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WWE Raw Results (1/6)

Posted By: Vinny Fucci on Jan 06, 2014

WWE Raw Results (1/6)

We... are... LIVE! Michael Buffer approves this message. 




Then. Now. Forever. Retro graphics open us into the show and bleed into the live audience showing the retro set on Moday Night Raw with Attitude Era titantron and 1995 Raw logo inset.

Woooooo! Ric Flair kicks off the show, coming down to the ring, styling and profiling. The crowd is hot for the Natcha Boy! He enters the ring and talks about how it's great to be back, Old School Raw wouldn't be a show without him. He drops the mic, struts about, and gives a hearty Wooo!

Enter Randy Orton. The WWE World Heavyweight Champion comes out and hugs Ric then asks him to step aside because even though the show is about the Legends, it's his time and the focus should be on him. He wants to talk about John Cena and their title match at the Royal Rumble. 

Ric cuts him off, tells him that he saw talent in Orton back when he recruited him for Evolution. He loved being around him as he bought all the women and had tons of talent. The only thing that hasn't changed is Orton's punk attitude, lack of maturity, and that being the World Heavyweight Champion may show your "The Man" in *this* business but is he a man when he goes home and lays down with his wife!

Orton gets angry, threatens Flair by going "Old School" on him and beating him like the overrated wrestler he's always been. 

Enter John Cena. With his shirt hanging from his jeans like Superman's cape hanging from his back, he makes the save, hugs Ric, and challenges Randall right then and there. Orton thinks better of it and leaves the ring.

-Cut to the announce table where Michael Cole and JBL discuss Lawler's absence. Turns out he had a medical issue prior to the show and is taking it easy tonight. What isn't being taken easy is the 80's garb worn by the announcers! And the all familiar wooden table! Good stuff. They go from Lawler and right into a recap of Daniel Bryan joining the Wyatt Family last week on Raw.

Rey Mysterio & The Usos Vs. The Wyatt Family

Mysterio and The Usos get the proverbial in-ring entrance. The lights drop and the Wyatts make their entrance. Bryan and Wyatt stand face-to-face as Bray motions for him to go and out comes the Family. Did Bray raid an broken down auto body shop for attire? Luke Harper and Jey Uso start. Trade back and forth punches until Harper gets the upper hand. Jey scurries to his corner, tags in Rey. Luke brings in Bryan! Rey tries to tell Bryan that this "isn't him" but Bryan answers with clinched knee strikes. Him and Rey trade kicks, Bryan exits the ring. 


We return with a rest hold as Rowan keeps Jimmy Uso at bay. WWE App plug. Rowan brings Jimmy to the corner, tag in Bryan again. Daniel seems to be using more aggression and kicks with his new allegiance. The fans continue to cheer him anywho. Erik Rowan gets tagged back in, slugs away at Jimmy but turns the tide after reversing a turnbuckle charge. Hot tag to Rey! Flies off the top rope with a sit-down senton. Rowan catches Rey with both hands around his throat for a Throat-Bomb but Rey revererses with a head scissors, dropping Rowan into the ropes. Rowan quickly makes it away and tries to tag Bryan but Harper tags himself in. Harper and Bryan are at a conflict but Harper stays in, attacks Jimmy Uso who is on the apron but gets caught by surprise from Jey who jumps into a victory roll on Harper for the 1... 2... 3.

Winners: Rey Mysterio & The Usos

"The Animal" Batista returns January 20th

Confirmed! Batista will be in the Royal Rumble match! The winner of the Rumble will face the World Heavyweight Champion at Wrestlemania 30!

Seg-way into Damien Sandow's proclaim last week that if he loses, he'll quit. Sandow sneaks out a win against the Great Khali. 

We enter Brad Maddox's office who says that since there was no clear winner next week, the fans of the WWE Universe, will vote one of three Hall Of Famer's as the Special Guest Ref for the re-match tonight! The ballot includes: Bob Backlund, Arn Anderson, & Sgt. Slaughter. The Hall of Famer's walk off and Kane comes in asking Maddox if he has something he'd like to say to Kane. Brad is rad and leaves it alone so Kane threatens him but not with violence. He advises Maddox to tell him next time he has a problem to his face!

