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It's Friday, you know what that means! It's time for another episode of AEW Rampage! The fastest hour in pro wrestling is stacked tonight with a card that will actually feature more wrestlers than were involved over the two hours of Dynamite. So, with that being said and Taz, Excalibur & Ricky Starks on commentary, let's get straight to the wrestling!
We're starting off with one of the two clusterfuck matches and I say that as a compliment. These multi-man matches are impossible to follow, let alone follow and recap live! So, we get underway with Matt Jackson and Chuck Taylor and Chuck actually gets the upper hand when he gets an early two from a standing Sliced Bread. Soon both men tag out and in comes Rocky Romero and Bobby Fish and once again, it's Best Friends who are in charge. Rocky deals with Bobby and tags in Orange Cassidy and they hit some devastating double teams (lol) but when Rocky leaves, Bobby escapes Orange's lazy pin and tags out to Adam Cole. Cole faces up to Cassidy but in comes Nick Jackson instead and Cassidy walks wild on Jackson. Nick walks the ropes and delivers an arm drag but Orange then walks the ropes and then takes out Nick with an Armdrag which causes all of the wrestlers to come in. Best Friends get laid out and Trent eats a triple Powerbomb on the apron. The action returns to the ring and now in comes Adam Cole and he and the Bucks hit Superkicks on him before beating him down and exchanging tags between them as we head to commercial.
He may be unorthodox, but @orangecassidy will not be outdone by Nick Jackson - Watch #AEWRampage NOW on @tntdrama! pic.twitter.com/ROl57LXdoN
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) December 18, 2021
The Superkliq (& Bobby) dominate throughout this first break with Bobby doing most of the heavy lifting before tagging out to Matt before we return. The Bucks exchange tags and in comes Nick as they hit a double team on Cassidy but he still kicks out. The Superkliq go for the Superkiss but Rocky and Chuck remove the Bucks from the ring and Orange gives Cole a kiss instead. Cassidy runs wild to get the space to make the tag but the Bucks remove his partners from the apron. Cole attacks Cassidy after tagging in but Cassidy counters the Panama Sunrise and tags in Trent for his first action in ring in a while. Trent takes out all of his opponents including Brandon before isolating Nick and Trent and Rocky roll back the years to give us some Rappongi Vice action but Matt takes out Rocky on the outside. Trent and Chuck then combine for the offence but The Superkliq take over the match and Trent manages to kick out of a Superkick/Brainbuster combo and a Flying headbutt. The Bucks take out Taylor and Romero and then Bobby Fish hits an Avalanche Falcon Arrow that Orange breaks up. The match then goes absolutely crazy as we get dive after dive after dive on the outside but it's all over once Trent is left alone in the ring with Bobby Fish and ends it with a Crunchie for the pin. Welcome back Trent?!
Tag to @trentylocks and he looks incredible in his first action in nearly a year! Watch #AEWRampage NOW on @tntdrama! pic.twitter.com/161lJXctR7
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) December 18, 2021
Dan Lambert is in the ring getting booed and he says he has come back to make sure Men of the Year, who are in the ring with him, don't get screwed out of what they're owed by Tony Khan and Cody. He then goes after Tony for a while and backhandedly talks shit on Darby, Orange and Sammy. He says TK is becoming everything he hates about this business. He then goes after Cody and bad mouths Rhodes to the Top so out comes Cody. The crowd reacts with more boos. Cody snatches the mic from Lambert but Lambert takes it back, only for Cody to steal it once more, we go back and forth with this for a while but then Cody attacks Scorpio and gets beaten down two to one till Dustin Rhodes saves him but Dustin gets distracted by Lambert and he gets beat down alongside his brother. All of a sudden though, out comes Sammy who runs off both of Men of the Year and Dan Lambert, standing tall like the TNT champion whilst Cody looks sheepish in the corner and looks at the man he has to face on Christmas Day.
.@ScorpioSky & @OfficialEGO put the boots to Cody & @dustinrhodes until TNT Champion @sammyguevara comes to clean house! Watch #AEWRampage NOW on @tntdrama pic.twitter.com/BVH2dmit0K
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) December 18, 2021
One by one, Thunder Rosa, Jade Cargill, Ruby Soho & Nyla Rose tell us either why they're going to win the tournament or they speak specifically about their opponents. I'm calling a Jade vs Ruby final.
Only four remain in the historic TBS Women’s Championship Tournament. Who will be crowned the inaugural champion?
