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WWE SmackDown Results (10/25/13) Birmingham, Alabama

Posted By: Elio C. on Oct 25, 2013

WWE SmackDown Results (10/25/13) Birmingham, Alabama

We see footage from this past Monday Night Raw’s contract signing between Daniel Bryan and Randy Orton.

Welcome to Friday Night Smackdown and this week Smackdown comes to us from the Birmingham-Jefferson Civic Centre in Birmingham, Alabama and we go to the ring where two chairs are set up and Michael Cole introduces Triple H. Triple H comes out for a sit-down interview. Triple H welcomes everyone to Smackdown. Cole says it’s been a busy week for Triple H with Hell In A Cell only two days away this Sunday in Miami. He says Triple H saw the footage at the start of the show. The man who was fired by Stephanie, wreaking havoc on Monday Night Raw. Triple H says that first of all he hopes that Show is proud of himself. His actions on Monday night resulted in six people being fired. 2 people in IT, 3 people in production and the woman that set up the satellite feed were all fired this morning by Stephanie. All so that Big Show could put himself out to the world as some kind of hero. And while we’re speaking of heroes, Big Show has done what all heroes do when their backs are up against the wall. He’s filed a lawsuit. So, basically, himself and Stephanie have been advised by their lawyer to give no further comments on The Big Show. All he can do is reassure that Show has been fired and remains fired. Since he is no longer part of the WWE Universe, Big Show is pretty much what he has been for the last few years of his career. Irrelevant. Right now, his only focus is Hell In A Cell and tells Cole to ask him questions about that. Cole asks if Triple H is concerned at all that Big Show is going to show up in Miami and throw the entire show into disarray and what about Big Show showing up tonight? Triple H asks what part of “Triple H can’t make any further comments on Big Show” is it he doesn’t understand and says if Cole wants to come out to the ring and play Barbara Walters and ask the hard hitting questions for all the people, that’s fine but not ask things he knows Triple H is not at liberty to discuss. Cole asks if Triple H is at liberty to discuss the match this Sunday for the World Heavyweight Championship, with defending champion Alberto Del Rio facing the returning John Cena. Triple H says he, like everybody else in the WWE Universe cannot wait for the return of John Cena. He, himself, knows what it’s like to come back from a devastating injury like that and he knows what Cena’s gone through to come back early and calls it amazing and he cannot wait to see the World Heavyweight Champion Alberto Del Rio defend the championship against John Cena. It’s going to be epic. Cole then turns focus to the WWE Championship. A championship that has been held up for 6 weeks. Sunday, at Hell In Cell, Daniel Bryan is going to take on Randy Orton for the vacated WWE Title. The WWE fans, by a record setting number of votes on the WWE app, chose Triple H’s best friend Shawn Michaels to be the special guest referee this Sunday at Hell In A Cell. And Shawn Michaels has guaranteed there will be a new WWE Champion. Triple H says that he is thrilled with that guarantee. And he’s thrilled that the WWE Universe chose Shawn Michaels as the special guest referee. And he wants nothing more than there to be a definitive WWE Champion coming out of Hell In A Cell. And Shawn has guaranteed that. And Shawn is the right man for the job because he knows better than anybody what happens when that cell starts to lower around you. What goes through a man’s mind. It’s like 5,000 pounds of steel crushing down on top of you. And it can destroy a man’s confidence. Cole says at least Triple H and Michaels agree on those points but there have been some disagreements in recent weeks. The biggest one, the man that Michaels trained, Daniel Bryan. Triple H says he and Michaels have been friends for 20 years. And in those 20 years, they have been best of friends, they’ve also been very fierce competitors against each other. But the one thing they’ve always come back to is common ground. They share the same belief in a lot of things. And one of those similar beliefs is in how the WWE should operate, in what is best for business. And he tells Cole he absolutely knows when it’s all said and done Shawn Michaels will do the right thing. Cole asks Triple H what the right thing is. Daniel Bryan then comes out to an eruption of “YES!” chants. Bryan takes the mic and says the right thing is to let he and Randy Orton settle this once and for all and regardless of what anyone does. Inside Hell In A Cell, no one gets in and, no one gets out until there is a definitive winner. And now he knows Shawn Michaels is Triple H’s best friend they’ve heard it a million times. But he’s also his own man and he’s not going to favour Daniel Bryan nor is he going to favour Randy Orton. Shawn Michaels is going to do what’s best for business. And when he does, after everything Triple H has said to Bryan, Bryan is going to prove him wrong. And when he does, he is going to become the new WWE Champion. And, as much as Triple H might hate it, the new face of the WWE.  Bryan gets in Triple H’s face and begins chanting “YES!” and smirks at him. Triple H slowly gets up and looks at Bryan before going to leave. Bryan stops him and he turns around as Bryan looks at him once again begins to chant “YES!” as Triple H looks at him and exits the ring.