Big E. Langston proudly walks backstage with his Intercontinetal title, walking by the likes of a signing Nikoli Volkoff! "Million Dollar Man" Ted Dibiase chats it up with Aksana. IRS tells Big E. to pay his taxes. Big E. is on his way to the ring!


Ryback is at ringside as we come back from commercial break and Big E. will go against Curtis Axel, right now.

Big E. Langston Vs. Curtis Axel

Axel gets the upper-hand at the start of the bout. Curtis unleashes kicks, punches, and a chin lock to ground Big E. but E powers out though he gets dropped by a quick drop kick. Axel stays on top of Big, taking the fight outside. They get back in the ring at a 4 count, Ryback distracts Big E. Langston and rolls him up. That doesn't work as Big E. gets out, explodes back with a big Madden Hit-Stick like clothesline to Axel and finishes him with the Big Ending!

Winner: Big E. Langston

Piper backstage and Piper's Pit with The Sheild is next!

Let me mark for a second... PIPER!!! Roddy walks to the ring which is set-up for the Pit! The crowd chants for Piper after proclaiming he was old school before old school was cool. He begins to speak again but The Shield's theme cuts him off and out come the Hounds Of Justice.

Dean Ambrose opens up for The Shield and cuts on Piper about his age and wants him to take his act elsewhere. Ambrose laughs, Piper tells him that he's been in some fights and that there is nobody who can match him on the mic. Nobody besides CM Punk! Ambrose gets mad and looks to engage fight but Seth Rollins steps in and says that this isn't 1985 and he should really give it up. Piper taunts Ambrose and Rollins about losing to Punk and then turns his attention to Roman Reigns, even giving him a little pinch on the cheek. Piper drives into Reign's head that what if he can beat Punk, does that make him the best member? Reigns gets in his face, The Sheild surround Piper...

Out come Punk and the New Age Outlaws! A brawl ensues, The Shield flees, and the faces rally together.

-Brock Lesnar Return video package airs

Sin Cara 2.0 is the ring. Alberto Del Rio is out next.

Sin Cara Vs. Alberto Del Rio

This is a re-match from last week. ADR attacks early but Cara reverses into a pinfall. ADR back on offense. Cara in the corner, Del Rio hangs him from the second rope, propels himself in the air and stomps on his chest! Rest hold from ADR. Back and forth match, Cara on the offense, head scsissors to ADR. Cara quickly goes to the top rope for a Swanton Bomb but ADR misses. Cara rolls out but gets hit with an Enzeguri. ADR picks up the win.

Winner: Alberto Del Rio

Del Rio takes the mic afterwards, talks trash on Batista, and says he'll be the winner of the Royal Rumble.

To find out about what Jerry Lawler had to say about his stomach virus, download the WWE App. 

Daniel Bryan explains his actions from earlier. He says he wants to contribute, learn. He's been a tag team champion and can help. He asks Erik Rowan or Luke Harper to tag with him but Bray tells him next week, they team together.

Real Americans Vs. Cody Rhodes & Goldust

Goldust and Jack Swagger start the match. They run the ropes, shoulder check, and Goldust gets Swagger off guard with his bite taunt. Ceasaro tagged in but gets tangled with Goldust grapples him, tagging in Cody. Antonio is dropped with a double-front face suplex but kicks out at 1. Cody begins to go on offense but Cesaro cuts him off and gets him to his corner. In comes Swagger, back to Ceasaro. Cody is able to tag in Goldust who catches Antonio with a hurricana. Fast tag to Cody who gets a close two count on Ceasro from an out of the corner sunset flip. Swagger climbs the apron but get's dropped with a Disaster Kick from the observant Cody Rhodes! Antonio Cesaro gets his barrings back and drops Rhodes with an European Uppercut!


Rest hold to come back into the match! Swagger has control, drops Cody, and Swagger Bomb! Two count and Swagger tags in Antonio. Chest Stomp by Ceasaro, Swagger tagged back in. The resilient Cody Rhodes dodges a rush by Swagger and dumps him over the top rope. Cody crawls for the tag but Cesaro cuts that off, knocking Goldust off the apron with a running boot. Cody continues to fight back with Swagger. Goldust is still out. A Disaster Kick is reveresed into a slam, Swagger applies the Patriot Lock! Goldust breaks up the submission! Cody now gets the tag to Goldust! Hot tag and it's a Bizzare Bonanza! Goldust fights both Cesaro and Swagger, climbs the top and gives them both a reverse Cross-Body! The Americans are in trouble and just like that, Goldust kicks Swagger in the stomach, gives him the Spinning Neckbreaker Suplex and that's all she wrote!

