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Michael Cole and Pat McAfee welcome us to the WWE Draft. We're informed that the draft results will not kick in for three weeks--October 22nd. So we'll have three weeks to wrap up story lines, hit the KSA up for a few hundred mil, before returning to normal! It's also announced tonight's Main Event will be Banks vs Belair!
WWE Officials Adam Pearce & Sonya Deville come out and welcome us to Night One of the 2021 WWE Draft. The first pick of the first round goes to Friday Night SmackDown who, of course, select the Universal Champion Roman Reigns.
Roman keeps his entry relatively short (for him). In the ring, his advocate stands beside him holding his title. Roman's wearing his awesome Bloodline shirt. Roman is given a mic and takes in the mixed reaction from the crowd. The digital audience is full of boos, but the in-house crowd are mixed. "As the back of the shirt says, 'we the ones.'" Pop from the crowd. "Because I'm number one." Another pop! "So Baltimore...Acknowledge me! Plenty of cheers with a few boos at this. Heyman gets on the mic now--and has to wait as the crowd issues a loud "Roman" chant. Heyman speaks. "I'm sorry, but that's not loud enough for your Tribal Chief. It doesn't surprise me from a room full of Baltimorons, nor should it surprise anyone who was the number one draft pick because if you think back before Extreme Rules, you had to say the undefeated Demon. But now you can't say that anymore because that Demon ran up against an Exorcist named Roman Reigns."
Heyman continues. "But like a shark that circles around the island of relevancy, this shark only swims forward. And what this shark looks forward to is Crown Jewel--which will not be held in 'Suplex City' because ladies and gentlemen, I assure you, that Beast will up up against the Suplex-orcist, Roman Reigns. Because Roman Reigns will remain your Universal Heavyweight Champion and he will smash at Crown Jewel Brock Lesnar." And here comes Brock Lesnar! The crowd goes wild! The crowd continues loud cheers as Brock, wearing a sleeveless flannel over-shirt, enters the ring. The crowd with a loud "Suplex City" chant and a weaker one for Roman. Roman and Brock begin to slug it out. Reigns batters Lesnar against the ropes. Lesnar off the ropes and hits a German Suplex! Another for the champ! Here come the Usos! Lesnar clotheslines them down as Roman flees the ring. Lesnar removes his over-shirt and motions for Roman to bring it. Brock yells, "get in here!" Roman gets on the apron and begins to enter the ring but cowardly backs down--and the crowd drowns him in boos. Lesnar, to great approval and cheers from the Baltimore crowd, hits an F5 on each Uso in turn--all while staring down the Universal Champ as we end this segment. Haha, the Suplexorcist. I like that.
When Kayla Braxton interviews Flair, Flair makes note that she's the first female drafted and states that Fox knows who's good/worth it/etc.
Owens comes out first for our first match of the night. After a progressive Match Flo that updated us on the events of last week, we return to the ring. Owens is pissed and eager to fight. Out next is Happy Corbin, all smiles. The bell rings and Owens immediately goes after Corbin, sending him into the corner and stomping him down. Owens clotheslines Corbin over the top rope, runs off the opposite ropes and threatens a tope, but Corbin moves. Owens to the apron. The ref's back is turned, and Mat Cat strikes Owens. Owens rolls in pain on the apron as we head to break!
Back from the break. Corbin, who maintained control during the break, loses it as Owens starts fighting back. Owens with a kick to the stomach. Owens runs off the ropes and right into a Deep Six! Close cover for two. Corbin takes his time, and Owens recovers enough to throw off a chop. Corbin with a strike that sends Owens bouncing off the ropes. Owens with a hot series of chops that sends Corbin into the corner. Corner looks for his Misdirection attack but, as he slides back into the ring, he runs into a Superkick. Owens starts to climb the ropes but Corbin rolls out of the ring. Owens warns Moss, who comes too close and Corbin hits the End of Days on the floor outside the ring! Cole suggests we call it "End of Happy Days." Corbin takes it into the ring and hits an End of Days, picking up the clean win. Your Winner, Happy Corbin!
Sasha Banks will take on Bianca Belair in tonight's main event. There will be a King of the Ring and Queen's Crown tournament pair, starting on SmackDown and ending on Raw during the Season Premieres of both series. We head to break.
Kayla Braxton welcomes Drew and his sword. She asks about McIntyre's mindset now that he's been drafted to the blue brand. He states he's thinking of all the things he achieved on Raw; he reminisces that he started on SmackDown as a young (scrawny) man in his 20's. He has unfinished business and he states that SmackDown needs someone to flip the table. He points the camera right at the camera and tells us all that he's coming for the Universal title.