We come back from commercial and see a “Did You Know” graphic

Miz is out on commentary for the opening match

The Wyatt Family vs The Usos

Jey ducks a clothesline by Rowan and dropkicks Harper. Rowan connects with the clothesline and unloads on Jimmy. Irish whip by Harper and Rowan with a splash in the corner. Irish whip and big boot by Harper connects with Jey.  Side headlock by Harper. Package piledriver by Harper on Jey and 2 count only. Jimmy gets the tag, Jimmy to the top rope connects with a clothesline on Harper. A right hand to Rowan, Harper misses with the clothesline, Jimmy with a thrust kick and samoan drop on Harper. Back splash in the corner. Jimmy with a hook of the leg and 2 count only as Rowan breaks it up. Jey with a thrust kick to Rowan and The Usos push Rowan out of the ring. Back body drop and Harper sent over the top ropes. Jimmy flies over the top rope taking out Rowan. Jey follows but Harper connects with a forearm. Big boot to Jimmy by Harper as Wyatt looks on. Wyatt rolls Harper back in and Miz leaves the announce table and takes out Wyatt. Rowan chases after Miz leaving Harper in the ring with The Usos and double thrust kick by The Usos and Jimmy covers Harper for the three count

The winners of the match: The Usos

Backstage: Tamina & AJ are making their way out to the ring


AJ Lee vs Nikki Bella

Drop toehold by Nikki. Nikki with the Thesz Press on AJ. AJ slides to the outside.               AJ with a hot shot to Nikki from the outside. 1 count on Nikki. AJ choking Nikki out on the ropes. AJ picks Nikki up and delivers a neckbreaker and another 1 count. Chinlock by AJ as Nikki gets to her feet delivering elbows to AJ. Nikki backs AJ into the corner forcing a break, snapmare by Nikki and a clothesline out of the corner to AJ. Another clothesline and elbow to AJ. Nikki with a dropkick, tossing AJ into the corner. Nikki goes for a baseball slide dropkick in the corner but AJ rolls out of the way. Tamina rolls AJ back in, Brie looking to take Tamina out but Tamina tosses Brie into the ring steps. AJ with the Black Widow locked in on Nikki forcing her to tap out

The winner of the match by submission: AJ Lee


Back from commercial we take a retrospective look back at the career of John Cena.

Backstage: Bray Wyatt takes us to a dimly lit area where Harper and Rowan are standing over Miz, who was attacked after chasing Rowan from ringside. Wyatt says he tried to warn Miz and now Miz will truly understand what it means to Follow The Buzzards

Los Matadores vs Heath Slater & Drew McIntyre

The Real Americans and Zeb Colter make their way out and stand at the top of the stage prior to the match

McIntyre unloads on Diego. Flying headscissors by Diego. Jawbreaker by McIntyre. Slater with a kneelift to Diego and McIntyre with a boot to the face. Slater with a splash. Double slingshot suplex by McIntyre and Slater. Armbar by McIntyre. McIntyre with a kneelift. Diego with flying forearms. Crossbody off the second rope. Fernando on the second rope, takes out Slater. Fernando gets the tag and goes to the top rope. Fernando jumps over McIntyre, Diego pushes McIntyre into Fernando who delivers a Mic Check for the three count