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) December 18, 2021
-@thunderrosa22 vs @Jade_Cargill
-@realrubysoho vs @NylaRoseBeast
Watch #AEWRampage NOW on @tntdrama! pic.twitter.com/bCUBtFEJbD
Penelope is already in the ring as Tay makes her entrance so Tay sprints at her and attacks. Aubrey Edwards separates them to allow the bell to ring but Tay hits a huge Pump Kick. Penelope comes back and we get our first struggle for a submission and The Bunny helps Penelope get to the rope. Penelope chops at Tay against the ring post outside the match but misses one and hits the ring post. Back in the ring, Tay goes for a Juji Gatame but Ford makes the ropes once more. We get another struggle for submissions which Tay is in control of and when she has a nasty arm submission on, the Bunny jumps on the apron to distract her. Tay breaks the hold but Anna deals with The Bunny. Back in the ring, Penelope takes over and the match heads to the top rope. They fight on top and Penelope wins out as she locks in a Dragon Sleeper. Tay fights out of it at the third of fourth attempt by making the ropes after eating several Backbreakers during and then both women end up in a striking exchange and from that, Tay locks in a choke which Penelope can't escape and she has to tap out.
Impressive counter off the ropes from @thePenelopeFord. Can she make @TayConti_ submit? Watch #AEWRampage NOW on @tntdrama! pic.twitter.com/FTQ54N4ZXi
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) December 18, 2021
After the match, The Bunny knocks out Tay with a cheap shot and then Anna chases her off with a chair as this feud still rolls on.
#TheBunny just blindsides @TayConti_ with the brass knucks! @AllieWrestling and @thePenelopeFord are sent running by @annajay___ wielding a chair. Watch #AEWRampage NOW on @tntdrama! pic.twitter.com/RTRu42EysU
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) December 18, 2021
2point0 take this advantage to tell us that Eddie finally found some people that like him and they tell us that they're going to win. Bowens goes to follow up but Eddie interrupts him, casually tells them all they're going to get their asses beat and then tells Mark to say his catchphrase. Looks like we've had enough talk, it's time for the main event.
Max Caster tries to make his rap and Eddie just jumps them with his teammates as this turns into a brawl before we even get in the ring. The fight lasts for a long time on the outside and we finally get the opening bell when Max Caster ends up in the ring with Penta. Penta inevitably gets the upper hand then tags out to Fenix as the tag team champions go to work on Caster and they are well and truly in control. Caster eventually tags out to Bowens and Fenix to Ortiz and Ortiz takes out Bowens before bringing in his partner Santana and it's their turn now to run wild with double teams as we head to commercial. Santana and Ortiz continue to beat up Bowens before finally allowing Eddie Kingston into the match who continues the pattern of the match but as soon as he tags out to Ortiz, all of their opponents jump in the ring and finally take control of the match. The Acclaimed take on Ortiz first of all before 2point0 take their turn. Ortiz escapes and makes the tag out to Santana but a blind tag by Matt Lee allows him and Garcia to attack and take over before we get yet another brawl on the outside.
The #LuchaBros going to work on @PlatinumMax - Watch the MAIN EVENT on #AEWRampage NOW on @tntdrama pic.twitter.com/2PhaAEEHeI
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) December 18, 2021
We return from the break to find Santana fighting off 2point0 on his own and he hits a Springboard moonsault on both before tagging out to Penta who hits two Slingblades to take out 2point0 but then we get a million things happening at once and next thing you know Fenix takes down Garcia with a Tornado for a two count and then he tags in Eddie Kingston. Kingston begins to beat down Garcia but 2point0 remove Eddie from the ring. Lucha Bros takes them out with Stereo Tope Con Hilos and then we get everyone else in the ring taking each other out till Garcia and Kingston remain and then Garcia rolls up Eddie Kingston and holds the trunks to get the victory.
The #LuchaBros FLY! Watch #AEWRampage NOW on @tntdrama pic.twitter.com/uypaLzi3tP
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) December 18, 2021
As soon as the match ends, Eddie is attacked by all his opponents and gets taken out by a Boombox shot to the head. All of a sudden, we get Jungle Boy's music and as 2point0, Garcia and the Acclaimed look towards the entrance, Jungle Boy, Luchasaurus & Christian Cage attack them from behind and then we get an awkward interaction between Jurassic Express & the tag team champions as commentary tell us that Eddie Kingston is chasing Daniel Garcia. I'd like to imagine that chase is going to last all the way to Dynamite next week.
#JurassicExpress & @Christian4Peeps clean house, and the No. 1 ranked tag team in #AEW come face to face with the #AEW World Tag Team Champions the #LuchaBros! #AEWRampage pic.twitter.com/1PcLf7GFG1
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) December 18, 2021
A fun episode of Rampage is always the best way to end your week. Not too sure on the ending of the main event but the opener was fantastic and the Submission match was good so still a fun watch overall. I'll be back for Christmas week next week, no rest for the wicked, but until then, find me on twitter @0r4n93_C4551dy and I'll see you here on Monday. Have a great weekend. Adios.