tags out again and Darby takes out all three opponents with a Tope as we head to break. Punk, Darby & Sting dominate the match throughout the commercials with Cash taking most of the damage.

We return to the match with Darby fighting off all three members of the Pinnacle but he gets taken out as the numbers game catches up and he takes a nasty spill to the outside. Back in the ring, Dax applies the pressure to Darby as the Pinnacle smell blood in the water. They keep Darby in their corner and exchange tags quickly as Darby gets no chance to recover or escape. They take it in turns to Body Slam Darby over and over as they taunt CM Punk. Darby finally shows some life and rolls up Cash and then hits a Body slam of his own. Cash tags out to Dax and Darby to Sting and it's all Sting as he takes out both of FTR on his own. Sting then takes MJF out with a SpineBuster and Stinger Splashes on FTR before Darby and Punk get in on the action. Sting locks in the Scorpion Death Lock but MJF breaks it up as the momentum shifts once more as we go to the final break of the evening. Sting shows some signs of life but the Pinnacle combine with excellent tag team tactics to keep the Icon isolated and in trouble. Punk and Darby can only look on as Sting gets picked apart by the well-oiled machine that is the Pinnacle.

Sting tries to rally once more as we return to the action and he and Cash take each other down with clotheslines and Cash gets the tag to Dax but Sting fires back with a Body Slam when Dax goes for the Splash. Dax brings in MJF and Sting takes him out too before falling to "accidentally" headbutt MJF somewhere delicate. Sting finally makes the tag and Punk comes in, taking FTR out singlehandedly and then getting a two count with a cross body on Cash. Punk calls for the GTS and tries to get Cash up but Dax tags in and Punk wins out despite dealing with both of FTR before he gets a two with a Swinging Neckbreaker. Punk climbs to the top but Dax cuts him off and goes for the Superplex. Punk fights back and we get a brawl on the top rope which Punk Wins but then FTR hit the PowerPlex/Splash and somehow Punk kicks out! Darby comes in to take out Cash and Punk almost wins with a Roll Up. We miss Darby putting MJF through the timekeepers table as we get a double down in the ring and then Punk and Dax slug it out on their knees. Punk goes for the GTS but it gets reversed into the Big Rig and Sting has to break it up. MJF finally appears from his hiding spot and hits Sting with a DDT but Sting gets right back up and tosses MJF into FTR before taking all three out with a Dive from the top rope. He rolls MJF back into the ring, tags out to Punk and Punk goes for the GTS but Dax saves him and he takes the GTS, Sting hits the Scorpion Death Drop and Darby hits a huge Coffin Drop to let Punk get the pin. What a match!

What a fantastic show. That should keep you all going until Christmas Day. I'll see you all then unless you wanna give me the gift of a follow on twitter @0r4n93_C4551dy. If not, Have a great Christmas everyone! Adios!

Tags: #aew #aewdynamite #sting #darby allin #cm punk #ftr #mjf #hangman adam page #bryan danielson #adam cole #orange cassidy #bobby fish #kyle oreilly #young bucks #wardlow #dan lambert #britt baker #nyla rose #ruby soho #owen hart

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