The winners of the match: Los Matadores

Post Match: El Torito takes out Jinder Mahal. Zeb Colter takes the mic and calls them border hoppin’ bandidos and says he didn’t lay face down in Cambodia and risk his life so some illegal immigrants could attack him from behind and asks what kind of men actually kidnap another man and put him in a bull’s outfit and says it’s men that partake in deviant behaviour. But, at Hell In A Cell, America will take a step in the right direction when The Real Americans prevail and that’s no bull and ends the promo with his usual catchphrase “We The People”

Backstage:  Paul Heyman and Ryback are discussing strategy for their upcoming match


Ryback & Paul Heyman vs CM Skunk

Ryback and Heyman make their way out to the ring as we look at footage from this past Monday’s tag team match with CM Punk & Big E . Langston taking on Ryback and Curtis Axel. Heyman takes the mic and says what the WWE Universe are about to bear witness to is a demonstration of the teamwork that will occur this Sunday in the first-ever 2 on 1 handicap match inside Hell In A Cell. Heyman then introduces everyone to their opponent for tonight. CM Skunk.

Skunk with a right hand and series of kicks. Ryback picks Skunk up and drives him into the corner. Skunk picked up by Ryback and drilled with a series of powerbombs. Heyman calls for the tag. Heyman looks under the ring and pulls out a kendo stick. Kendo shots to the back by Heyman. Heyman yells for Ryback to finish him off. Ryback delivers the Meat Hook clothesline and follows it with ShellShocked for the three count. Heyman  stand with a foot on Skunk for the three count

The winners of the match: Ryback & Paul Heyman

Post Match: Heyman says for those who want to sit there and boo, that was a parody of CM Punk and what just happened is just to show how deadly serious they are about this Sunday. Because, this Sunday, his monster Ryback is going to take every inch of that cell and use it to his advantage when he grabs CM Punk by the hair and scrapes his face against every inch of that cell. And then, then Heyman is going to step inside the ring and once again, thanks to his monster Ryback, pin CM Punk 1, 2, 3. And once again prove to everyone else and CM Punk once and for all that his name is Paul Heyman and he is The BEST…IN THE WORLD.

Backstage: Vickie is laughing at the name CM Skunk and rhyming to herself “Punk, Skunk”. Big E. Langston then walks in and Vickie asks what she can do for him. Langston says they all saw Miz go down which means there’s an open slot in the main event and he wants in. Vickie asks what makes him think he belongs in her main event. Langston says everyone’s talked about him being young, inexperienced, a rookie. He’s young, but hungry. He wants a shot. Vickie says that sounds interesting and she’ll run it by Triple H and get back to him. Langston asks if she isn’t the GM of Smackdown and doesn’t she make the decisions? Or did he walk into the office of Brad Maddox. Vickie says if he wants an opportunity, he’ll allow him in her main event but not to ever compare her to Brad Maddox ever again.


Alberto Del Rio comes out and says this Sunday at Hell In A Cell  he’s going to prove to everyone that John Cena is fooling himself. John Cena is not ready to face the World Heavyweight Champion. The crowd starts a “USA” chant. Del Rio continues, saying he knows John Cena thinks he is like some sort of Superman but asks if Cena’s losing his mind and going crazy. Del Rio says he is a rea life Mexican superhero. He stands  for loyalty, justice, and the Mexican way. In this moment, in Mexico, they’re throwing parades for him and naming monuments and children after him because Mexican people love Alberto Del Rio. He says, however, he doesn’t speak for all of them. He only speaks for those who share his class and sophistication. And that’s exactly why the reason he doesn’t speak for the WWE Universe. Besides, the fans have their own hero. John Cena. And this Sunday, at Hell In A Cell, he’s going to put Cena in the cross armbreaker and never let go. Del Rio says the fans that make up the WWE Universe and the peasants of his country do have one thing in common. They can all kiss his (bleep). Del Rio then begins to wave the Mexican flag.

