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Mae Young Classic Finals & 205 Live Coverage & Results (09/12/2017)

Posted By: Caylon Knox on Sep 12, 2017

Mae Young Classic Finals & 205 Live Coverage & Results (09/12/2017)

Check back here for live coverage of Kairi Sane vs. Shayna Baszler in the finals of the Mae Young Classic tournament, as well as 205 Live.

Kairi Sane vs. Shayna Baszler

The special guest ring announcer is Lilian Garcia. She does a special opening to hype up the finals of the Mae Young Classic.

Kairi offers a handshake. Shayna refuses. They lock up, Shayna pushes Kairi off. Lock up again, Shayna backs her into the ropes and gives a clean break. Shayna shoots in on the legs and goes for a Cross Armbreaker and then a Rear Naked Choke. Lots of mat grappling and then they're back up. Shayna wants a test of strength. Kick to the spine of Kairi. Headscissors from Kairi. Stiff kick from Baszler knocks Kairi out of the ring. Another hard kick as Kairi tries to get back in. She throws her in and goes for a pin but Kairi kicks out. Double Wrist Lock now from Shayna. She stomps on the elbow of Sane. Roll up from Sane but Shayna gets out of it. Arm lock now from Shayna. Suplex attempt by Shayna, Spear attempt from Kairi but she gets caught and Suplexed by Shayna. Another arm lock from Shayna. Chops from Kairi. Hard running knee from Baszler. Spear from Kairi. Hard right hand and a low Dropkick to the ribs of Shayna from Kairi. Bodyscissors now from Kairi. Shayna gets out of it. Kairi went for the big shot in the corner but Shayna moved. Axe Kick from Kairi. Kairi goes up top but Shayna catches her with the Rear Naked Choke. Kairi fights out of it. Spinning Back Fist from Kairi. Kairi goes up top again but Baszler kicks her and climbs up for a Superplex. Baszler locks her in a Kimura on the top rope. Shayna gets caught in the Tree of Woe and Kairi gives her a Double Foot Stomp but Shayna kicks out. Kairi forearms her in the ribs in the corner. Kairi hits the Insane Flying Elbow and defeats Shayna Baszler to win the inaugural Mae Young Classic. They hug after the match.

Triple H, Stephanie McMahon, and Sara Amato come down to congratulate Kairi Sane.

It's now time for 205 Live.

Rich Swann vs. T.J. Perkins

Lock up, Swann applies a headlock. Hip Toss from TJP. Another headlock now from Swann. TJP goes for the Kneebar but Swann gets out of it. Dropkick from Rich. TJP goes outside and Swann gives him a Senton. Back in the ring now, Swann kicks TJP right in the spine. Gives him a Snapmare and does the kick again but TJP kicks out. Hard chop to the chest of TJP. Swann tries to go up top but TJP kicks him down. Stomping on him in the corner now. Elbow to the face of Swann. TJP is in control of Swann at the moment. TJP went for a Corner Splash but Swann knocks him down. TJP with a Chinlock now. Hard knee to the stomach of Swann. Belly-to-Back Suplex/Facebuster from TJP and TJP is in control of Swann once again. Swann is starting to fight back now. Swann goes for a Tiger Driver but it gets countered into a Hurricanrana. Both guys are down now. They get back up and start trading strikes and they knock each other back down again. Swann goes for a big kick but TJP goes for the Kneebar. TJP with double knees to the gut but Swann kicks out. They both go for pins and Swann catches TJP with a big head kick. Fantastic Voyage from Swann but TJP kicks out. Swann then delivers a Phoenix Splash and defeats T.J. Perkins. After the match, TJP reluctantly shakes Swann's hand.

Drew Gulak is in the ring now. He starts cutting a promo on Akira Tozawa. Gulak then reveals a Powerpoint Presentation on the TitanTron about how he wants to improve the show. A siren starts to play and out come Tyler Breeze and Fandango. They refer to Gulak as "Captain Underpants" and end up "arresting" him. Gulak tries to escape but Fandango trips him and they take him backstage.

Cedric Alexander vs. The Brian Kendrick

Big kick from Kendrick and then a hard forearm. Headscissors and a Dropkick from Cedric. Kick to the head of Kendrick. Flying Clothesline from Cedric. Kendrick goes for Slice Bread No. 2 but Cedric gets out of it. Kendrick goes outside and Cedric flies over the top rope and takes him out. They go to the ring apron and Kendrick pulls Cedric's throat into the unprotected steel behind the turnbuckle pad. Out comes Jack Gallagher. He backs Kendrick into the corner but then turns around and starts to attack Cedric. He finishes him off with a hard headbutt. Gallagher then shakes Brian Kendrick's hand as the show goes off the air.

Tags: #wwe #mae young classic #205 live #results

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