Winners: Goldust & Cody Rhodes

DDP is stretching in the back! Booker T comes in and they exchange pleasantries. DDP takes a moment to plug his yoga program, DDP Yoga. Booker says he has some techniques of his own but before he can show Page, Ron Simmons walks in. Damn!

Damien Sandow Vs. The Great Khali w/Raja Singh

Our Guest Referee is... SGT. SLAUGHTER

Sandow tries to out-wit his large opponenant but gets tangled in the corner. Khali slugs away at Sandow, stomps on him, and gets a chop. Sandow retreats but gets stuck again. He gets another chop, Sandow turns the tide after that. They do a lot of fighting in the corner. Khali shoves Sandow and as Damien gets up is met with a big Khali head chop. Great Khali covers Sandow but he puts his foot on the rope. Slaughter counts the three, not seeing it.

Winner: The Great Khali

Damien Sandow protests this, shoves the Sarge but eventually ends up in a Cobra Clutch. Khali, Raja Singh, and Sgt. Slaughter dance.

-Brock Lesnar & Paul Heyman are up next!

Business has picked up! Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman enter the Warzone! The Self-Proclaimed Number 1 contender is here but they want to talk about this meaning of "Old School". This isn't about "Old School" though, it's more for, not old timers, Brock and Paul have respect, let's call them "Legends", have one last hoo-rah everytime one of these shows happen. Paul rattles off that "old-school" is one man who reigns supreme, not a bunch of guys. Bruno Sammartino, Hulk Hogan, and "Stone Cold" Steve Austin were guys who reigned supreme and are "Old School". Paul says that Brock Lesnar is now going to become that supreme entity. See, Brock Lesnar's life is like a t-shirt: Eat-Sleep-Conquer-Repeat...

Mark Henry is here for retaliation! He slowly charges the ring and exchanges blows with Lesnar until Brock starts to knee him in the taped ribs. Henry weakens, Brock grabs an arm and drops to the mat while applying the Kimura on Henry! Brock-Arm-Breakage!

Brock and Paul leave confidently but The Big Show's music plays, stopping Brock and Paul in the aisle! Show enters and they retreat back to the ring, telling Show to bring it. Show does bring it but Brock exits the ring and has a stare down. Heyman tries to distract Show, Lesnar slides in but is tossed half way across the ring by Show! Brock rolls out, stunned, but contemplates going back in. Heyman tells him now isn't the time and they walk away as Show stares them down.

-Recap Orton/Cena from earlier

-CM Punk Vs. Roman Reigns is the main event

The Bella Twins Vs. Alicia Fox & Aksana

Nike and Aksana are developing quite the feud? Well, Niki and Alicia start the match.The girls scrape and pull hair. Niki plays up her shin injury when she's dumped out of the ring. I have to note the banter between Cole and JBL talking about each other's old looks with Cole's blonde-tipped hair and JBL sitting there maybe with dark black hair and mustache. Niki makes a tag to Brie as Aksana is now in the ring with Brie. Brie misses a drop kick from the second rope, Aksana covers, and it's over!

Winners: Alicia Fox & Aksana

Too Cool is up next in Six-Man Tag Action! 

3MB Vs. Too Cool

3MB already in the ring. It's been 13 1/2 years since Too Cool has teamed up on WWE television. Jerry's kid, err Grandmaster Sexay, starts with Jinder. Jinder starts the offense but it doesn't take long for Grandmaster to take control. He fights Jinder into a neutral corner, throws him off, and climbs to the the second rope for a drop kick! He connects! Not like Brie! Toss into the other corner, Sexay dance-taunts and drops Jinder out of the corner with a bulldog. Tag to Scotty 2 Hotty! They drop Jinder and connect with a double-elbow drop complete with hand-gesture taunts! Scotty the legal man, he takes offense now and bulldog from Scotty! The crowd is eating this up as he zone's into The Worm! The popular move is cut off by Slater and 3MB take some control, mostly McIntyre. Jinder comes back in, wears down Scotty but he manages to escape and tags in Rikishi! Savate kicks for everyone! Sexay goes to the top, Hip Hop Drop on McIntyre. Jinder tries the sunset flip on Rikishi but that never works on a big guy like that! Rikishi plops on his chest and get's the win!