Fandango and Summer Rae are making their way out to the ring


Fandango vs Great Khali

Series of chops by Fandango. Khali shoves him against the ropes and knocks him down with a shoulderblock. Giant chop in the corner. Fandango with a kick to the side of the head and he’s unloading on Khali. Fandango runs into an elbow and sends Fandango to the mat with a big boot. Summer Rae up on the apron for the distraction. Fandango grabs Khali’s leg and trips him. Natalya runs around to the other side of the ring and grabs Summer Rae’s leg. Summer Rae slaps Natalya and Natalya chases her into the ring and spears her and a brawl breaks out as the referee calls for the bell.

The winner of the match: No Contest


We get another “WWE Fact”

Daniel Bryan, Big E. Langston & Rhodes Dynasty vs Randy Orton & The Shield

Ambrose backs Rhodes into the corner and throws a right but Rhodes blocks it and lands a series of punches and kicks. Irish whip and back bodydrop to Ambrose. Goldust in and snapmare to Ambrose. Elbowdrop by Goldust. Open handed strikes by Goldust. Clothesline by Goldust. Rhodes back in throws Ambrose to the outside and The Shield re-grouping on the outside as we go to break


Rollins with chops to Langston. Rollins off the ropes and Langston catches him with a belly to belly suplex. Rhodes with an irish whip countered by Rollins. Rhodes jumps up to the ropes, flips over Rollins and rolls him up for a pin. Rollins blocks a right hand by Rhodes and sends him face first into the turnbuckle. Headbutt to the ribs by Reigns. Reigns with an irish whip runs into a boot. Bryan in off the tag, landing a series of kicks. Leg takedown by Bryan. Bryan with a submission on Reigns. Langston in driving his shoulder into Reigns. Goldust fires off punches but Reigns fights back. Crossbody off the top rope by Goldust. Irish whip by Reigns and right hand by Rhodes. Reigns has Rhodes in The Shield’s corner. Ambrose measuring Rhodes with punches. Orton in for the first time in this match. Unloads with right hands on Rhodes. Rhodes firing back with punches. Orton with a headbutt and kick. Clothesline by Rhodes. Suplex to Orton. Rhodes stomping on Orton and Orton in the wrong corner now as Goldust unloads on him. Nearfall by Goldust. Rhodes goes for a pin and Rhodes looking to land a series of punches in the corner but Orton counters and hangs him out over the top rope. Right hand sends Rhodes to the outside. Ambrose throws Rhodes back in and a stomp by Ambrose. Ambrose with repeated stomps on Rhodes. Orton back in, misses with a kneedrop. Rhodes unloads with punches on Orton. Orton counters and hits a backbreaker


Suplex by Reigns. Frequent tags between Rollins and Ambrose. Rhodes with a jawbreaker to Rollins. Rollins preventing Rhodes from making the tag. Rhodes with boots to Ambrose, dropkick to Reigns. Rhodes catches Rollins in the midsection. Series of clotheslines by Goldust. Back bodydrop. Rollins makes the tag, Reigns with a clothesline to Goldust. The Shield and Orton unload on Goldust with headbutts, punches and kicks. Rollins and Reigns with an irish whip, Goldust with springboard elbows. Bryan gets the tag and takes out Orton, Rollins, and Reigns. Irish whip to Ambrose. Ambrose misses with a clothesline. Suicide dive to the outside by Bryan. Missile dropkick to Ambrose. Bryan with the Yes Kicks. Bryan with the Yes Lock. Reigns breaks it up, Langston in. Rollins throws Langston out. Rhodes with the Disaster Kick. Crossbody onto Rollins and Reigns. Irish whip by Bryan and running dropkick to Ambrose. Bryan misses a second dropkick as Orton gets the tag. Orton setting up drops Bryan with the DDT. Orton looks to RKO Langston but Langston pushes Orton into Bryan who lays him out with a dropkick for the three count

The winners of the match: Daniel Bryan, Big E. Langston & The Rhodes Dynasty

-End Show-

Tags: #results #triple h #wyatt family #usos #aj lee #bella twins #los matadores #3mb #ryback #paul heyman #fandango #great khali daniel bryan #big e langston #cody rhodes #goldust #randy orton #shield

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