Edge comes out to a solid reaction and plays up to the crowd with pyro and high-fives to people along the barricade. After a break and a short video package showing Edge being carted off on a gurney three weeks ago, as well as Rollins' comments last week, we finally get to our Rated-R Superstar. Edge gets on the mic. "First of all, thank you Baltimore for that reaction! C'mon Baltimore, c'mon! Bring it up!" Huge pop. "Now see that's why this is the best job in the world. You know, earlier today I was thinking and it dawned on me that I am the only talent here who was on the very first episode of SmackDown.....But as you know now, I've been drafted to Raw." He continues, addressing Rollins' actions at Madison Square Garden three weeks ago. "Every week since, he's come out here and challenged me to a match. See the thing is, Seth knows I'm not 100%. He knows I'm not cleared yet....But it's well played as he knows the kind of man I am and I have to show up here to answer that challenge." Edge tells Seth, via camera, that Rollins should come out .
Instead, Seth Rollins appears on the Tron screen. Rollins doesn't appreciate that Edge didn't take back calling Rollins Edge-lite, and didn't acknowledge Rollins as a better man, nor did Edge retire. Rollins calls Edge a liar and himself an honest man "so unfortunately the big problem is I'm not at SmackDown this week. I am in fact..." the camera pulls back to show a house's front door--and it's the Copeland residence! Edge runs out the ring as we focus on Seth.
Seth enters the house, hollering for Beth for a few moments before making himself comfortable and removing his jacket. Seth throws it on the island in the kitchen. Rollins comments "what a house" then goes through the fridge as he's hungry. He pulls out an apple "a day, of course" and orange juice. He sits at the small kids dining table like a "civilized human being." Rollins states the house was hard to find. He notices to his left that there's some child's artwork with the names "Lyric" and "Ruby". Rollins comments on it, stating that despite the young age, Edge's daughters do not have a future in art as their "art" is "rotten." Edge explores the house and tries to put on the TV. He tells Edge he's a lucky man, and calls it the "homiest home I've ever been in in my entire life. So cozy. I could stay here all night! Hahaha, I could stay here all night." Edge is backstage, on his phone with presumably his wife. He tells the person to go over to their brother's house as Seth is at his house and "Daniel and David" are on their way over. We end our segment.
We cut to the ring for our second match of the night, at the top of the hour. "The Most Beautiful Woman in the WWE" Carmella comes out first to boos, followed by Morgan to cheers. After a break, we return and this match is ready to start. This is a rematch from Sunday's Extreme Rules. Before the bell rings, Morgan attacks Carmella. Carmella flees the ring, gets a mic. "You bitch! That's the last chance you're ever going to have to destroy my beautiful face. Ladies! Ladies!" She heads to the time keeper area where ladies suit Carmella with a sparkly mask from the Purge. Carmella comes in and hits a Superkick on Morgan before hitting a facebuster. The crowd with a loud "you look stupid" chant. Carmella removes the mask and her theme plays. No Contest.
After a break we return and all eight men are in the ring. After an emergency weather service interruption, we return to the match already in action. The ref attempts to sort everyone out as multiple competitors are fighting instead of just the legal men. This short match is a spot-fest, and focused on showcasing each performer's individual talent. Otis' semi-push continues as the big man wipes out his opponents at ringside. Otis takes Ford down on the apron, then sends him into the ring post. We go to break with the heels standing strong over the fallen faces. When we return, we're told the heels remained in control all commercial break, with the Alpha Academy proving dominant. Gable and Ford are legal. Gable looks for a blockbuster or rear suplex but Ford rolls him up for a close fall. Ziggler is tagged in. Ford kips-up and slaps Ziggler, then hits a step-up Enziguri! Dawkins wants the hot tag, bouncing on the apron. Ziggler dives to his corner, tagging in Roode, and Ford does the same--and here comes a hot Dawkins!
Dawkins bypasses Roode to attack his teammates in the corner. Runaway train, per Cole, on Roode. Exploder suplex to Gable. Spinning neckbreaker to Roode for a close two, but Otis makes the save. Xavier Woods runs right into Otis' fist. Otis is sent out of the ring and Ford hits a tope! Ziggler with a Superkick to Ford; the New Day take out Ziggler. In the ring, Roode with a pin attempt on Dawkins. Roode looks for the Glorious DDT but Dawkins escapes and tags in Kofi. Kofi tags in Woods, hits a backbreaker on Roode. Wood climbs up top and leaps off, hitting a single-foot stomp on Roode as Kofi holds him.Xavier covers to pick up the win! Your Winners, the New Day & the Street Profits!
