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Impact Wrestling Vice Presidents Scott D'Amore and Don Callis recently spoke to Total Wrestling Magazine about their current role behind the scenes at Impact, as well as their goal to change the perception of Impact Wrestling.
Scott D'Amore on his return to Impact Wrestling:
"I came back to Impact Wrestling in early 2017 as a consultant as a set of eyes from the outside to listen and provide feedback as Ed Nordholm and Leonard Asper at Anthem Sports and Entertainment tried to evaluate what they had and what they were going to do with Impact. One of the things I suggested was that they really needed to pick their core for the organisation and have their group. As we went through the process they asked me to be a more meaningful part of the group and it led to me and Don [Callis] working together.
"We’ve been long-time friends and we’d always talked about doing a project together and when this happened we sat down with Len and Ed and our visions and thoughts aligned. We’re happy with the progress that’s being made. It’s not an overnight change, there’s not one decision or one get that’s going to change the entire world. It’s about working hard, having a vision and making sure we make small steps so we can look back at our progress and be happy."
Don Callis on being excited about his new role in Impact Wrestling:
“Scott and I have spoken about this and we feel it’s roles that we were both bred in the business to do. We have an opportunity to take a brand which has struggled in the past and make it what it should have been all along and that is the hottest brand that people want to invest in. Having an opportunity to shape the company is enticing because we’re putting our creative vision onto something as opposed to taking over something which is firing on all cylinders and thinking how much impact you’re going to have.”
Don Callis on changing the perception of the company:
“The way I look at it is, I left the company in 2004, I have nothing to do with what happened since. I’m not aware of it, I wasn’t following. Myself and Scott are coming in here fresh. This is truly a fresh start not only for us but talent, we have no pre-conceived notions of them, we just want the best, so whatever happened before I don’t get wrapped up in.”
Scott D'Amore on changing the perception of the company:
“The fact is this company has been going for 15 years and there’s a lot of amazing things that have happened. I don’t think we should ever disregard what’s happened, the positive things are still part of our history as is the negative. Let’s focus on going forward while acknowledging the past. There’s been a lack of celebration about the fact that the company has been around 15 years, that’s a long time in this business and it’s still a company which has millions of people following. When you look at it we do 20-30 million digital views a month, an outstanding number and no one in this business except WWE do numbers like that. To us that’s exciting because there’s people out there who aren’t as invested as they were in the past but they’re still following the product and as we continue rebuilding trust they’ll become engaged. Our main goal is rebuilding trust not only with fans but talent too and business partners. People have to know that when we promise something, we deliver. Trust doesn’t get built up overnight it’s over time. We need to consistently deliver, consistently produce what we’ve promised.”