Winners: Too Cool

The year 2000 rear's its head as Too Cool celebrate with dancing.

-Daniel Bryan & Bray Wyatt face The Usos next week on Raw.

Legend appreciation spot commences with The Godfather leading the pack of all the personalities on the show tonight. 

After everyone is introduced, Wade Barrett is here to give us some Bad News. This isn't a momentous occasion though it should be. Bad News Barrett says who remembers these guys besides the seven people they shook hands with tonight. I laughed. He continues to run down the legends, he will be happy to forget their names. #BadNewsBarrett

-CM Punk. Roman Reigns. Next.

Mean Gene Okerlund is here to plug his hot line. I called once... or twice. Mean Gene introduces the New Age Outlaws!

Road Dogg introduces us the only way he knows how. Billy is shocked to have the mic but is happy to do his part. He know... if your not down with the New Age Outlaws they got two words for ya'...

CM Punk introduced by the Road Dogg. The NAO is here for back up as Punk gets ready to go one-on-one with Roman Reigns.

The Shield are out.

CM Punk Vs. Roman Reigns

Both men lock-up. Punk over-powered by Reigns. They lock up again and Punk is quick to apply a headlock, keeping it on as Reigns tries to push him out of it. Reigns had a chance in the corner but Punk quickly locks his arms around the head of Reigns again. Punk obviously calls spots. Reigns pushes Punk off into the ropes, big shoulder block and Punk goes down. He rolls away and they stare off.


Back with Punk on the apron as Reigns holds him on the apron. Roman throws Punk into the turnbuckle and with great force as Punk completely goes over and onto the floor. The Shield circle but the Outlaws are there to keep them ay bay. Punk gets back in at a 2 count but Reigns stays ontop on Punk with grounded punches and a waist lock. Reigns and Punk go to their feet, Reigns turns Punk around and drops him with a belly-to-belly suplex. 2 count. Reigns continues his offense as Ambrose mouths off to Road Dogg at ringside. Reigns chokes Punk with his boat while holding onto the rope. Ref counts, Reigns breaks at 4 and tries a jumping Elbow drop. He misses! Punk staggers to his feet, stumbles to the turnbuckle. Reigns charges, feet up, Punk with a spring board cross body! Roman isn't phased and get's Punk in a bearhug. Roman drops Punk with a Samoan Drop but only gets a 2 count. Punk turns the tide as Reigns signals for the Main-Event Spear. Punk with a roundhouse kick! Reigns now staggered. Punk fights back with forearms and kicks. CM Punk running knee in the corner. Punk slowly goes up for the Elbow Drop but Reigns stops him and climbs the turnbuckle, attempting a Superplex! Punk fights out, Roman goes down. Punk Man Elbow Drop! Punk is hurt but he calls for the GTS! Ambrose tries to interfere but the Road Dogg comes for help! Punk dives outside the ring onto Rollins and climbs back on the apron for a flying clotheline but Roman Reigns hits Punk with a Superman Punch in mid-air! Reigns gets a two count and tries for the ME Spear. Punk leap frogs him as Roman Reigns hits the second turnbuckle and a roll up by Punk! 2 count! CM Punk with a roundhouse kick, Ambrose on the apron for the distraction! Punk fights him off but is met with a SPEAR! Roman Reigns picks up the win!

Winner: Roman Reigns

The Shield stand over a fallen Punk. 

JAKE "THE SNAKE" ROBERTS comes out! Mark out again!! Punk and the Outlaws attack a distracted Shield. They fight off The Shield but Punk gets Ambrose with the GTS! Jake in the ring with the bag! He unleashes the large yellow Boa and drapes it across Ambrose... who is caught smiling/laughing as Jake does something with the Snake that makes Punk say, "This is PG, Jake. PG." The show ends with Roberts handling his yellow snake.


Tags: #wwe #old school #raw #daniel bryan #john cena #wyatt family #cm punk #the shield #cody rhodes #goldust #results #rowdyroddypiper #piperspit #badnewsbarrett #jakethesnakeroberts

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