Kayla Braxton's interview with Jeff Hardy is interrupted when Brock Lesnar walks up...and Hardy backs off and out of the way. Brock asks Kayla if they're live, then tells her he wants to address us via camera. "Ladies and gentlemen, I have a public announcement I'd like to share. I'd like to thank my good friend Paul Heyman. Because of Paul Heyman, Brock Lesnar is a free agent--all because of Paul. Because of that, Brock Lesnar gets to do whatever Brock Lesnar wants to do." He mic drops.
Reigns runs over Lesnar's remarks, then questions Heyman's loyalty. Heyman tries to reassure him. Reigns is worried about the Usos being drafted to Raw. Heyman tells him he'll handle it, and reminds him that he's the "wise man." Roman snaps at Heyman, stating "you're the wise man when I say you're the wise man." Heyman is at the point of tears, and begs Roman not to do this. Reigns decides to follow the strategy and stick to the plan. "I want you to go to Raw on Monday and I want you to make sure that my cousins are drafted to SmackDown. Do you understand?" Heyman states he does, thanks Reigns and leaves. "I want y'all to go with him," Roman says, "and I want to make it very clear that you're to be drafted to SmackDown. And if you're not, leave him for dead at Raw," referring to Heyman of course.
We cut back to the ring as we prepare for our main event, Belair/Banks II. Belair is out first to a decent pop. Banks is out next to a mix of cheers and boos. We head to break ahead of our main event match! Goldberg returns to Raw FYI. When we return from break, SmackDown Women's Champion Becky Lynch comes out to a good pop. Lynch defends against Belair & Banks in a triple-threat match at Crown Jewel. Lynch joins the commentary team. Great pop for her despite being heel. Bell rings and Banks and Belair ready-up, fists up. They stop and Banks looks to the crowd before both women lock up. They shove each other around the ring, with the powerhouse Belair backing Banks into a corner until the ref calls for the break.
Banks and Belair struggle for a bit more. Lynch is upset on commentary, defending her 26-second win over Belair while exclaiming multiple times that she did them a favor by filling in when Banks couldn't go. When Charlotte Flair is brought up, Lynch points out that it's her title, too, as she never lost it. In the ring, Belair hoists Banks over her right shoulder and does several squats while holding the Boss! Banks finally wiggles out and looks for working holds, focusing on Banks neck. A twisting neckbreaker is reversed into a Kiss of Death attempt. Banks escapes it but Belair runs her over with a huge clothesline, and Banks rolls out of the ring. Lynch stands up, hoisting her title over a fallen Banks at ring side. We head to break.
Back from the break. Banks hits a Meteora for a close cover for two. Cole reminds us that the Draft results do not kick in until after Crown Jewel. Becky gets upset at Cole on commentary, pointing out that she was Becky Two-Belts. Cole makes a mistake, telling her to relax, and she snaps at him as does McAfee. In the ring, Belair and Banks go back and forth with nothing of note until Belair hits a Vertical Suplex. Belair kips-up, flips against and off the ropes to connect with a splash. Belair looks for a cover, getting a two.
Banks begins to fight back, taking Belair into the corner. Banks heads up to the top rope and attempts a Hurricane DDT. Banks botches it quite badly, but Belair's sheer strength helps prevent injury and carries Banks further into the ring so she can connect with the move. A little ring rust is all. Banks stomps Belair in the ring and climbs up top. Banks flies off, hitting the Boss Splash (frog splash) and getting a close two. Pat McAfee says "viva la raza" at this.
Belair with a desperate takedown, covering for a close two. Banks rolls to the apron and Belair follows. Belair hoists Banks up over her shoulders but Banks slips into the ring. Banks looks for a Sunset Powerbomb but Belair is too powerful and hops down off the apron. Belair and Lynch have words. Banks attempts to use the distraction, but Belair catches the Boss and slams her back against the barricade. The ref is distracted and Lynch comes over, yanking Belair's long braid and holding her down--assisting Banks in stealing the win! Your Winner, Sasha Banks!
Raw Women's Champion Charlotte Flair comes out and has a stare-down with Lynch, with each woman hoisting their titles as Cole excitedly exclaims SmackDown has two champions. We end our show on that note.