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During a recent episode of 83 Weeks, Eric Bischoff revealed his frustrations with how TNA Wrestling would market itself outside of television.
"TNA did not do a good job marketing TNA outside of the television show. They didn’t believe it was necessary. They were of the mind that all you had to do was put a show on TV and you were gonna be successful. That’s not true. You’ve gotta go beyond that. Look at some of the stuff AEW has done in the last year and a half since they’ve been around to promote themselves outside of the people that are watching the show every week. They’ve done a substantial job and made a lot of money. That’s something TNA didn’t want to do. They did not want to spend money marketing themselves. If Spike TV was willing to spend money, great. But they wouldn’t spend their own.
They wouldn’t even spend money promoting their live house shows. You could go into any market that TNA was in and nobody knew that they were there. Again, that’s small thinking, and one of the things that frustrates me when I talk about TNA – not because of what went on there personally because some of the things there were really great for me. I got to work with my son, and Garett got to get in the ring and work with guys like Kurt Angle, Jeff Hardy, Matt Hardy, Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, AJ Styles, Robert Roode, and Samoa Joe. That was a hell of an opportunity I was able ot provide my son, and I never forget that. But the frustration for me comes in what a missed opportunity. What a great opportunity TNA had, but they failed to capitalize on it because of a very small-minded outlook on what the business needs to be."
Thanks to 411Mania for the transcription.